from September 2009 by subject

[Bug 5822] The headers attribute should be able to reference a td

[Bug 5897] Make Ω and Å expand to their NFC equivalents

[Bug 6256] Mutation event behavior on unspecified

[Bug 6476] cross-origin media element loads and progress events

[Bug 6496] [blocked on aria] Allow <img aria-labelledby> to act as a caption

[Bug 6543] Mint a new element for figure captions

[Bug 6606] generic 3rd-party <mark>, Smart Tags, and Accelerators prevention

[Bug 6853] restore meta keywords, search engines use them

[Bug 7011] [in off-bug discussion] canvas accessible fallback provision is under specified

[Bug 7059] Forking XPath

[Bug 7062] replace terms "CDATA element" and "RCDATA element" with... something better

[Bug 7075] The embed element should be deprecated

[Bug 7084] <ul><li>A<ul></li>B is parsed backwards-incompatibly

[Bug 7137] Need to fill in the references section.

[Bug 7153] Want standardization of .naturalWidth and .naturalHeight, which some browsers already have

[Bug 7179] <xmp> should close <p> (does in IE and WebKit)

[Bug 7185] itemprop needs to be after item; no longer a-z ordered due to the name change prolly.

[Bug 7190] Since all "specially focusable" elements have an activation behaviour, the Action of accesskey-laden commands is to _not_ focus them if they are focusable. Instead, such elements should probably always be focused if focusable, then be activated.

[Bug 7211] define "positive integer" and use it consistently, instead of "non-negative integer greater than zero"

[Bug 7215] character encodings and XML

[Bug 7238] more examples

[Bug 7246] Add examples for <keygen>

[Bug 7253] Media elements should provide a "next" property to gaplessly play back another media object after it has finished. This woud allow proper playback of gapless albums and an in-browser implementation of HTTP Adaptive Bitrate Streaming.

[Bug 7254] If <audio> was able to play back multiple source urls without gaps, JavaScript could decode or generate continuous audio to data: urls on the fly.

[Bug 7255] "This will either return a year and month" --> "This will return either a year and month"

[Bug 7256] "which is not a real time zone currently" --> which is not currently a real time zone

[Bug 7258] Should state that a new Date object is returned each time the date/time/timezone attributes are accessed if the intention is for them not to be reflecting datetime="" or the element content.

[Bug 7261] In the third code example, a code element is opened but a </cite> tag closes it. The opening tag should be <cite>.

[Bug 7263] this thing really heavy, tried solution: switch to user mode css, after all rendered, return to author mode, scrolling is heavy though,,, try open panel & add info, heavy too..

[Bug 7266] Section states twice in green that other specs can define other event loops, can remove one of those

[Bug 7268] contradicts 4.7.1 wrt implied paragraph boundaries (should not in 4.7.1, not good practice in 4.7.4). dont repeat example or simplify

[Bug 7269] user agent requirements: for value=8 max="", step 4 and 11 will cause current value and maximum value to be set to 1, which is destructive (if script wanted to obtain the original value). suggest step 4 change to set maximum to value

[Bug 7272] The explanatory text and the diagram suggest that legs and tails should be th, rather than td -- but the example has td. JimJJewett@gmail

[Bug 7273] The word "left" should not be part of the link when saying that attributes can be left unquoted. It sounds too much like "left outer join" or such, and might imply that it was legal to unquote only one side, or some such oddness. JimJJewett@gmail

[Bug 7274] The word "left" should not be part of the link when saying that attributes can be left unquoted. It sounds too much like "left outer join" or such, and might imply that it was legal to unquote only one side, or some such oddness. JimJJewett@gmail

[Bug 7275] "The markup snippet at the top of this section" should be a link to that snippet; the section is long enough that the snippet will already have scrolled off-screen for some people. (In my case, it had also escaped my short-term memory.) JimJJewett@gmail

[Bug 7276] "tree order" -- is this a section that can assume formal compsci training, or should a short (4 nodes?) example be given? JimJJewett@gmail

[Bug 7277] """(This is only a "SHOULD" and not a "MUST" requirement because it has been proven to be impossible.""" There has to be better wording than 'should do the impossible'. Should attempt to verify? Impossible in some cases? JimJJewett@gmail

[Bug 7278] numbers seem ignorant of i18n - is <meter>10,3</meter> taken as 10? requirements for number may expand to include, i.e.: U+002C COMMA for European №

[Bug 7282] add dummy willValidate() and company to object

[Bug 7283] add examples here

[Bug 7284] add examples here

[Bug 7285] add examples here

[Bug 7286] add examples here

[Bug 7287] add examples here

[Bug 7288] add examples here

[Bug 7289] add examples here

[Bug 7290] add examples here

[Bug 7291] add examples here

[Bug 7292] add examples here

[Bug 7293] add examples here

[Bug 7294] add examples here

[Bug 7295] add examples here

[Bug 7296] add examples here

[Bug 7297] add examples here

[Bug 7298] add examples here

[Bug 7299] mark up examples

[Bug 7300] add examples here

[Bug 7301] add examples here

[Bug 7302] add examples here

[Bug 7303] add examples here

[Bug 7304] add examples here

[Bug 7305] add examples here

[Bug 7306] add examples here

[Bug 7307] add examples here

[Bug 7308] add examples here

[Bug 7309] add examples here

[Bug 7310] add examples here

[Bug 7311] add examples here

[Bug 7312] add examples for tables

[Bug 7313] add examples here

[Bug 7314] add examples here

[Bug 7315] add examples here

[Bug 7316] add examples here

[Bug 7317] add examples here

[Bug 7318] add examples here

[Bug 7319] add examples here

[Bug 7320] add examples here

[Bug 7321] add examples here

[Bug 7322] add examples here

[Bug 7324] add examples here

[Bug 7325] add examples here

[Bug 7326] add examples here

[Bug 7327] add examples here

[Bug 7328] add examples here

[Bug 7329] add examples here

[Bug 7330] add examples here

[Bug 7331] add examples here

[Bug 7332] add examples here

[Bug 7333] add examples here

[Bug 7334] add examples here

[Bug 7335] add examples here

[Bug 7336] add examples here

[Bug 7337] add examples here

[Bug 7338] add examples here

[Bug 7339] add examples here

[Bug 7340] add examples here

[Bug 7341] add examples here

[Bug 7342] add examples here

[Bug 7343] add examples here

[Bug 7344] add examples here

[Bug 7345] add examples here

[Bug 7346] add examples here

[Bug 7347] add examples here

[Bug 7348] add examples for <menu type=context> and contextmenu=

[Bug 7349] add examples here

[Bug 7351] The note ("The point of hgroup is to mask an h2 element (that acts as a secondary title) from the outline algorithm.") should be explicitly associated with the example below it that it applies to. (in general, a hgroup could mask an h3, h4, h5, etc.).

[Bug 7357] That ApplicationCache implements EventTarget should be a line in the IDL, not in prose: "ApplicationCache implements EventTarget;". This might apply to other sections too.

[Bug 7362] inclusion of the title as a case where the alt may be omitted is problematic

[Bug 7364] The contents attribute is declared as read/write, however the following description only gives information about getting the value of the attribute. Should the contents attribute be marked as readonly?

[Bug 7367] The HTMLEmbedElement interface needs to have the name and align DOM attributes as well. Web browsers do too.

[Bug 7368] The suggested UI for the mark element does not match the description and the examples. E.g. code highlighting is not something you want to see marked in the scrollbar. Personally I think code highlighting should just be done with strong.

[Bug 7369] if context font is set to '' or null, the font from the css should be used. In this case, you have no idea what font is being use, so measureText should return a height of the font, as well as the width so that proper displaying can be done.

