Please check the links (Russian XHTML 1.0 in progress)

Again bothering you...

I should say that the links in my previous letter
(HTTP://W3C-Ru.Da.Ru and HTTP://W3C-Russia.Da.Ru) are
properly configured now and if you have any free time
you may check them (even today). Thank you.

Do you mind if I place a few more words here?

Here you are:
- There are no words in Russian for some of English
terms. So, there's a big need in setting a vocabulary
for English2Russian translators. For e. g.: I have
checked the two HTML4 specs in Russian and the thing
is they use completely different terms in many case.
- If you support the idea of Russian Web-dictionary
will you place a special link to it at the
translations page?
- Have you ever seen Steven Le Hunte's HTMLib? If yes,
why don't you publish a thing that would prevent
people from reading it? In my opinion, he is a fan of
a well known millionaire and his programs. The
information contained in the "Lib" is W3C-unfriendly
- Are there any Russian in the mailing list? If yes,
please help to translate some parts of the XHTML 1.0
- Anyone speaks Russian? If yes, I would like to come
to an agreement which terms to use (in Russian).

Thank you for reading.
Any suggestions/notes about XHTML 1.0 are welcome.

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Received on Tuesday, 23 January 2001 11:20:10 UTC