from March 2021 by subject

[dxwg] "Current" vs "last" versions (#1304)

[dxwg] [profiledesc] role assumes closed world of the document (#262)

[dxwg] A profile can be modular, with a given response made up of more than one module. A server can indicate that a response conforms to multiple, modular profiles (#258)

[dxwg] A separate class for DatasetSeries (?) (#1272)

[dxwg] Add 'Security and privacy' section to all the documents (#460)

[dxwg] Add adms:last, adms:next, adms:prev to dcat:Resource (#1340)

[dxwg] Add distribution digest (#1323)

[dxwg] Add examples to DCAT section on licences and rights (#676)

[dxwg] Add on ODRL Policy Example (#1333)

[dxwg] Add recommendations on the URIs to be used with dcterms:conformsTo (#1310)

[dxwg] Add support for errata in Req track documents (e.g. DCAT) (#545)

[dxwg] Advice on creating DCAT Profiles for controlled-access healthcare datasets (#1291)

[dxwg] Aligning ADMS with DCAT (#113)

[dxwg] Any other properties to mention in class dcat:DatasetSeries? (#1308)

[dxwg] Applying PROV's lightweight approach for DCAT inverse properties (#1336)

[dxwg] Axiom binding the properties dcat:servesDataset and dcat:accessService (#1227)

[dxwg] better link for ISO19115-1 codelist, section 13 (#975)

[dxwg] Changes to Class Diagram (figure 1). (#1320)

[dxwg] Clarify if DCAT's use of ProfileDesc (#393)

[dxwg] Clarify the scope of `dct:identifier` (#771)

[dxwg] Clarify the scope of `dcterms:identifier` (#771)

[dxwg] Collate existing practice in use of dct:conformsTo with DCAT (#1225)

[dxwg] Create a use case that explains the meta modelling requirement for domain/range restrictions on the dcat:contactPoint & other DCAT properties (#130)

[dxwg] Dataset aspects [RDSAT] (#60)

[dxwg] Dataset series and inheritance (#1273)

[dxwg] Dataset series v2 (issue 1272) (#1292)

[dxwg] DatasetSeries: adding dcat:inSeries and its inverse, updating the dataset examples. (#1328)

[dxwg] DCAT - CSMD/ICAT alignment (profile) (#302)

[dxwg] DCAT - Datacite alignment (profile) (#152)

[dxwg] DCAT - DATS alignment (profile) (#149)

[dxwg] DCAT - DDI alignment (profile) (#164)

[dxwg] DCAT - HCLS alignment (profile) (#150)

[dxwg] DCAT - ISO 19115 alignment (profile) (#151)

[dxwg] DCAT 2014 profile of DCAT (#144)

[dxwg] DCAT Example 41: need different relation for CRS on spatial locations in dataset. (#1330)

[dxwg] DCAT files import wrong Dublin Core URL (#1312)

[dxwg] Dcat issue 1246 (#1337)

[dxwg] DCAT-Rev profile to simulate 2014/DCAT-AP (#499)

[dxwg] DCAT2.ttl: Request for minor changes (#1246)

[dxwg] DCAT: Figures format and legibility (#896)

[dxwg] DCAT: Implementation of DCAT-AP in GeoNetwork (#1054)

[dxwg] dcat:byteSize - check constraints (#125)

[dxwg] definitions clarifications of conforms to (#1130)

[dxwg] Describing the "Release Type" (#1289)

[dxwg] Digest for DCAT distributions (#1287)

[dxwg] distribution > dcat:accessURL (#1334)

[dxwg] Do we need a new property dcat:seriesMember defined as dcat:inSeries's inverse? (#1335)

[dxwg] Documenting changes to DCAT classes / properties (#176)

[dxwg] Does "profile of" require all or some elements? (#802)

[dxwg] Ensure UC cross-linking (#107)

[dxwg] Erratum: in DCAT 1.0 RDF dcat:keyword is a sub-property of dct:subject (#175)