[Bug 7373] Need to fix "If a Document or image was returned by the XMLHttpRequest API" now that the document pointer concept is gone.

[Bug 7374] legend as child of details, figure is unstylable and thus unusable

[Bug 7375] Incorrect specification for window.postMessage()'s handling of unentangled ports

[Bug 7377] s/Dahltröm/Dahlström/

[Bug 7378] element name case fixup table is missing two SVG1.2T entries

[Bug 7379] HTML5 should reference SVG1.1 as well as SVG1.2T

[Bug 7380] Suggest heuristic detection of UTF-8

[Bug 7381] Clarify default encoding wording and add some examples for non-latin locales.

[Bug 7382] U+000D CARRIAGE RETURN in escaping text spans

[Bug 7383] drawImage(video) and createPattern(video) should say that the aspect-ratio-corrected dimensions must be used

[Bug 7384] editorial: " (either an HTMLImageElement or an HTMLCanvasElement)" is missing HTMLVideoElement

[Bug 7386] SharedWorkerGlobalScope

[Bug 7387] small element should have same content model as a, ins, del

[Bug 7389] Shouldn't "formnoValidate" be "formNoValidate"?

[Bug 7392] Please use some term other than "URL" for Web Addresses

[Bug 7395] "value associated with that denominator punctuation character" didn't get xrefed

[Bug 7396] shouldn't it be "if the defer attribute is specified, the src attribute must also be specified

[Bug 7397] in xref names, s|td/th|tdth|g in obsolete section

[Bug 7400] "as part" instead of "sa part"

[Bug 7402] The x and y arguments should be better explained.

[Bug 7403] What should happen when audio does not have controls but author specifies display:inline? Show fallback? Show blank box with the same size as if it had controls? Force display:none?

[Bug 7404] "but only if the element is being rendered" needs to take into account <canvas> descendants if we're making them focusable

[Bug 7406] Layout system for HTML

[Bug 7409] It's not clear what labeled control is in cases with > 1 control as a child of the <label>

[Bug 7411] :invalid and :out-of-range shouldn't match until the user has consciously interacted with the form. Roughly, after the input fires a change event. If, say, <input required> matches :invalid immediately on pageload, it becomes basically useless.

[Bug 7412] Add definition of <meta scheme>

[Bug 7413] Add definition of <html profile>

[Bug 7414] Please add a history section

[Bug 7415] "The rules for parsing simple color values are as given in the following algorithm." --> "The rules for parsing simple color values are given in the following algorithm."

[Bug 7416] IDNA has not been previously used or defined. It is not an obvious term. Please expand it or reference a definition on first use.

[Bug 7417] Why use radians as opposed to degrees? Does this mean I can never draw a complete circle because I don't have enough bits to represent 2pi?

[Bug 7419] Add replaceState() — e.g. consider panning on a maps application, not all the steps should be new states for back/forward, but we do want to update the url for persistence.

[Bug 7423] why deprecate s, u, strike, acronym? It makes no sense.

[Bug 7425] comments hould be after the root node

[Bug 7427] When the maxlength attribute is omitted it should return -1 like Opera and Firefox and not 0. (Alternatively it could return the maximum value like Chrome and presumably Safari do, but that seems less nice.

[Bug 7428] Safari 4 preloads media and FF 3.5 doesn't in <audio> tag; perhaps HTML5 sections are unclear or need a 'preloading' attribute added.

[Bug 7431] "willful double violation of RFC 2046": The word "double" is splitting the defined term "willful violation". This sounds like a new defined term and interferes with document searching. Instead use "willful violation of two aspects of RFC 2046"

[Bug 7432] 'have been noted as "willful violations"': Other places use the signular, "willful violation". For consistency, non-native english readers and easy text search, use the singular when defining the term. E.g. 'have each been noted as a "willful violation".

[Bug 7433] maybe tiny typo in example with figure: the last <figure> should be </figure> ?

[Bug 7434] Everything with role=heading should also have an associated aria-level that indicates the level of the heading. The level of the heading should probably be based on the outline algorithm.

[Bug 7435] Fichier XML de mise à jour mal formé (200)

[Bug 7436] Fichier XML de mise à jour mal formé (200)

[Bug 7437] The link for "mutable" points to textareas - no mention made of radio, button, input, password types

[Bug 7438] refine Status section to clarify difference between editor's bug list and the working-group issue list

[Bug 7439] Where it says "in the example above" when introducing attributes the example is actually below.

[Bug 7440] The markup of the example does not use <th> for Legs and Tails like the actual table does.

[Bug 7441] The specification only ever uses the prefix:localName convention for some attributes in the XML namespace and whenever it does it is pretty explicit about it. xml:id is never mentioned outside this section and the prefixes svg and html are never used.

[Bug 7442] Java applets are never conforming, and sometimes don't work

[Bug 7443] maybe list role and aria-* here

[Bug 7444] EUC-JP and ISO-2022-JP also need replacement encodings: CP51932 (or eucJP-ms) and CP50221.

[Bug 7445] editorial: This section becomes a subsection of "the xhtml syntax" in the author edition. Maybe either move this section somewhere else or keep the "Rendering" and "Interaction with CSS" headings outside class=impl

[Bug 7446] editorial: last paragraph should probably have class=impl

[Bug 7447] "Use the data and type attributes to invoke plugins." should also mention that <param> can be used to pass parameters with these names to the plugin

[Bug 7448] editorial: The ":" in "Author requirements:" should also be marked as class=impl

[Bug 7449] editorial: hyperlinked "represents" on the id attribute definition

[Bug 7451] "In the example above" should be "In the example below"

[Bug 7452] "The collection of Documents is the browsing context's session history. " -- What do you mean by "the collection of documents" ? not clear

[Bug 7453] "preferred name" should be "preferred MIME name" but it should also state that if there is no preferred MIME name for the encoding the name of the encoding should be used.

[Bug 7454] Please do not remove these useful features - or are alternative mechanisms planned?

[Bug 7455] The example codes don't have double quotes

[Bug 7456] Ogg vorbis realy should be standard since it is open and everything can then support it without patent costs. This is REALLY important. Most other standards need patent money. Apple's H.264 is CERTAINly bad here.

[Bug 7457] Ogg theora needs to be used here as an open standard. Having different standards in different browsers will confuse the matter and it is the only standard to my knowledge that is not patent encumbered. This is seriously important to reinstate.

[Bug 7458] inconsistent definition of "up" relation

[Bug 7459] Nitpicking: an XML document is always well-formed and therefore cannot have syntax errors (including minor).

[Bug 7460] Under "JavaScript": The note containing a "willful violation" doesn't contain the words "willful violation" as promised by section 1.5.2.

[Bug 7461] List of space characters should include U+000B LINE TABULATION (VT) or should note why it is not included.

[Bug 7465] "a IDL attribute" -> "an IDL attribute" (here and elsewhere)

[Bug 7466] This section forbids exposing rel=feed but not exposing e.g. rel=copyright. I think that is wrong. The specification should not dictate UI for this.

[Bug 7468] make <table border="1" cellpadding="10" cellspacing="0"> conforming

[Bug 7469] Is it really necessary to have sections on what HTML5 does not cover?

[Bug 7470] JimJJewett gmail: The implications of these tables should also appear at element level -- e.g, td model or dom should mention aria- -- unless it is explicitly not exposed, for some reason.

[Bug 7471] JimJJewett gmail: Make explicit reasons for *not* exposing aspect ratio/clipping. (Security vs simplification). Deals with note1

[Bug 7472] JimJJewett gmail: Annotations for assistive technology products (ARIA) -- add the "ARIA", like 3.4 mentions XPATH and XSLT

[Bug 7473] JimJJewett gmail: Mention explicitly that the mapping for foreign content -- including adopted MathML or SVG -- is left to those working groups. (Otherwise, I would have expected some strong native semantics for math to math)

[Bug 7474] Shouldn't the listener be added AFTER the function is defined?

