Re: WebID-ISSUE-61 (xsd): xsd datatypes [ontologies]

On 16.11.2011 17:19, WebID Incubator Group Issue Tracker wrote:
>   - xsd:base64Binary
-1 This datatype allows to incorrect values. For example:
rsa:modulus "XX YY ZZ"^^xsd:base64Binary;
Formally it is correct, but it isn''t hex value.
>   - xsd:hexBinary
But I propose more readable and full-validate datatype based on 
xsd:string and restrictions to hex and "-" sign:
   <label xml:lang="en">hexadecimal</label>
   <xsd:base rdf:resource=""/>
An example:
rsa:modulus "00-cb-24...91-a1"""^^cert:hex
As you can see it is modification of cert#hex, but now it is defined 
strictly and based on well-known xsd:string.

Best regards,
Dominik 'domel' Tomaszuk

Received on Saturday, 19 November 2011 21:33:46 UTC