[dxwg] Example 47 seems to be missing relation links (#1285)

[dxwg] Examples of quality for services (#252)

[dxwg] foaf:homepage vs. dcat:landingPage (#352)

[dxwg] Generalize dcat:byteSize to dcat:size (#313)

[dxwg] Hydra example for DCAT documentation/primer (#648)

[dxwg] ID37 Europeana profile ecosystem: representing, publishing and consuming application profiles of the Europeana Data Model (EDM) (#8)

[dxwg] Including more machine-actionable Version Delta? (#1271)

[dxwg] Integrity property? (#1311)

[dxwg] Linking a metadata record to the relevant catalogue(s) (#132)

[dxwg] Minor editorial comments on DCAT CR candidate (#1020)

[dxwg] Monthly DBpedia releases (#1085)

[dxwg] Must a DCAT profile validate against all of DCAT? (#430)

[dxwg] Namespace for profiles ontology (and other things?) (#503)

[dxwg] Namespace prefix for DC Terms (#1314)

[dxwg] new commits pushed by agbeltran

[dxwg] new commits pushed by andrea-perego

[dxwg] new commits pushed by dr-shorthair

[dxwg] new commits pushed by riccardoAlbertoni

[dxwg] Non-English labels and comments (#174)

[dxwg] Notes on reviewing DCAT FPWD (#1275)

[dxwg] Predicate to link from Distribution to Dataset (#1322)

[dxwg] Provenance information [RPIF] (#76)

[dxwg] Provide a pathway for referencing profiles embedded in documents with broader scope. (#990)

[dxwg] Publication source [RPS] (#78)

[dxwg] Pull Request: Add adms:last, adms:next, adms:prev to dcat:Resource

[dxwg] Pull Request: Add distribution digest

[dxwg] Pull Request: Add examples in licensing section

[dxwg] Pull Request: Add recommendations on the URIs to be used with dct:conformsTo

[dxwg] Pull Request: DatasetSeries: adding dcat:inSeries and its inverse, updating the dataset examples.

[dxwg] Pull Request: Dcat issue 1246

[dxwg] Pull Request: Dcat issue 1314 updating RDF

[dxwg] Pull Request: Fix issue #1285

[dxwg] Pull Request: Fix range of locn:geometry in rdf

[dxwg] Pull Request: Minor editorial edits in the dcat:Resource section

[dxwg] Pull Request: Recommend byteSize typed as an integer (not decimal)

[dxwg] Pull Request: Replace dct: with dcterms:

[dxwg] Pull Request: Replacing dct with dcterms in rdf and creating rdf files for DCAT 3

[dxwg] Pull Request: replacing title(s) without namespaces with dcterms:title in some examples

[dxwg] Pull Request: Revise section on dataset series as discussed in issue 1272

[dxwg] Pull Request: Update ack section

[dxwg] Pull Request: Update charter link

[dxwg] Pull Request: Update usage note for 'identifier'

[dxwg] Question: how to catalog relational database data in DCAT? (#1240)

[dxwg] Range of locn:geometry (#1293)

[dxwg] Reasons for not adding properties to dcat:DataService (#1317)

[dxwg] Reasons for not adding properties to dcat:Resource (and therefore not to dcat:DataService) (#1317)

[dxwg] referencing named graph of endpoint or RDF quad file (#1241)

[dxwg] Related vocabularies comparision [RVC] (#87)

[dxwg] Relation to real world entities (#168)

[dxwg] Removing reference to closed issue 1258 (#1324)

[dxwg] Replace dct: with dcterms: (#1315)

[dxwg] Replacing dct with dcterms in rdf and creating rdf files for DCAT 3 (#1316)

[dxwg] Resource Descriptor -> Profile Resource (#1109)

[dxwg] Review of DCAT conformance statement (#1332)

[dxwg] Revise section on dataset series as discussed in issue 1272 (#1313)

[dxwg] Revision to the versioning section (#1295)

