- From: John M Slatin <john_slatin@austin.utexas.edu>
- Date: Mon, 13 Feb 2006 15:54:53 -0600
- To: <public-wcag-teamb@w3.org>
I've added another HTML technique for SC 1.3.1: Providing a label for groups of radio buttons or checkboxes using the fieldset and legend elements http://trace.wisc.edu/wcag_wiki/index.php?title=Providing_a_label_for_gr oups_of_radio_buttons_or_checkboxes_using_the_fieldset_and_legend_elemen ts John "Good design is accessible design." John Slatin, Ph.D. Director, Accessibility Institute University of Texas at Austin FAC 248C 1 University Station G9600 Austin, TX 78712 ph 512-495-4288, f 512-495-4524 email jslatin@mail.utexas.edu web http://www.utexas.edu/research/accessibility/
Received on Monday, 13 February 2006 21:55:01 UTC