[Bug 7475] New: Semantics of rel=first and rel=index breaks specs and implementations

[Bug 7475] Semantics of rel=first and rel=index breaks specs and implementations

[Bug 7476] New: typo in the last example of section 4.6.9: "lt;/time>" where "</time>" is intended. -Tantek

[Bug 7476] typo in the last example of section 4.6.9: "lt;/time>" where "</time>" is intended. -Tantek

[Bug 7477] "It is an element with an ID key" makes it sound like "ID" is an adjetive for "key". Consider a phrasing like the previous bullet. Namely, "It is an element with an ID equal to key."

[Bug 7477] New: "It is an element with an ID key" makes it sound like "ID" is an adjetive for "key". Consider a phrasing like the previous bullet. Namely, "It is an element with an ID equal to key."

[Bug 7479] New: The content attribute should be all-lowercase: formnovalidate

[Bug 7479] The content attribute should be all-lowercase: formnovalidate

[Bug 7480] New: use of keygen should trigger a warning.

[Bug 7480] use of keygen should trigger a warning.

[Bug 7481] New: The Form submission algorithm section states "If the submitter is anything but a form element...", yet this section states "validate the constraints of form element form".

[Bug 7481] The Form submission algorithm section states "If the submitter is anything but a form element...", yet this section states "validate the constraints of form element form".

[Bug 7482] New: The maxLength attribute for input elements can be -1, indicating no maxlength attribute present, per DOM Level 2 HTML. HTML 5 has changed that to be "unsigned long", which -1 cannot be.

[Bug 7482] The maxLength attribute for input elements can be -1, indicating no maxlength attribute present, per DOM Level 2 HTML. HTML 5 has changed that to be "unsigned long", which -1 cannot be.

[Bug 7483] New: The footer element desperately needs to be able to contain sectioning content descendents, most importantly "nav". Under the current specification, I will just end up using div class="footer" so my footers can contain sectioning content.

[Bug 7483] The footer element desperately needs to be able to contain sectioning content descendents, most importantly "nav". Under the current specification, I will just end up using div class="footer" so my footers can contain sectioning content.

[Bug 7484] head/@profile holds a white-space separated list of URIs

[Bug 7484] New: head/@profile holds a white-space separated list of URIs

[Bug 7485] New: obsolete permitted DOCTYPEs link is broken in author view

[Bug 7485] obsolete permitted DOCTYPEs link is broken in author view

[Bug 7487] An internal general parsed entity is not XML namespace-well-formed in the general case, since a fragment can have text and multiple elements at the top level

[Bug 7487] New: An internal general parsed entity is not XML namespace-well-formed in the general case, since a fragment can have text and multiple elements at the top level

[Bug 7488] "These are the only ways to make a DOM unserializable." - this is not correct so long as DOM Core allows nodes to be moved from an HTML document to an XML document without serializability checking

[Bug 7488] New: "These are the only ways to make a DOM unserializable." - this is not correct so long as DOM Core allows nodes to be moved from an HTML document to an XML document without serializability checking

[Bug 7489] I wanted to know what a fallback entry is so I clicked on the "fallback entries" link. This took me to a section that describes fallback entries as "Resources that were listed in the cache's manifest as fallback entries". But that's a recursive definition

[Bug 7489] New: I wanted to know what a fallback entry is so I clicked on the "fallback entries" link. This took me to a section that describes fallback entries as "Resources that were listed in the cache's manifest as fallback entries". But that's a recursive definition

[Bug 7490] Ambiguous phrasing of insertion of quotation punctuation in Q element

[Bug 7490] New: Ambiguous phrasing of insertion of quotation punctuation in Q element

[Bug 7491] New: Unspecified: quotation punctuation in the blockquote element

[Bug 7491] Unspecified: quotation punctuation in the blockquote element

[Bug 7493] I want to know meta information on media src. Name of a song, work name, name of singer, and etc...

[Bug 7493] New: I want to know meta information on media src. Name of a song, work name, name of singer, and etc...

[Bug 7494] It puts together on src etc. of the audio tag and the img tag, and it wants a united method of knowing meta information on src. It is a name of a song, and a name of the singer in case of the song. If it is a photograph, it is GPS informational etc.

[Bug 7494] New: It puts together on src etc. of the audio tag and the img tag, and it wants a united method of knowing meta information on src. It is a name of a song, and a name of the singer in case of the song. If it is a photograph, it is GPS informational etc.

[Bug 7497] Add an example to <aside> that shows it being used to hold a blogroll.

[Bug 7497] New: Add an example to <aside> that shows it being used to hold a blogroll.

[Bug 7499] <keygen> should not be defined as a requirement for a conforming HTML5 user agent and should be removed from the spec

[Bug 7499] New: <keygen> should not be defined as a requirement for a conforming HTML5 user agent and should be removed from the spec

[Bug 7501] Change "The value must be a short free-form string THAT giving the name of the Web application that the page represents." It should read- "The value must be a short free-form string giving the name of the Web application that the page represents."

[Bug 7501] New: Change "The value must be a short free-form string THAT giving the name of the Web application that the page represents." It should read- "The value must be a short free-form string giving the name of the Web application that the page represents."

[Bug 7502] New: The clarification that the footer can be used as a site-wide footer or a section footer is not inherently clear via the spec. I suggest specifically stating just that: use for a section or an entire site.

[Bug 7502] The clarification that the footer can be used as a site-wide footer or a section footer is not inherently clear via the spec. I suggest specifically stating just that: use for a section or an entire site.

[Bug 7503] New: there is no specification for detection of this feature. how do i know whether to use draggable="true" or revert to a drag simulation library like scriptaculous? -

[Bug 7503] there is no specification for detection of this feature. how do i know whether to use draggable="true" or revert to a drag simulation library like scriptaculous? -

[Bug 7504] New: Occurrences of the terms "Raw text elements", "RCDATA elements", "Foreign elements" and "Normal elements" in the prose of this section should link to their definitions in the definition list above.

[Bug 7504] Occurrences of the terms "Raw text elements", "RCDATA elements", "Foreign elements" and "Normal elements" in the prose of this section should link to their definitions in the definition list above.

[Bug 7505] interface HTMLIFrameElement : HTMLElement { attribute DOMString src; attribute DOMString name; attribute DOMString sandbox; attribute boolean seamless; attribute DOMString width; attribute

[Bug 7505] New: interface HTMLIFrameElement : HTMLElement { attribute DOMString src; attribute DOMString name; attribute DOMString sandbox; attribute boolean seamless; attribute DOMString width; attribute

[Bug 7506] Clarify that the warning about "The presence of an obsolete permitted DOCTYPE" only applies to HTML, not XHTML which has no restriction on what DOCTYPEs may be used

[Bug 7506] New: Clarify that the warning about "The presence of an obsolete permitted DOCTYPE" only applies to HTML, not XHTML which has no restriction on what DOCTYPEs may be used

[Bug 7507] Firefox 3.5 does NOT clear a canvas if its width is set to itself

[Bug 7507] New: Firefox 3.5 does NOT clear a canvas if its width is set to itself

[Bug 7508] <dialog> needs a way to add non-speech related information

[Bug 7508] New: <dialog> needs a way to add non-speech relate inforation

[Bug 7509] Consider <dl type="dialog"> instead of <dialog>

[Bug 7509] New: Consider <dl type="dialog"> instead of <dialog>

[Bug 7510] Allow elements beyond just HTML, MathML, and SVG into SVG element

[Bug 7510] New: Allow elements beyond just HTML, MathML, and SVG into SVG element

[Bug 7511] New: The implicit mechanism doesn't fire onsubmit or validate as written today. The exception for when the submitter is the form should be changed to just be a flag for .submit() specifically.

