Re: Translations of XHTML and XHTML-basic to Dutch

At 16:45 1/6/2001 +0900, Martin J. Duerst wrote:
>At 01/01/06 11:27 +0900, Andy Camps wrote:
>>   * translated 
>> bij <>Andy Camps - for the XHTML-Basic 
>> document, original at 
>> <><http://www.w 
 >>  3. org/TR/xhtml-basic/>-basic/
>>For the XHTML-basic document I've also translated the comments in the DTD 
>>at the end of the document. I'd like to publish this translation to. 
>>Please let me know what to do. The question is: Can we translate the 
>>comments in a DTD?
>My take would be that as this is part of the document itself,
>it is not a problem to translate it assuming that the introduction
>says that this has also been done.
>But it may be that the DTD is under a different licence than the
>rest of the document. Masayasu, Joseph, can you help?

DTD's are a bit of both, but live under the software license. Since the 
intent isn't really to create a new DTD (I'm assuming it will use the same 
identifier/namespace as the English one?), but a translation of an existing 
one with respect to the comments (but not element types) I'd expect it'd be 
good form to follow the translation procedures resulting from the document 

>>I'd also like to make the above translations available in the PDF-format, 
>>ziped html and the palmtop doc format. The last one by converting it 
>>trough <>
>>Since it is a request to convert a translation of a spec I'm posting this 
>>question in this group and not at
>I don't know exactly how it would look in palmtop doc format.
>Joseph, can you help?

As long as it complies with [1] I have no problems.


Joseph Reagle Jr.
W3C Policy Analyst      
IETF/W3C XML-Signature Co-Chair

Received on Monday, 8 January 2001 12:21:01 UTC