from January 2008 by subject

(no subject)

<form> POST versus Access Control POST

[ac] Security concerns

[ac] XBL Use Case input

[access-control] Editorial comments on Requirements Appendix v1.137

[access-control] Requirement #5

[access-control] Requirements, UCs and design rationale [Was: Subject: Re: [waf] minutes from 9 January 2008 Voice Conf (fwd) ]

[access-control] syntax is still suboptimal?

[fwd] common dns misconfiguration can lead to "same site" scripting (from:

[waf] Access Control Issue 19: Requirements document updated dated 20080114

[waf] Draft of merged Web Apps WG charter available

[waf] Minutes from 16 January 2008 Voice Conference on Access Control

[waf] minutes from 9 January 2008 Voice Conf (fwd)

[waf] New Charter proposal

[widgets] Open Ajax Alliance

Access Control open/raised issues

Access control requirements

Access Control: integrated Requirements, Use Cases and FAQ

Access-Control: Proposed restructuring

ACTION-154: policy decision / enforcement points

ACTION-158: Input for requirement 1.1

ACTION-162: Suggested new wording for requirement 4

ACTION-165: New wording for requirement 12

Agenda for 23 January 2008 Voice Conf

Agenda for 30 January 2008 Voice Conference

Are Jon's comments from IBM, the OAA, citizen Jon, ...? [Was: Re: Review of]

Comments on requirements document

Comments on: Access Control for Cross-site Requests

Examining the 'no server modification' requirement

FAQ & Use Cases

Feedback on Access Control

Fwd: [rest-discuss] W3C Working Group on Cross-Domain requests needs your feedback

Fwd: Access Control open/raised issues

Fwd: Comments on: Access Control for Cross-site Requests

Fwd: OPTIONS and Method-Check



ISSUE 19: Requirements and Usage Scenarios document

ISSUE-18: Is JSONRequest an acceptable alternative to the current model? [Access Control]

ISSUE-19: What are the Requirements, Design Principles and Use Cases? [Access Control]

ISSUE-20: Client and Server model [Access Control]

ISSUE-21: What is the Security Model for the access-control spec? [Access Control]

ISSUE-22 (ac4csr-webarch): The AC4CSR spec and "webarch" [Access Control]

linking pre-check to POST and other requests?


Method-Check-Expires (was: Re: Feedback on Access Control)

Minutes from 23 January 2008 Voice Conference on Access Control

Minutes from 30 January 2008 Voice Conference on Access Control

Minutes from WAF WG's 9 January 2008 meeting

More clarity about cookie handling

On Requirement 9 and "deny"

OPTIONS and Method-Check

OPTIONS and redirects (was: Re: Review of 22 Jan editor's draft)

P3P - Feedback on Access Control

Proposal for a way to avoid a round-trip on every POST when dealing with large numbers of URIs

redirect model for non-GET requests (Re: OPTIONS and redirects (was: Re: Review of 22 Jan editor's draft))

Req 1.2

Request for review on Access Control for Cross-site Requests

Requirement 10 (Re: Requirement 11)

Requirement 11

Review of 22 Jan editor's draft

Review of

specification style; last call

time change for WAF WG telcons [was: Minutes from 23 January 2008 Voice Conference on Access Control]

Use case for cross-site DELETE, PUT, ...?

Last message date: Thursday, 31 January 2008 19:49:21 UTC