- From: Gregg Vanderheiden <gv@trace.wisc.edu>
- Date: Wed, 15 Feb 2006 10:19:01 -0600
- To: <public-wcag-teama@w3.org>, <public-wcag-teamb@w3.org>, <public-wcag-teamc@w3.org>
- Message-ID: <007c01c6324b$88ece3c0$ee8cfea9@NC6000BAK>
If anyone is having trouble with WIKI - don't let that discourage you. You can just create the technique in email and send it to the group and someone will post it for you. Here are the guidelines for creating a technique. Good for everyone to review too. Editing Techniques When editing techniques, use the Technique Template <http://trace.wisc.edu/wcag_wiki/index.php?title=Technique_Template> : * copy the template into any new techniques pages * existing techniques in wiki that don't match this format should be updated to use this format * categorize all techniques by technology each technique page in the wiki should begin with: [[Category:<Tech> Techniques]] where <Tech> is replaced with CSS, General, HTML, Script, SMIL, or Server as appropriate. (This information is in the Technique template). * should a technique title change, select "move" in the tabbed options at the top of the page and enter the new title of the page in the input field. This moves the page to a new location, automatically preserving links from elsewhere in the wiki and retaining the history of changes. [edit <http://trace.wisc.edu/wcag_wiki/index.php?title=Tips_for_editing_techniques &action=edit§ion=2> ] Technique writeup checklist When you are finished with the technique, be sure that you check your writeup against this list - The writeup follows the guidelines below for each section - the following words do not appear anywhere in the writeup - required - must - shall ( These words can confuse a user especially if looking at an advisory technique But even in a sufficient technique it must be remembered that sufficient techniques are all optional (they are sufficient but not necessarily required. There may be another method) - The technique is written up as descriptive not imperative. That is, the sentences say "with this technque you xyz" not "do xyz". The only exception is testing where the steps are imperative. No comment about sufficiency or advisory, etc. should be in the technique document. Again, the information should be at the UW2 level instead. There are several reasons for this. First, it is confusing to say that the technique is sufficient for a success criteria for one technique but the same technique is not sufficient for another (because it might only be sufficient in combination). Also, some techniques may be sufficient in one place and advisory in another. Finally, you can end up with something where the techniques document differs from the understanding document is too hard for people to review and make sure they have things correct if the information is in multiple places and not exactly the same. SPECIAL NOTES for KNOWN FAILURE technique docs are provided at the end of the regular notes Technique sections: * Applicability: Includes information on when it is technically appropriate to use the technique. - DO NOT include information on when you should or should not use the technique for accessibility or conformance. - NO Baseline references - DOES include inforamtion on whtn it is technically appropriate to use to use the technology Example TABLE HEADERS - Applicability: Use for data tables but not for layout tables (ref HTML 4.01)\ * User Agent and Assistive Technology Support Notes Include Notes on any known issues regarding lack of support for this technique with commonly used user agents or assistive technologies. Do not include this title on General Techniques * Description: main content of the technique Start with a sentence saying "the objective of this technique is..." Follow that with information necessary to understand what they are trying to achieve and how to carry out the technique * Examples: examples of the technique in action. Rendered examples as well as descriptions of examples are useful For technology specific techniques code samples are highly recommended. * Resources: links to free resources that - support the technique - provide educational information - are Public-Domain Test tools for this Technique - citations of specific sections of standards related to this technique * Related Techniques This should include only closely related techniques such as techniques for going beyond what this technique requires. For example, the technique for attaching short text alternatives may also list general techniques for the content of the text alternative (i.e. writing good text alternatives). * Test: This section should describe how to test reliably that the technique has been applied, or that it has not been applied. * Procedure' Provide a numbered list of the steps in the testing procedure - be sure to not go beyond this technique. (e.g. if it is a technique to attach alternate text do not talk about sufficiency of the text (which is covered by another technique) just test to see that it is there) * Expected Result List what should be found if the technique was successful. * Test Files ( if possible - demonstrating Pass and demonstrating Fail) There are no test files for general techniques and this section is skipped. NOTE: "Related tests" should not be included or linked to. Each of those tests is actually a test of another technique. They may be needed for sufficiency, may be part of a different sufficiency set (and therefore not needed with this technique to satisfy sufficiency), or may be advisory (optional). To avoid confusion they should not be linked to from this technique. Instead each technique (and its included test) should be linked to from the appropriate point in the Understanding WCAG 2.0 document. [edit <http://trace.wisc.edu/wcag_wiki/index.php?title=Tips_for_editing_techniques &action=edit§ion=4> ] KNOWN FAILURE - technique Descriptions These technique descriptions need to be done with particular care to make user that they are clearly failures. Also, stating that something is a failure is close to 'requiring' something for conformance - which we cannot do it a technique. Therefore the failure must always be stated in terms of the success criteria wording itself. It should also be a statement of fact, not a statement of failure. For example, in 1.1.1 there is a failure due to text not being a text alternative. Since text alternatives are required in the sc language, this is clearly not going larger or smaller than the sc. The failures then are just statements of things that are clearly not text alternatives (facts). The example section doesnt say that these are failures; just that they are not text alternatives. Then the test section doesnt talk about passing or failing the technique. (what does it mean to fail a failure technique). Instead it says: "If any are found then this failure condition applies and content fails the success criterion." Gregg ------------------------ Gregg C Vanderheiden Ph.D. Professor - Depts of Ind. Engr. & BioMed Engr. Director - Trace R & D Center University of Wisconsin-Madison < <http://trace.wisc.edu/> http://trace.wisc.edu/> FAX 608/262-8848 For a list of our list discussions http://trace.wisc.edu/lists/ The Player for my DSS sound file is at http://tinyurl.com/dho6b <http://trace.wisc.edu:8080/mailman/listinfo/>
Received on Wednesday, 15 February 2006 16:19:19 UTC