- From: John M Slatin <john_slatin@austin.utexas.edu>
- Date: Fri, 3 Feb 2006 10:06:12 -0600
- To: <public-wcag-teamb@w3.org>
Hi, All. We need to review the existing techniques for GL 3.1 and edit/revise them as appropriate. We also need to draft new techniques and tests as needed to ensure that there is at least one sufficient technique for each of the five SC in this guideline. We also need to recommend how to close open issues logged against the SC. The table of GL 3.1 Last Call Issues is at http://trace.wisc.edu/wcag_wiki/index.php?title=GL_3.1_Last_Call_Issues. For each SC, the table lists open issues and describes the status of techniques. I'd like to assign the SC to members of Team B as follows: SC 3.1.1 and3.1.2 (natural language and changes in natural language): Yvette, Roberto Scano SC 3.1.3 (words used in unusual or restricted way): Bengt, John, Lisa SC 3.1.4 (abbreviations): Loretta SC 3.1.5 (readability/supplemental content): John Below I've listed the SC together with links to the 23 November drafts of the appropriate How to Meet documents. Use these for reference as you work-no need to spend time duplicating work that's already been done and approved!! (Of course you may feel that it's necessary to modify these documents. Please focus on what you consider essential things!! SC 3.1.1 (identifying primary natural language): Yvette and Roberto Scano How to Meet SC 3.1.1: http://www.w3.org/WAI/GL/WCAG20/WD-UNDERSTANDING-WCAG20/#meaning-doc-lan g-id There are links from the How to Meet doc to a number of technology-specific techniques. SC 3.1.2 Changes in natural language: Yvette and Roberto Scano How to Meet SC 3.1.2: http://www.w3.org/WAI/GL/WCAG20/WD-UNDERSTANDING-WCAG20/#meaning-other-l ang-id The Techniques section lists a number of technology-specific techniques. It also includes a link to the technique Identifying primary natural language, which should be a sufficient technique for SC 3.1.1. The technique for identifying language changes (for SC 3.1.2) may need to repeat much of the information from the "primary language" technique, but adapt it to the context of this SC. Note: there's been at least an oral suggestion that SC 3.1.2 should be reworded to remove the word "foreign." The idea would be for the SC to addresses language changes within the content, e.g., "Changes of natural language within the content can be programmatically determined." SC 3.1.3 words used in an unusual or restricted way: Bengt, John, Lisa http://How to Meet SC 3.1.3 www.w3.org/WAI/GL/WCAG20/WD-UNDERSTANDING-WCAG20/#meaning-idioms SC 3.1.4 (abbreviations): Loretta How to Meet SC 3.1.4 http://www.w3.org/WAI/GL/WCAG20/WD-UNDERSTANDING-WCAG20/#meaning-located SC 3.1.5 education level: John How to Meet SC 3.1.5 http://www.w3.org/WAI/GL/WCAG20/WD-UNDERSTANDING-WCAG20/#meaning-supplem ents "Good design is accessible design." Dr. John M. Slatin, Director Accessibility Institute University of Texas at Austin FAC 248C 1 University Station G9600 Austin, TX 78712 ph 512-495-4288, fax 512-495-4524 email jslatin@mail.utexas.edu Web http://www.utexas.edu/research/accessibility
Received on Friday, 3 February 2006 16:06:20 UTC