[dxwg] Revision to the versioning section in DCAT3 FPWD (#1295)

[dxwg] Scope of DCAT - datasets, or digital descriptions (#1235)

[dxwg] Scope of spatial and temporal properties (#1253)

[dxwg] Should any DCAT predicates be registered as IANA relations? (#946)

[dxwg] should DCAT 3 provide its own way to indicate the query to pose to the data service endpoints? (#1230)

[dxwg] Should DCAT adopt of specific definition of versioning? (#1277)

[dxwg] Should DCAT also cover software assets? (#1278)

[dxwg] Should DCAT be more explicit on releases? (#1331)

[dxwg] Should dct:conformsTo point to a specific version of a specification? (#1338)

[dxwg] Should we create human-readable documentation for DCAT alignments? (#163)

[dxwg] Should we specialize dct:hasPart for dcat:DatasetSeries? (#1307)

[dxwg] Should we specialize dcterms:hasPart for dcat:DatasetSeries? (#1307)

[dxwg] Should we turn 'dct' into 'dcterms' also for the GitHub examples? (#1319)

[dxwg] Stability of DCAT version URIs (#1128)

[dxwg] Test datasets for revised DCAT vocabulary (#137)

[dxwg] There need to be an http-based mechanism to point to representations conforming to other profiles [ID30] (5.30) (#266)

[dxwg] Tracking the API bug (mismatch between /TR and API for "vocab-dcat") (#1223)

[dxwg] Two things that our "profiles" are not (#976)

[dxwg] UCR: Editorial issues (#683)

[dxwg] Updating Data Quality Vocabulary wrt updates in POE (#5)

[dxwg] Usage notes [RUN] (#86)

[dxwg] Use case for "wasGeneratedBy" and for rate (#726)

[dxwg] Use case: Dataset size characteristics (#161)

[dxwg] Use case: Distinguish query and item access semantics [RDISA] (#145)

[dxwg] Use case: modeling permissions, obligations, prohibitions (#224)

[dxwg] Use Case: Profiles of DCAT-AP and various implementation resources (#238)

[dxwg] Use sdo:rangeIncludes to guide expectations on properties (#912)

[dxwg] Values for dcterms:conformsTo of instances dcat:DataService (sparql endpoints, for example) (#1211)

[dxwg] What is the level of the inheritance link? (#857)

[Reminder] Call for Exclusions: Data Catalog Vocabulary (DCAT) - Version 3

Closed: [dxwg] "Current" vs "last" versions (#1304)

Closed: [dxwg] A separate class for DatasetSeries (?) (#1272)

Closed: [dxwg] Add 'Security and privacy' section to all the documents (#460)

Closed: [dxwg] Add support for errata in Req track documents (e.g. DCAT) (#545)

Closed: [dxwg] Advice on creating DCAT Profiles for controlled-access healthcare datasets (#1291)

Closed: [dxwg] Aligning ADMS with DCAT (#113)

Closed: [dxwg] Backward (in)compatibility among versions. (#1258)

Closed: [dxwg] Clarify if DCAT's use of ProfileDesc (#393)

Closed: [dxwg] Create a use case that explains the meta modelling requirement for domain/range restrictions on the dcat:contactPoint & other DCAT properties (#130)

Closed: [dxwg] Dataset aspects [RDSAT] (#60)

Closed: [dxwg] DCAT - CSMD/ICAT alignment (profile) (#302)

Closed: [dxwg] DCAT - DATS alignment (profile) (#149)

Closed: [dxwg] DCAT - HCLS alignment (profile) (#150)

Closed: [dxwg] DCAT - ISO 19115 alignment (profile) (#151)

Closed: [dxwg] DCAT 2014 profile of DCAT (#144)

Closed: [dxwg] DCAT files import wrong Dublin Core URL (#1312)

Closed: [dxwg] DCAT-Rev profile to simulate 2014/DCAT-AP (#499)

Closed: [dxwg] DCAT: Figures format and legibility (#896)