[Bug 7511] The implicit mechanism doesn't fire onsubmit or validate as written today. The exception for when the submitter is the form should be changed to just be a flag for .submit() specifically.

[Bug 7512] New: suggested "replacement" for head/@profile does not workk

[Bug 7512] suggested "replacement" for head/@profile does not work

[Bug 7519] New: Should rephrase "All the elements in this specification have a defined content model, which describes what nodes are allowed inside the elements, and thus what the structure of an HTML document or fragment must look like." to more explicitly say that HTML

[Bug 7519] Should rephrase "All the elements in this specification have a defined content model, which describes what nodes are allowed inside the elements, and thus what the structure of an HTML document or fragment must look like." to more explicitly say that HTML

[Bug 7521] New: This table is confusing because it mixes content, IDL attributes, methods, and events. Maybe the various concepts can be grouped and get an appropriate row-group header so it is more clear. The introduction for the table doesn't mention the events and doe

[Bug 7521] This table is confusing because it mixes content, IDL attributes, methods, and events. Maybe the various concepts can be grouped and get an appropriate row-group header so it is more clear. The introduction for the table doesn't mention the events and doe

[Bug 7522] <math> should also be phrasing and flow content, like <img> and <svg>.

[Bug 7522] New: <math> should also be phrasing and flow content, like <img> and <svg>.

[Bug 7523] New: Treat <metadata> like <title> in SVG foreign content

[Bug 7523] Treat <metadata> like <title> in SVG foreign content

[Bug 7524] New: The list of forbidden Unicode characters in the authoring requirements does not match the list that generates parse errors in #tokenizing-character-references

[Bug 7524] The list of forbidden Unicode characters in the authoring requirements does not match the list that generates parse errors in #tokenizing-character-references

[Bug 7525] meta/@name=keywords should be specified (and made conforming)

[Bug 7525] New: meta/@name=keywords should be specified (and made conforming)

[Bug 7526] New: spelling: Before this task is run, *sa* part of the event loop mechanism, the rendering will have been updated to resize the video element if appropriate.

[Bug 7526] spelling: Before this task is run, *sa* part of the event loop mechanism, the rendering will have been updated to resize the video element if appropriate.

[Bug 7527] Allow implementations to generate meaningful default, implied headings for some sections.

[Bug 7527] New: Allow implementations to generate meaningful default, implied headings for some sections.

[Bug 7539] New: Since @summary is an official part of the table element, it is no longer obsolete. Suffienct warning language exists in it's definition that this entry should be removed

[Bug 7539] Since @summary is an official part of the table element, it is no longer obsolete. Suffienct warning language exists in it's definition that this entry should be removed

[Bug 7540] New: Spec for metadata extensions does not define which states are allowed/conforming

[Bug 7540] Spec for metadata extensions does not define which states are allowed/conforming

[Bug 7542] New: Remove Section 5. Microdata

[Bug 7542] Remove Section 5. Microdata

[Bug 7543] Consensus on ietf-http-wg was that repetition of relations is meaningless and we should rather use numbering (e.g. "up2"), names (e.g. "great-grandparent") or an attribute (e.g. level="3").

[Bug 7543] New: Consensus on ietf-http-wg was that repetition of relations is meaningless and we should rather use numbering (e.g. "up2"), names (e.g. "great-grandparent") or an attribute (e.g. level="3").

[Bug 7544] Atom (RFC 4287) further specifies that "The image SHOULD have an aspect ratio of one (horizontal) to one (vertical) and SHOULD be suitable for presentation at a small size". Consider doing the same here.

[Bug 7544] New: Atom (RFC 4287) further specifies that "The image SHOULD have an aspect ratio of one (horizontal) to one (vertical) and SHOULD be suitable for presentation at a small size". Consider doing the same here.

[Bug 7545] Atom (RFC 4287) defines a "logo" in addition to the "icon": "The image SHOULD have an aspect ratio of 2 (horizontal) to 1 (vertical)". Consider doing the same here.

[Bug 7545] New: Atom (RFC 4287) defines a "logo" in addition to the "icon": "The image SHOULD have an aspect ratio of 2 (horizontal) to 1 (vertical)". Consider doing the same here.

[Bug 7546] "HTML 5" Editor's draft misnamed and suboptimal for HTML content authors unless refactored into HTML (main) and DOM API (appendix).

[Bug 7546] New: "HTML 5" Editor's draft misnamed and disastrous for HTML content-authors unless refactored into HTML (main) and DOM API (appendix).

[Bug 7547] New: on .drawImage() negative widths or heights should flip/mirror the image. There's no easy way of fliping images in canvas

[Bug 7547] on .drawImage() negative widths or heights should flip/mirror the image. There's no easy way of fliping images in canvas

[Bug 7548] New: replace <dialog> with advice

[Bug 7548] replace <dialog> with advice

[Bug 7549] define how to parse a MIME type

[Bug 7549] New: define how to parse a MIME type

[Bug 7550] New: The invalid event does have a default action. Namely to display UI. However, UAs should probably not be forbidden to show that a field is invalid before submitting, but how can page author suppress the UI for that?

[Bug 7550] The invalid event does have a default action. Namely to display UI. However, UAs should probably not be forbidden to show that a field is invalid before submitting, but how can page author suppress the UI for that?

[Bug 7551] New: People are using <section> incorrectly

[Bug 7551] People are using <section> incorrectly

[Bug 7552] Add <article> examples illustrating how to use the element, without an unnecessary <section> wrapper inside.

[Bug 7552] New: Add <article> examples illustrating how to use the element, without an unnecessary <section> wrapper inside.

[Bug 7555] "The scope of this specification does not include documenting every HTML or DOM feature supported by Web browsers. ... For example, the blink element ..." -- but blink is documented in this specification

[Bug 7555] New: "The scope of this specification does not include documenting every HTML or DOM feature supported by Web browsers. ... For example, the blink element ..." -- but blink is documented in this specification

[Bug 7556] New: Where is it defined that only the first <base> element is to be taken into account? Surely that should not be part of iri-bis.

[Bug 7556] Where is it defined that only the first <base> element is to be taken into account? Surely that should not be part of iri-bis.

[Bug 7557] add "type" attribute to <nav> distinguish between primary and secondary navigation

[Bug 7557] add "type" attribute to <nav> to distinguish between primary and secondary navigation

[Bug 7557] New: add "type" attribute to <nav> distinguish between primary and secondary navigation

[Bug 7558] "MIME type" not xreffed in "and any MIME type ending ..."

[Bug 7558] New: "MIME type" not xreffed in "and any MIME type ending ..."

[Bug 7559] New: What happens when an "option" element has its "selected" attribute removed?

[Bug 7559] What happens when an "option" element has its "selected" attribute removed?

[Bug 7560] New: The following sentence could be made more clear, or given an example to indicate what is meant: "The otherwise optional U+000A LINE FEED (LF) character must be included if the element's contents start with that character"

[Bug 7560] The following sentence could be made more clear, or given an example to indicate what is meant: "The otherwise optional U+000A LINE FEED (LF) character must be included if the element's contents start with that character"

[Bug 7561] New: There's no UA conformance criteria for <meta name>, in particular nothing about case-insensitivity.

[Bug 7561] There's no UA conformance criteria for <meta name>, in particular nothing about case-insensitivity.

[Bug 7574] New: The annotation here has 20 tests, but the box for viewing them is bigger than the browser window, hiding the close button. Set a max height and overflow:auto on the popup box.

[Bug 7574] The annotation here has 20 tests, but the box for viewing them is bigger than the browser window, hiding the close button. Set a max height and overflow:auto on the popup box.

