Re: RDF Schema in Spanish

At 01:04 PM 1/8/2001 +0100, Eva MéndezRleg== wrote: 
>Dear colleagues,
>I've just finished too the translation into Spanish of Candidate Recommendation of RDF Schema Specification.
>You can see it in:

Thank you for this translation, Eva.  I have added a link to it
from the RDF Translations page

I note, by the way, that the URI of your translations uses your
login name.  This is not a particular problem, but I want to
check one question with you.  We prefer to link to translations
on the translator's site rather than make copies of them.  Are
the URIs you gave us going to be supported long-term by
your institution, even if perhaps you go somewhere else?
Obviously we wish to avoid as many broken links in the
future as we can.  If you do change the URIs in the future,
we hope that you will arrange to have the current URIs
serviced with an HTTP redirect or have a short document
directing readers to the new address.

Thanks and regards,
Ralph Swick

Received on Monday, 8 January 2001 08:40:41 UTC