FW: Proposed definition for data table vs layout table

------ Forwarded Message
> From: <Sofia.Celic@nils.org.au>
> Date: Mon, 27 Feb 2006 17:20:08 +1100
> To: <lguarino@adobe.com>
> Subject: Re: HTML Table techniques: have your comments been addressed?
> Hi Loretta,
> <start quote>
>> Hi Loretta,
>> A point regarding more than one of the techniques:
>> - I don't think that the statement "determine whether changing the
>> placement of content in data cells (td) changes the meaning of the
> content.
>> If "no," the table is a layout table. If "yes," the table is a data
> table.
>> " is necessarily correct. It is possible to change the placement of
>> non-tabular information and have its meaning affected by it.
> Hmmm. Have you got any suggestions for a better way to determine whether a
> table structure is representing tabular information? Is both the vertical
> and horizontal position significant in a data table in a way that is not
> true for layout tables?
> <end quote>
> I think the closest to accurate will be to use the fact that tabular data
> has a two-dimensional relationship with the data around it. So perhaps
> something along the lines of "determine whether the content has a
> relationship with other content in both its column and its row. If "yes"
> then the table is most likely a data table. If "no" then the table is a
> layout table."
> What do you think?
> Sofia
> ____________________________
> Dr Sofia Celic
> Senior Web Accessibility Consultant
> Vision Australia - Accessible Information Solutions
> 454 Glenferrie Road
> Kooyong, Victoria, 3144
> Ph: +61 (0)3 9864 9284
> Fax: +61 (0)3 9864 9370
> E-mail: Sofia.Celic@visionaustralia.org.au
> www.visionaustralia.org.au
> Vision Australia was formed through the merger of
> Royal Blind Society, the Royal Victorian Institute for the Blind,
> Vision Australia Foundation and the National Information and Library
> Service.
> ABN: 67 108 391 831. ACN: 108 391 831

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Received on Monday, 27 February 2006 15:12:50 UTC