[Bug 7575] <meter> example isn't highlighted

[Bug 7575] New: <meter> example isn't highlighted

[Bug 7576] New: The spec doesn't say for authors what those any namespace-less attributes are for. It should say that they are parameters that are passed to the plugin, and maybe give an example, maybe also give an equivalent example using <object>

[Bug 7576] The spec doesn't say for authors what those any namespace-less attributes are for. It should say that they are parameters that are passed to the plugin, and maybe give an example, maybe also give an equivalent example using <object>

[Bug 7577] meta/@name=descriptions vs invisible metadata

[Bug 7577] New: meta/@name=descriptions vs invisible metadata

[Bug 7578] "If the defer attribute may be specified": this phrasing is confusing, should "may be specified" be "is specified"

[Bug 7578] New: "If the defer attribute may be specified": this phrasing is confusing, should "may be specified" be "is specified"

[Bug 7579] Could "interactive widget" in the context of a web application be defined, expanded upon or an example provided? This seems too vague.

[Bug 7579] New: Could "interactive widget" in the context of a web application be defined, expanded upon or an example provided? This seems too vague.

[Bug 7581] New: Should the select() method set focus? MSIE+Opera does not. FF+Chrome sets focus. It should probably be specified to set focus.

[Bug 7581] Should the select() method set focus? MSIE+Opera does not. FF+Chrome sets focus. It should probably be specified to set focus.

[Bug 7583] IE8 won't run click events on a label's associated input if the input is hidden via CSS with "display:none" or "visibility:hidden". Other browsers will. There doesn't seem to be an appropriate platform behavior to emulate here, so the exact behavior sho

[Bug 7583] New: IE8 won't run click events on a label's associated input if the input is hidden via CSS with "display:none" or "visibility:hidden". Other browsers will. There doesn't seem to be an appropriate platform behavior to emulate here, so the exact behavior sho

[Bug 7584] New: The <meter> example doesn't have any highlighting, whereas all the other elements do

[Bug 7584] The <meter> example doesn't have any highlighting, whereas all the other elements do

[Bug 7585] Link relations should refer to IANA registry (draft-nottingham-http-link-header)

[Bug 7585] New: Link relations should refer to IANA registry (draft-nottingham-http-link-header)

[Bug 7590] New: The sentence about HTMLUnknownElement should s/this specification/this specification (or other appliciable specifications)/ to allow delta specs to define HTML elements

[Bug 7590] The sentence about HTMLUnknownElement should s/this specification/this specification (or other appliciable specifications)/ to allow delta specs to define HTML elements

[Bug 7591] disabled <fieldset>

[Bug 7591] New: disabled <fieldset>

[Bug 7593] New: Use of the "q.v." abbreviation here, while correct, is fairly obscure. Consider dropping "q.v." or rephrasing.

[Bug 7593] Use of the "q.v." abbreviation here, while correct, is fairly obscure. Consider dropping "q.v." or rephrasing.

[Bug 7594] "Otherwise, the the body element is null. Append the new value to the root element.": Append it where? At the end?

[Bug 7594] New: "Otherwise, the the body element is null. Append the new value to the root element.": Append it where? At the end?

[Bug 7595] editorial: "represents" should be a link

[Bug 7595] New: editorial: "represents" should be a link

[Bug 7598] New: s/character data/character data, attribute values and comments/

[Bug 7598] s/character data/character data, attribute values and comments/

[Bug 7599] Either drop the two places that set the "Origin" HTTP header, or update HTML5 to match the Sec-From/Origin I-D (if the latter is stable enough yet).

[Bug 7599] New: Either drop the two places that set the "Origin" HTTP header, or update HTML5 to match the Sec-From/Origin I-D (if the latter is stable enough yet).

[Bug 7601] New: refer to pronunciations for TTS PLS with link rel value "pronunciation"

[Bug 7601] refer to pronunciations for TTS PLS with link rel value "pronunciation"

[Bug 7602] "Note: Playback of any previously " is listed as a step 12 of HTMLMediaElement.load()

[Bug 7602] New: "Note: Playback of any previously " is listed as a step 12 of HTMLMediaElement.load()

[Bug 7603] If the attributes list is supposed to be sorted alphabetically, @hidden needs to be placed before @id.

[Bug 7603] New: If the attributes list is supposed to be sorted alphabetically, @hidden needs to be placed before @id.

[Bug 7606] New: the current behaviour in firefox on a disable input type='submit' is not to show the tooltip, in IE it will appear and then disappear but only when hovering over the text. Should the behaviour of the tooltip be more specifically defined when the element

[Bug 7606] the current behaviour in firefox on a disable input type='submit' is not to show the tooltip, in IE it will appear and then disappear but only when hovering over the text. Should the behaviour of the tooltip be more specifically defined when the element

[Bug 7608] New: Rendering–Introduction: s/normaly/normally

[Bug 7608] Rendering–Introduction: s/normaly/normally

[Bug 7614] New: why was this changed again?

[Bug 7614] why was this changed again?

[Bug 7615] New: Whitespace in doctype

[Bug 7615] Whitespace in doctype

[Bug 7616] Move requirement about obsolete doctypes

[Bug 7616] New: Move requirement about obsolete doctypes

[Bug 7617] editorial: "reflect" under HTMLDocument should be a link

[Bug 7617] New: editorial: "reflect" under HTMLDocument should be a link

[Bug 7618] "Whether a document is an HTML document or an XML document affects the behavior of certain APIs, as well as a few CSS rendering rules." - actually, i think it doesn't affect CSS rendering anymore, just selector matching

[Bug 7618] New: "Whether a document is an HTML document or an XML document affects the behavior of certain APIs, as well as a few CSS rendering rules." - actually, i think it doesn't affect CSS rendering anymore, just selector matching

[Bug 7619] "Document objects also implement the document-level interface of any other namespaces found in the document that the UA supports." - drop "found in the document" since it doesn't make sense to implement another interface on-the-fly when finding another na

[Bug 7619] New: "Document objects also implement the document-level interface of any other namespaces found in the document that the UA supports." - drop "found in the document" since it doesn't make sense to implement another interface on-the-fly when finding another na

[Bug 7620] I think Opera has some security checks for location, added because of some Flash vulnerability. If other browsers have similar checks, would be good to specify

[Bug 7620] New: I think Opera has some security checks for location, added because of some Flash vulnerability. If other browsers have similar checks, would be good to specify

[Bug 7621] editorial: add example for pushState() - it's not clear what to use as the data

[Bug 7621] New: editorial: add example for pushState() - it's not clear what to use as the data

[Bug 7622] "There has got to be a better way of doing this, surely." - is there an intent to rewrite this before last call? is there implementor interest? is it considered for removal?

[Bug 7622] New: "There has got to be a better way of doing this, surely." - is there an intent to rewrite this before last call? is there implementor interest? is it considered for removal?

[Bug 7623] It'd be really nice if you specified if the angle argument to context.rotate accepts degrees, radians, or what.

[Bug 7623] New: It'd be really nice if you specified if the angle argument to context.rotate accepts degrees, radians, or what.

[Bug 7625] New: Since "event handler attributes" is an abstract concept it might be better to just call it "event handlers" so attributes is not confused with either IDL or content attributes here.

[Bug 7625] Since "event handler attributes" is an abstract concept it might be better to just call it "event handlers" so attributes is not confused with either IDL or content attributes here.

[Bug 7626] New: Spec says: "Note: Removing an event handler content attribute does not reset the corresponding event handler attribute.". In fact browsers will remove or "deactivate" the listener when you remove the HTML attribute. Some browsers reset it to null or undef

[Bug 7626] Spec says: "Note: Removing an event handler content attribute does not reset the corresponding event handler attribute.". In fact browsers will remove or "deactivate" the listener when you remove the HTML attribute. Some browsers reset it to null or undef

[Bug 7627] Cross-reference more occurrences of "being rendered".

