Fwd: another suggestion for adjacent redundant links

> ------ Forwarded Message
> From: Yvette Hoitink <y.p.hoitink@heritas.nl>
> Organization: Heritas
> Date: Tue, 28 Feb 2006 11:13:40 +0100
> To: 'Loretta Guarino Reid' <lguarino@adobe.com>
> Subject: RE: SC 2.4.5: have your comments been addressed?

> Hi Loretta,
> The edit addresses my concern.
> You asked what SC this one should be a failure for. We could add a SC that
> links within a delivery unit should be unique (at level 3?). I'm not sure that
> I think that is a big enough accessibility problem to include in our
> guidelines though. Could we make this an advisory technique for 2.4 instead?
> Met vriendelijke groeten,
> Yvette Hoitink
> Commercieel directeur Heritas
> E-mail: y.p.hoitink@heritas.nl
> WWW: http://www.heritas.nl <http://www.heritas.nl/>
>>  From: Loretta Guarino Reid  [mailto:lguarino@adobe.com]
>> Sent: dinsdag 28 februari 2006  3:30
>> To: Yvette Hoitink; Ben Caldwell; John M Slatin; Andi  Snow-Weaver; Michael
>> Cooper; Becky Gibson; sorcha@segala.com; Kerstin  Goldsmith; Cynthia Shelly;
>> Gregg Vanderheiden
>> Subject: SC 2.4.5:  have your comments been addressed?
>> Team B is  trying to determine whether your comments have been properly
>> addressed for the  following failures. Could you please let us know by  noon
>> EST pm on Tuesday, Feb 28?
>> If you have  trouble with the tinyurl links, you should also be able to get
>> to the  technique from the survey item description.
>> Thanks,  Loretta
>> Based on your  comments, we believe that
>> -       This is one failure, and not two. The second failure  has been folded
>> into the first. 
>> -       This is not a failure of SC 2.4.5. It has been  removed from that SC.
>> We still think it is a failure, but we are  looking for a more relevant
>> success criterion  (possibly a new one!). Suggestions welcome.
>> Failure: Failure due  to providing adjacent image and text links that point
>> to the same  resource
>>   http://tinyurl.com/m5z2h
>> Comments:  
>> http://www.w3.org/2002/09/wbs/35422/gl24feb23/results
>> <http://www.w3.org/2002/09/wbs/35422/gl24feb23/results> #x245faila
>> Failure: Failure due  to including multiple links in a table that point to
>> the same resource and  have the same description
>>   http://tinyurl.com/mjvpv
>> Comments:
>> http://www.w3.org/2002/09/wbs/35422/gl24feb23/results#x245failt
>> Loretta Guarino  Reid
>> lguarino@adobe.com
>> Adobe  Systems, Acrobat Engineering

------ End of Forwarded Message

Received on Tuesday, 28 February 2006 13:20:43 UTC