Fwd: another suggestion for adjacent redundant links
Suggestion for Redundant Adjacent Links failure
Proposed technique for 3.1.4
28 February Team B meeting reminder
Regrets for Feb 28 meeting and action items
FW: Proposed definition for data table vs layout table
FW: Your comments about HTML techniques for SC 1.3.1
FW: Your comments about HTML techniques for data tables
FW: Your comments on HTML technique for tabular information
- FW: Your comments on HTML technique for tabular information
- FW: Your comments on HTML technique for tabular information
FW: Your comments re HTML technique about using th element
FW: Your comments on the general technique Measuring the readability of text content
FW: Plain text techniques: can a heading end the content?
Re: Failure due to using CSS to create variations...
FW: HTML Table techniques: have your comments been addressed?
Please review new scripting technique for 1.3.1
RE: oops wrong subject.. it is SC 2.4.5 for Team B
Updated Failure for 1.3.6
Action item: Updated semantic elements technique
New failure for 2.4.5
Minutes from February 21, 2006 team b meeting
semantic markup resource
Task for techniques that have been approved
General technique for 3.1.3: Providing definitions in context for words used in unusual or restricted way
Re: Providing the expansion or explanation of an abbreviation
FW: Alertbox: Avoid Within-Page Links
21 February 2006 Team B meeting
Action item: created pre element failure for 1.3.1
SC 3.1.1 and 3.1.2
SC 2.4.5
Action item: Tabindex technique
Good work
Action item: Added "Using semantic elements to mark up structure" to WIKI
New Technique for 2.4.5, Supplementing link text with the title attribute
- Re: New Technique for 2.4.5, Supplementing link text with the title attribute
- RE: New Technique for 2.4.5, Supplementing link text with the title attribute
Propose removing one HTML techniques for 2.4.5
- RE: Propose removing one HTML techniques for 2.4.5
- RE: Propose removing one HTML techniques for 2.4.5
- RE: Propose removing one HTML techniques for 2.4.5
If you have trouble with WIKI
Team B Minutes, 2/14/06
Examples of un associated link text
SC 3.1.4 edits
2.4.4 techniques update
Soliciting advice on SC 2.4.5
New technique for SC 1.3.1- fieldset and legend
New technique for SC 1.3.1: summary attribute for tables
14 February Team B Call: Agenda
More updated HTML techniques for SC 1.3.1
- RE: More updated HTML techniques for SC 1.3.1
- RE: More updated HTML techniques for SC 1.3.1
- RE: More updated HTML techniques for SC 1.3.1
- RE: More updated HTML techniques for SC 1.3.1
Techniques for 2.4.7 (controversial)
Updated techniques for SC 2.4.6
updated plain text techniques
New technique for SC 1.3.1- Using scope attribute
FW: Team B - hierarchy note
Headings test
Glitch in new 1.3 survey (09 February)
Update: Techniques for SC 3.1.5
Progress report on techniques for 3.1.5
Site map technique for 2.4.2 and 2.4.8
Feb 7, 2006 Team B Minutes
Open issues SC 2.4.3
Draft technques for SC 3.1.5
New wording for SC 3.1.5
TEAM B - ignore --> RE: Team A - Please pick at 4.1 SC and write up techniques - or at least notes
Team A - Please pick at 4.1 SC and write up techniques - or at least notes
Reminder: Team B call Tuesday 1:00 PM US Eastern
Status page for GL 1.3 updated
new failure techniques for GL 1.3
Suggest removing one of the failures for SC 1.3.5
Site Maps
Draft of SC 3.1.4 and related techniques - please review
- RE: Draft of SC 3.1.4 and related techniques - please review
- RE: Draft of SC 3.1.4 and related techniques - please review
- Re: Draft of SC 3.1.4 and related techniques - please review