[Bug 7627] New: Cross-reference more occurrences of "being rendered".

[Bug 7628] New: The later 'block' box container should simply map to the first/last dd element. This makes UA implementations easier and script emulation of the feature in contemporary UAs as well. Both can simply toggle the display property between block and none.

[Bug 7628] The later 'block' box container should simply map to the first/last dd element. This makes UA implementations easier and script emulation of the feature in contemporary UAs as well. Both can simply toggle the display property between block and none.

[Bug 7629] New: When the dd element is used inside figure and details it should probably not have margin by default.

[Bug 7629] When the dd element is used inside figure and details it should probably not have margin by default.

[Bug 7631] Don't invoke resource selection algorithm when inserting <source> if src="" is present

[Bug 7631] New: Don't invoke resource selection algorithm when inserting <source> if src="" is present

[Bug 7632] New: Should resource selection algorithm be run when src="" is removed?

[Bug 7632] Should resource selection algorithm be run when src="" is removed?

[Bug 7633] New: The use of @summary should be encouraged when circumstances warrant

[Bug 7633] The use of @summary should be encouraged when circumstances warrant

[Bug 7635] Include an example with the table rearranged so that it doesn't need a description, and advice that doing so might be more useful than writing a description

[Bug 7635] New: Include an example with the table rearranged so that it doesn't need a description, and advice that doing so might be more useful than writing a description

[Bug 7636] New: shouldn't dom-table-summary be part of the HTMLTableElement interface proper?

[Bug 7636] shouldn't dom-table-summary be part of the HTMLTableElement interface proper?

[Bug 7637] New: Where is defined? I don't see it here nor in the main interface definition

[Bug 7637] Where is defined? I don't see it here nor in the main interface definition

[Bug 7638] editorial: Add a pointer to the supplemental interface behind a class=impl for all interfaces that have a supplemental interface in this spec (in the obsolete section)

[Bug 7638] New: editorial: Add a pointer to the supplemental interface behind a class=impl for all interfaces that have a supplemental interface in this spec (in the obsolete section)

[Bug 7639] New: Please remove "dc" and "ds" from the parser. Not supporting them means that some tag can't be omitted in a transition period, which is *not* a big problem. OTOH, if we want to introduce "dc" or "ds" that are supposed to be inline (or other), then it's a p

[Bug 7639] Please remove "dc" and "ds" from the parser

[Bug 7640] New: The definition of the "isindex" element here makes such elements' main interface be HTMLElement rather than HTMLUnknownElement. I suppose that's not intended

[Bug 7640] The definition of the "isindex" element here makes such elements' main interface be HTMLElement rather than HTMLUnknownElement. I suppose that's not intended

[Bug 7641] New: The rendering of <details> says everything but the first dt will be hidden, but the element definition says the first dd represents the details. Also, having overflow:hidden when the details are open probably has unintended side-effects like clipping cont

[Bug 7641] The rendering of <details> says everything but the first dt will be hidden, but the element definition says the first dd represents the details. Also, having overflow:hidden when the details are open probably has unintended side-effects like clipping cont

[Bug 7642] New: which attribute wins if both pointsize and size are specified?

[Bug 7642] which attribute wins if both pointsize and size are specified?

[Bug 7643] New: Why not use display:none instead of overflow:hidden; height:0? display:none seems to have the desired behavior in terms of exposure to AT and keyboard navigation in browsers.

[Bug 7643] Why not use display:none instead of overflow:hidden; height:0? display:none seems to have the desired behavior in terms of exposure to AT and keyboard navigation in browsers.

[Bug 7644] New: The first example for footnotes is actually an example of a dialogue.

[Bug 7644] The first example for footnotes is actually an example of a dialogue.

[Bug 7645] associate printable pages and less-convenient-to-print pages with link rel value "print"

[Bug 7645] New: associate printable pages and less-convenient-to-print pages with link rel value "print"

[Bug 7646] Media Queries

[Bug 7646] New: Media Queries

[Bug 7649] It would be useful to see an example of how section works when it's not in the context of an article, in the example text (chapters, tabs, etc) all of those would sit inside a wrapping article element.

[Bug 7649] New: It would be useful to see an example of how section works when it's not in the context of an article, in the example text (chapters, tabs, etc) all of those would sit inside a wrapping article element.

[Bug 7651] Articles and sections

[Bug 7651] New: Articles and sections

[Bug 7652] Is it fine for <nav> to link to a bunch of external pages? E.g. your Flickr/Facebook/Twitter/etc. profiles?

[Bug 7652] New: Is it fine for <nav> to link to a bunch of external pages? E.g. your Flickr/Facebook/Twitter/etc. profiles?

[Bug 7653] New: Avoid suggesting svg:foo

[Bug 7654] New: Contrast HTML to both RTF and DocBook

[Bug 7655] having overflow:hidden when the details are open probably has unintended side-effects like clipping content and affecting floats. display:none/block seems better in terms of AT exposure and keyboard nav

[Bug 7655] New: having overflow:hidden when the details are open probably has unintended side-effects like clipping content and affecting floats. display:none/block seems better in terms of AT exposure and keyboard nav

[Bug 7656] Describe differences between easily confused new elements to assist authors

[Bug 7656] New: Describe differences between easily confused new elements to assist authors

[Bug 7657] New: Redefining dt and dd

[Bug 7657] Redefining dt and dd

[Bug 7658] New: s/the requisite element/the requested element/

[Bug 7658] s/the requisite element/the requested element/

[Bug 7659] Clarify what "other applicable specifications" means to say

[Bug 7659] New: Clarify what "other applicable specifications" means to say

[Bug 7660] New: The resource selection algorithm should set currentSrc in the sync section before invoking resource fetch instead of being set in the async resource fetch. Otherwise checking currentSrc in onloadstart is not reliable.

[Bug 7660] The resource selection algorithm should set currentSrc in the sync section before invoking resource fetch instead of being set in the async resource fetch. Otherwise checking currentSrc in onloadstart is not reliable.

[Bug 7661] New: status

[Bug 7661] status

[Bug 7662] New: When images are disabled arguably fallback content of the <canvas> element should be shown.

[Bug 7662] When images are disabled arguably fallback content of the <canvas> element should be shown.

[Bug 7663] New: search

[Bug 7663] search

[Bug 7664] New: The in-memory representation is known as "DOM HTML", or "the DOM" for short. This specification defines version 5 of DOM HTML, known as "DOM5 HTML".

[Bug 7664] The in-memory representation is known as "DOM HTML", or "the DOM" for short. This specification defines version 5 of DOM HTML, known as "DOM5 HTML".

[Bug 7668] 7.9.6 should explain which events are actually dispatched when copying/cutting/pasting

[Bug 7668] New: 7.9.6 should explain which events are actually dispatched when copying/cutting/pasting

[Bug 7669] New: Redefining dt and dd, recommend new element as caption for Figure

[Bug 7669] Redefining dt and dd, recommend new element as caption for Figure

[Bug 7670] New: Use of prefixes is too complicated for a Web technology

[Bug 7670] Use of prefixes is too complicated for a Web technology

[Bug 7672] </p> shouldn't be ignored in "before html", "before head", "in head", "in head noscript", "after head". It should be reprocessed through to "in body" like </br>.

[Bug 7672] New: </p> shouldn't be ignored in "before html", "before head", "in head", "in head noscript", "after head". It should be reprocessed through to "in body" like </br>.

