Re: Access Control: integrated Requirements, Use Cases and FAQ

I just want to go on record saying that I disagree with some of the
rationale in the FAQ section. I have already described my disagreements in:


There was follow-on discussion on some of my points, but bottom-line is the
same: I still disagree with some of the choices and the rationale behind
those choices. Despite my disagreements, however, if Access Control
finishes and gets adopted by industry, it will provide a set of benefits
and costs to the industry. My disagreements are more about how there could
be greater benefit and less cost if different choices were made.


             "Anne van                                                     
             <                                          To 
             >                         "WAF WG (public)"                   
             Sent by:                  <>          
             public-appformats                                          cc 
                                       Access Control: integrated          
             01/18/2008 03:32          Requirements, Use Cases and FAQ     


To help keep us on track I took the feedback we had on use cases and
requirements so far and integrated them into the main specification as
proposal. I have also integrated the design decision FAQ I created because

several people indicated it was a useful document.

Feedback welcome!

Kind regards,

Anne van Kesteren

Received on Friday, 18 January 2008 15:00:36 UTC