Closed: [dxwg] DCAT: Implementation of DCAT-AP in GeoNetwork (#1054)

Closed: [dxwg] definitions clarifications of conforms to (#1130)

Closed: [dxwg] Describing the "Release Type" (#1289)

Closed: [dxwg] Digest for DCAT distributions (#1287)

Closed: [dxwg] Documenting changes to DCAT classes / properties (#176)

Closed: [dxwg] Ensure UC cross-linking (#107)

Closed: [dxwg] Erratum: in DCAT 1.0 RDF dcat:keyword is a sub-property of dct:subject (#175)

Closed: [dxwg] Example 47 seems to be missing relation links (#1285)

Closed: [dxwg] Examples of quality for services (#252)

Closed: [dxwg] foaf:homepage vs. dcat:landingPage (#352)

Closed: [dxwg] Generalize dcat:byteSize to dcat:size (#313)

Closed: [dxwg] Including more machine-actionable Version Delta? (#1271)

Closed: [dxwg] Integrity property? (#1311)

Closed: [dxwg] Linking a metadata record to the relevant catalogue(s) (#132)

Closed: [dxwg] Minor editorial comments on DCAT CR candidate (#1020)

Closed: [dxwg] Namespace for profiles ontology (and other things?) (#503)

Closed: [dxwg] Namespace prefix for DC Terms (#1314)

Closed: [dxwg] New UC - Specification documents with multiple roles (#978)

Closed: [dxwg] Non-English labels and comments (#174)

Closed: [dxwg] Notes on reviewing DCAT FPWD (#1275)

Closed: [dxwg] Provenance information [RPIF] (#76)

Closed: [dxwg] Provide a pathway for referencing profiles embedded in documents with broader scope. (#990)

Closed: [dxwg] Publication source [RPS] (#78)

Closed: [dxwg] Question: how to catalog relational database data in DCAT? (#1240)

Closed: [dxwg] Range of locn:geometry (#1293)

Closed: [dxwg] Reasons for not adding properties to dcat:Resource (and therefore not to dcat:DataService) (#1317)

Closed: [dxwg] Related vocabularies comparision [RVC] (#87)

Closed: [dxwg] Should DCAT adopt of specific definition of versioning? (#1277)

Closed: [dxwg] Should we create human-readable documentation for DCAT alignments? (#163)

Closed: [dxwg] Should we specialize dcterms:hasPart for dcat:DatasetSeries? (#1307)

Closed: [dxwg] Stability of DCAT version URIs (#1128)

Closed: [dxwg] Test datasets for revised DCAT vocabulary (#137)

Closed: [dxwg] There need to be an http-based mechanism to point to representations conforming to other profiles [ID30] (5.30) (#266)

Closed: [dxwg] Two things that our "profiles" are not (#976)

Closed: [dxwg] UCR: Editorial issues (#683)

Closed: [dxwg] Usage notes [RUN] (#86)

Closed: [dxwg] Use case: Dataset size characteristics (#161)

Closed: [dxwg] Use case: modeling permissions, obligations, prohibitions (#224)

Closed: [dxwg] Use Case: Profiles of DCAT-AP and various implementation resources (#238)

Doodle for DXWG Plenary Meetings from March 28th until October 10th of 2021

DXWG DCAT subgroup teleconference 03 March 2021 21:00 UCT

DXWG DCAT subgroup teleconference 17 March 2021 21:00 UTC

DXWG DCAT subgroup teleconference 31 March 2021 20:00 UTC

DXWG Meeting: 2021-03-09 - 20:00 UTC

DXWG Meeting: 2021-03-23 - 21:00 UTC

dxwg-ACTION-439: Create a pr to address points 1 and 2 of

dxwg-ACTION-440: Reply to points 3 and 4 of

dxwg-ACTION-441: to get report on ietf situation for conneg-p from lars & ruben

dxwg-ACTION-442: Address by switching to iris

Last message date: Wednesday, 31 March 2021 21:40:45 UTC