[Bug 7674] are the chunks for inputs having the content-type header for each chunk specified appropriately? e.g. file inputs should set the header according to the file selected by the user

[Bug 7674] New: are the chunks for inputs having the content-type header for each chunk specified appropriately? e.g. file inputs should set the header according to the file selected by the user

[Bug 7677] Is there any behavior defined for setting the src property. For example, is the expectation that object should (A) load the src if autobuffer is true (B) stop playing if currently playing (C) something else (D) nothing at all?

[Bug 7677] New: Is there any behavior defined for setting the src property. For example, is the expectation that object should (A) load the src if autobuffer is true (B) stop playing if currently playing (C) something else (D) nothing at all?

[Bug 7679] editorial: "The following content attributes must not be specified" applies to authors but is hidden behind class=impl. It would be helpful if each state listed the attributes that are allowed to be specified for that state.

[Bug 7679] New: editorial: "The following content attributes must not be specified" applies to authors but is hidden behind class=impl. It would be helpful if each state listed the attributes that are allowed to be specified for that state.

[Bug 7680] Add an 'angle' element to HTML5

[Bug 7680] New: Add an 'angle' element to HTML5

[Bug 7681] link tag: rel: associate pages about the same person across many sites

[Bug 7681] New: link tag: rel: associate pages about the same person across many sites

[Bug 7682] link tag: rel: associate pages about the same organization across many sites

[Bug 7682] New: link tag: rel: associate pages about the same organization across many sites

[Bug 7684] ApplicationCache object can be empty but not an application cache

[Bug 7684] New: ApplicationCache object can be empty but not an application cache

[Bug 7685] New: States of ApplicationCache objects are inconsistent with application caches

[Bug 7685] States of ApplicationCache objects are inconsistent with application caches

[Bug 7686] New: No need to require user interface in cache update algorithm

[Bug 7686] No need to require user interface in cache update algorithm

[Bug 7687] New: Use "representation" instead of "resource" in ?6.9

[Bug 7687] Use "representation" instead of "resource" in ?6.9

[Bug 7687] Use "representation" instead of "resource" in �6.9

[Bug 7688] 'input type=time' forbids legitimate use case

[Bug 7688] New: 'input type=time' forbids legitimate use case

[Bug 7689] Cache-defeating semantics are not defined

[Bug 7689] New: Cache-defeating semantics are not defined

[Bug 7690] Incompletely defined priority of fallback over explicit entries

[Bug 7690] New: Incompletely defined priority of fallback over explicit entries

[Bug 7691] each of which 'has', not 'have'

[Bug 7691] New: each of which 'has', not 'have'

[Bug 7693] New: The term "Draft Standard" means something different in IETF than meant here, which adds to the confusion. "Editor's Draft" would be better.

[Bug 7693] The term "Draft Standard" means something different in IETF than meant here, which adds to the confusion. "Editor's Draft" would be better.

[Bug 7694] New: object@classid is missing from list of Content attributes, even though it is essential

[Bug 7694] object@classid is missing from list of Content attributes, even though it is essential

[Bug 7696] New: zxcszxczxc

[Bug 7696] zxcszxczxc

[Bug 7697] New: The type attribute should ammend the Accept header accordingly. HTTP spec is in accordance with the rules here, in terms of the Accept header being non-authorative. script and style elements already ammend accept header (in firefox) but not for other link

[Bug 7697] The type attribute should ammend the Accept header accordingly. HTTP spec is in accordance with the rules here, in terms of the Accept header being non-authorative. script and style elements already ammend accept header (in firefox) but not for other link

[Bug 7699] define reset event

[Bug 7699] New: define reset event

[Bug 7700] define abort event

[Bug 7700] New: define abort event

[Bug 7701] New: Step 6.2 tells you to remove node from the stack of open elements and then go to step 6.1. 6.1 requires that you set node to be the node above node in the stack of open elements. However node is no longer in the stack of open elements

[Bug 7701] Step 6.2 tells you to remove node from the stack of open elements and then go to step 6.1. 6.1 requires that you set node to be the node above node in the stack of open elements. However node is no longer in the stack of open elements

[Bug 7703] Allow elements beyond just HTML, MathML, and SVG into SVG element

[Bug 7703] HTML document conformance should explicitly depend on foreign content conformance

[Bug 7703] New: Allow elements beyond just HTML, MathML, and SVG into SVG element

[Bug 7704] It is better to implement canvas.clear() method and allow to resize canvas without clearing it

[Bug 7704] New: It is better to implement canvas.clear() method and allow to resize canvas without clearing it

[Bug 7705] New: What use of providing both "embed" and "object" elements? They play nearly same role.

[Bug 7705] What use of providing both "embed" and "object" elements? They play nearly same role.

[Bug 7706] New: This section should reference "matches a fallback namespace" in step 3.

[Bug 7706] This section should reference "matches a fallback namespace" in step 3.

[Bug 7708] Include some documentation here (or link to) how the time element with a pubdate attribute applies to article.

[Bug 7708] New: Include some documentation here (or link to) how the time element with a pubdate attribute applies to article.

[Bug 7709] New: Prevent PUT/DELETE cross-origin

[Bug 7709] Prevent PUT/DELETE cross-origin

[Bug 7710] "Any byte or sequences of bytes [...] that is misinterpreted [...]" - s/sequences/sequence/

[Bug 7710] New: "Any byte or sequences of bytes [...] that is misinterpreted [...]" - s/sequences/sequence/

[Bug 7711] New: The "strong native semantics" are worded very similarly -- but not quite the same -- for input type=Number, input type=range, and progressbar.

[Bug 7711] The "strong native semantics" are worded very similarly -- but not quite the same -- for input type=Number, input type=range, and progressbar.

[Bug 7712] New: oncontextmenu

[Bug 7712] oncontextmenu

[Bug 7714] New: the diagram image says "tokeniser"; should be "tokenizer"

[Bug 7714] the diagram image says "tokeniser"; should be "tokenizer"

[Bug 7715] New: Tests not archived

[Bug 7715] Tests not archived

[Bug 7717] If the user does not give permission it is not stated explicitly what will happen. It would be nice if the specification did state that the algorithm will be terminated at that point. (Should an event be dispatched?)

[Bug 7717] New: If the user does not give permission it is not stated explicitly what will happen. It would be nice if the specification did state that the algorithm will be terminated at that point. (Should an event be dispatched?)

[Bug 7718] "If a Document or image was generated from a data: URL that was returned as the location of an HTTP redirect" ... "If a Document or image was obtained in some other manner (e.g. ... a data: URL returned as the location of an HTTP redirect ...)" - the last

[Bug 7718] New: "If a Document or image was generated from a data: URL that was returned as the location of an HTTP redirect" ... "If a Document or image was obtained in some other manner (e.g. ... a data: URL returned as the location of an HTTP redirect ...)" - the last

[Bug 7721] Drag and Drop is not keyboard accessible

[Bug 7721] New: Drag and Drop is not keyboard accessible

[Bug 7722] New: Relationship between

[Bug 7722] Relationship between

[Bug 7723] duplicate word ("first first") should be "first five"

[Bug 7723] New: duplicate word ("first first") should be "first five"

[Bug 7724] I would like to know: what is to become of the A element’s NAME attribute? I validated a HTML5 website that I am working this Wednesday (2009-09-23) which contained an A element with a NAME attribute: the W3C Markup Validator did not mind one bit. Howe

[Bug 7724] New: I would like to know: what is to become of the A element’s NAME attribute? I validated a HTML5 website that I am working this Wednesday (2009-09-23) which contained an A element with a NAME attribute: the W3C Markup Validator did not mind one bit. Howe

[Bug 7725] It should be made more clear that only the "disk representation" is changed, not the "memory representation". I.e. images are not suddenly reloaded etc.

[Bug 7725] New: It should be made more clear that only the "disk representation" is changed, not the "memory representation". I.e. images are not suddenly reloaded etc.

