"HTML Techniques for Web Content Accessibility Guidelines 1.0" into Spanish
"Namespaces in XML" in Interlingua
"XML in 10 points" - Italian translation available
"XML in 10 points" in Interlingua
"XML in 10 points" into Czech - DONE
[CUAP] French Translation
[Moderator Action] XLink,XPath translations
[w3c-translators] <none>
A note about terms in XHTML 1.0 spec
A question about "the comments email list"
Automobile-based personal computer
Begining the traslation of SOAP note
Could I have a permission to translate W3C(R) SOFTWARE NOTICE AND LICENSE ?
CSS Mobile Profile in Japanese
Dutch translation of CSS 1.0 specification
Dutch translation of XML 1.0 specification
English - Spanish Translator
Finished Japanese translation of W3C IPR Notice and Disclaimers by Omoti
- Omoti (Sunday, 18 February)
Fwd: Tooooo long someone help
German Translation of XHTML-Basic
Have a look at W3C.N3.Net
How to create different formats of a spec?
I'd like to translate RDF into chinese
Japanese language version of Intellectual Property FAQ
Japanese translation for DOCUMENT NOTICE by Omoti completed
- Omoti (Thursday, 22 March)
Japanese translation for Intellectual Property FAQ by Omoti
Japanese translation of DOM2 Event/Views/Traversal(/Range)
Japanese Translation of WCAG10-TECHS
May I help to translate RDF specification into Chinese(GB)
New position at W3C: Web Internationalization
P3P1.0 CR Japanese translation
Per-language translation lists (was Re: Validator problems)
Please change XHTML 1.0 Russian URL
Please check the links (Russian XHTML 1.0 in progress)
- Croll (Tuesday, 23 January)
Please give me the permission to translate "W3C Intellectual Property Notice and Legal Disclaimers"
Please give me the permission to translate .. same problem, other document
RDF Schema in Spanish
RDF Spanish
Request to transate "XML in 10 points" in Greek
Russian translation
Russian XHTML 1.0 in progress
- Croll (Tuesday, 23 January)
Russian: XQuery WD
self resolve
SMIL 2.0 WD into Korean
SMIL translation into Korean (was: Re: Sorry.)
SOAP technical report in Italian
Solution for UTF-8?
Started the translation of "Core Techniques for Web Content Accessibility Guidelines 1.0"
Started the translation of SMIL 1.0 Specification into Spanish
Started the translation of XHTML 1.0 into Russian
Started the translation of XML in 10 point into Spanish.
starting a translation
TAKE 2 - Ref: Translation of some presentation slides
take me off
Thank you for the permission to translate W3C(R) SOFTWARE NOTICE AND LICENSE.
Thank you Joseph M. Reagle Jr. !
Thank you Martin and Petr Riha
Thank you martin, I have fixed the problems :)
- Omoti (Wednesday, 21 February)
The latest IPR-FAQ(jp)
Three documents assosiated W3C Intellectual Property FAQ(jp)
Tooooo long someone help
Translating WAI Quicktips to Polish
Translation details
Translation of CSS1 into Spanish
Translation of P3P
Translation of RDFMSS to Portuguese
Translation of SVG Test Suite into german
Translation of to Dutch
Translation of W3C Copyright FAQ
Translation of w3c documents
Translation: XHTML 1.1 - Module-based XHTML(Korean)
Translation: XHTML≒ 1.1 - Module-based XHTML(Korean)
Translations of XHTML and XHTML-basic to Dutch
Translator:Volunteer [Spanish]
Two documents assosiated with the IPR-FAQ document.
URL change
- Croll (Thursday, 15 March)
URL of XHTML 1.0 in Russian
- Croll (Thursday, 15 March)
Validator problems
W3C XHTML 1.0 Translation [Chinese/Big5]
We translated smil specification 2.0
What about Russian translations page?
- Croll (Thursday, 15 March)
Why request?
XHTML 1 Russian details
XHTML 1.0 - Italian translation available
XHTML Basic - German translation - URL change
XHTML Basic in Interlingua
XHTML Basic in Japanese
XInclude Working Draft into German?
XInclude: German translation
XML 1.0 2nd Edition into Russian
XML Base (PR) into German finished
XML Base (PR) into German started
XML Base in Japanese
XML in 10 point into Spanish is finished
XML spec in spanish moved
XML translation into French
XPath 1.0 russian translation
Last message date: Tuesday, 27 March 2001 01:56:06 UTC