- From: John M Slatin <john_slatin@austin.utexas.edu>
- Date: Mon, 6 Feb 2006 15:52:23 -0600
- To: <public-wcag-teamb@w3.org>
10 AM Palo Alto 12:00 PM Austin 7:00 PM Amsterdam, Rome, Stockholm 8:00 PM Jersalem Please post the draft techniques/issue-closing recommendations for your assigned SC sowe can discuss on the call. (I'm still working on SC 3.1.5...) Thanks! John "Good design is accessible design." John Slatin, Ph.D. Director, Accessibility Institute University of Texas at Austin FAC 248C 1 University Station G9600 Austin, TX 78712 ph 512-495-4288, f 512-495-4524 email jslatin@mail.utexas.edu web http://www.utexas.edu/research/accessibility/
Received on Monday, 6 February 2006 21:52:35 UTC