[Bug 7726] legacy doctype syntax allows <!DOCTYPE HTML SYSTEM"about:legacy-compat">

[Bug 7726] New: legacy doctype syntax allows <!DOCTYPE HTML SYSTEM"about:legacy-compat">

[Bug 7727] legacy doc type does not need to be discouraged by "SHOULD NOT"

[Bug 7727] New: legacy doc type does not need to be discouraged by "SHOULD NOT"

[Bug 7730] New: The note starting "The algorithm described..." should end with the word "limitations" or "constraints" or something

[Bug 7730] The note starting "The algorithm described..." should end with the word "limitations" or "constraints" or something

[Bug 7732] New: Server crawls (also on Safari), then page's loading slow and in parts, get a bizzare feeling, it's no longer a web page but an app I'am loading, don't like that, resizing causes page blanks of seconds length

[Bug 7732] Server crawls (also on Safari), then page's loading slow and in parts, get a bizzare feeling, it's no longer a web page but an app I'am loading, don't like that, resizing causes page blanks of seconds length

[Bug 7733] New: Too simplistic to handle used cases with more complex controls than toggle, like carousel, tabs. It could work for accordians.

[Bug 7733] Too simplistic to handle used cases with more complex controls than toggle, like carousel, tabs. It could work for accordians.

[Bug 7734] New: open being an attribute of the section rather than the content area means you can never use this to mark up content which has multiple control/detail areas which are opened or closed independently like tabs or accordion

[Bug 7734] open being an attribute of the section rather than the content area means you can never use this to mark up content which has multiple control/detail areas which are opened or closed independently like tabs or accordion

[Bug 7735] New: perhaps open could be an int rather than boolean, indicating which content area was open to make using this model for tabs easier

[Bug 7735] perhaps open could be an int rather than boolean, indicating which content area was open to make using this model for tabs easier

[Bug 7736] add tooltip attribute & keep title for other uses

[Bug 7736] New: add tooltip attribute & keep title for other uses

[Bug 7739] Add ids to author notes to allow direct linking

[Bug 7739] New: Add ids to author notes to allow direct linking

[Bug 7740] Authoring advice for canvas is bad for accessibility

[Bug 7740] New: Authoring advice for canvas is bad for accessibility

[Bug 7741] First set of examples of alternative stylesheets have stylesheet titles marked up with href attributes rather than title attributes

[Bug 7741] New: First set of examples of alternative stylesheets have stylesheet titles marked up with href attributes rather than title attributes

[Bug 7744] Is sniffing required?

[Bug 7744] New: Is sniffing required?

[Bug 7745] New: Shouldn't the spec state that it is the second (or third) versin of XHTML, known as XHTML5 as there haven't been version 3 or 4.

[Bug 7745] Shouldn't the spec state that it is the second (or third) versin of XHTML, known as XHTML5 as there haven't been version 3 or 4.

[Bug 7746] <link rel=search> should be used instead of <input type=search> for backwards-compatibility and beacuse the search input type poses no additional input restrictions.

[Bug 7746] New: <link rel=search> should be used instead of <input type=search> for backwards-compatibility and beacuse the search input type poses no additional input restrictions.

[Bug 7747] Attribute language not allowed on element script at this point

[Bug 7747] New: Attribute language not allowed on element script at this point

[Bug 7748] Does it have to be an absolute path or can it be a relative one, too?

[Bug 7748] New: Does it have to be an absolute path or can it be a relative one, too?

[Bug 7751] "the user agent instantiate a Java Language runtime plugin" misses a SHOULD-level requirement after "user agent".

[Bug 7751] New: "the user agent instantiate a Java Language runtime plugin" misses a SHOULD-level requirement after "user agent".

[Bug 7752] New: Please use "URL character encoding" instead of just "character encoding" for clarity

[Bug 7752] Please use "URL character encoding" instead of just "character encoding" for clarity

[Bug 7753] New: The order of section headers and data lines should be aligned.

[Bug 7753] The order of section headers and data lines should be aligned.

[Bug 7754] Make it clear that the URLs entered for online whitelist sections are in fact namespaces as well.

[Bug 7754] New: Make it clear that the URLs entered for online whitelist sections are in fact namespaces as well.

[Bug 7755] New: Rename online whitelist URLs to online whitelist namespaces

[Bug 7755] Rename online whitelist URLs to online whitelist namespaces

[Bug 7757] New: The "application cache update process" does not take a browsing context as argument. Do you mean the pass the active document as cache host? It should be more explicit about what is what.

[Bug 7757] The "application cache update process" does not take a browsing context as argument. Do you mean the pass the active document as cache host? It should be more explicit about what is what.

[Bug 7759] New: The "application cache update process" does not take a single application cache as argument. It takes an application cache group. This means the "If document was loaded from an application cache" step is wrong.

[Bug 7759] The "application cache update process" does not take a single application cache as argument. It takes an application cache group. This means the "If document was loaded from an application cache" step is wrong.

[Bug 7760] appcache event summary for error is wrong

[Bug 7760] New: appcache event summary for error is wrong

[Bug 7761] It would be nice to have some kind of comment as to how the checking and downloading events from step 2 interact with the events of the same name in step 3 and beyond.

[Bug 7761] New: It would be nice to have some kind of comment as to how the checking and downloading events from step 2 interact with the events of the same name in step 3 and beyond.

[Bug 7762] If I'm reading the algorithm in step 17 correctly you never get a process event when all files have been downloaded.

[Bug 7762] New: If I'm reading the algorithm in step 17 correctly you never get a process event when all files have been downloaded.

[Bug 7763] New: The information given in the progress event may not be useful if the user agent decides to skip a URL. It seems that the URLs to skip should be determined beforehand.

[Bug 7763] The information given in the progress event may not be useful if the user agent decides to skip a URL. It seems that the URLs to skip should be determined beforehand.

[Bug 7764] New: Since the online whitelist entries are namespaces it should not use a prefix match but instead something more complicated as is defined for fallback entries in 6.9.5.

[Bug 7764] Since the online whitelist entries are namespaces it should not use a prefix match but instead something more complicated as is defined for fallback entries in 6.9.5.

[Bug 7765] Maybe progress should be named fetchcachefile or some such

[Bug 7765] Maybe progress should be named fetchcachefile or some such instead as that seems much more closely to what is used for. However, I don't quite understand why you would not want more detailed progress events here so you can show a progress bar to the user

[Bug 7765] New: Maybe progress should be named fetchcachefile or some such instead as that seems much more closely to what is used for. However, I don't quite understand why you would not want more detailed progress events here so you can show a progress bar to the user

[Bug 7766] Fallback namespace overlap/repetition ignored

[Bug 7766] New: Fallback namespace overlap/repetition ignored

[Bug 7767] Atomic update of application cache is not well-defined

[Bug 7767] New: Atomic update of application cache is not well-defined

[Bug 7768] Manifest download error means obsolete or idle cache group?

[Bug 7768] New: Manifest download error means obsolete or idle cache group?

[Bug 7769] event handler IDL attributes and content attributes should reflect each other

[Bug 7769] New: event handler IDL attributes and content attributes should reflect each other

[Bug 7771] New: matching fallback namespaces

[Bug 7772] New: add interfaces to event summary

[Bug 7773] New: Suggestion for "Updating an application cache"

[Bug 7775] New: are the extra events needed when status is checking or downloading

[Bug 7776] New: rename appcache events?

[Bug 7776] rename appcache events?

[Bug 7778] "interpreted as a character encoding" is not linked to a defined algorithm

[Bug 7778] New: "interpreted as a character encoding" is not linked to a defined algorithm

[Bug 7779] New: Missing task source for application cache events

Last message date: Wednesday, 30 September 2009 21:25:25 UTC