Soliciting advice on SC 2.4.5

I've been working on this How To page
and its techniques. 

1.	Are Associating the description of a delivery unit with its
tion_of_a_delivery_unit_with_its_reference&action=edit>  and Providing a
supplemental description of a delivery unit
l_description_of_a_delivery_unit&action=edit>  general techniques that
we need to define? If so, what do they need to address?
2.	I've written a draft for Describing the delivery unit in text
immediately preceding the programmatic reference
_unit_in_text_immediately_preceding_the_programmatic_reference>  , but
there isn't much too it, and I don't know how to define how much text,
or how to find the text, in a testable manner. Comments or suggestions?
3.	Is Supplementing link text with the title attribute
_with_the_title_attribute>  a sufficient technique? John, do I remember
you saying that it is not supported by screen readers? 
4.	I moved Providing adjacent image and text links that point to
the same resource
e_and_text_links_that_point_to_the_same_resource>  from a technique to a
common failure. Do you agree?

Loretta Guarino Reid
Adobe Systems, Acrobat Engineering 

Received on Monday, 13 February 2006 22:01:59 UTC