from May 2011 by subject

[ALL] agenda 11 May telecon

[ALL] agenda 18 May telecon

[ALL] Agenda for 1 June 2011

[ALL] Agenda for 25 May 2011

[ALL] new poll F2F

[TTL] Differences between SPARQL and Turtle.

Absolute IRIs (Was: Re: IRI guidance)

Action-48 text: a New Plan for plain literals

Agenda 4 May

Another week, another ISSUE-12 proposal

basic question on string literals

continued regrets

For scribes: How to generate minutes

Fwd: getting language tags out of the fundamental model (ISSUE-12)

getting language tags out of the fundamental model (ISSUE-12)

Graph terminology & SPARQL 1.1 Graph Store Protocol

History: why are lang tags and datatypes disjoint.

IRI guidance

IRI vs. URI Reference in RDFa

ISSUE-12: xs:string VS plain literals: proposed resolution

Lang tags are not datatypes

language entailment

Linked JSON mailing list

May 18 minutes

More on the latest ISSUE-12 proposal

Namespace (was: Re: Preparing editor's drafts -- Q's for the team contacts)

Preparing editor's drafts -- Q's for the team contacts

Proposal for ISSUE-12, string literals

Proposal for ISSUE-40 Skolemization

Proposal for resolving ISSUE-64

Proposal for resolving ISSUE-64 (was: Re: RDF-ISSUE-64 (langtag-rfc): RFC 3066 or RFC 5646 for language tags? [RDF General])

Proposed text on replacing URIref with IRI

publication infrastructure / respec

Quiz results! A hint of consensus on ISSUE-12

RDF WG Decision on IRIs in RDF Documents

RDF WG minutes from 2011-05-11

RDF WG minutes from 2011-05-18

RDF WG minutes from 2011-05-25

RDF-ISSUE-42 (revisit-rdfms-abouteachprefix): Revisit "Something should be done about aboutEachPrefix construct" [Cleanup tasks]

RDF-ISSUE-43 (revisit-rdfms-abouteachprefix): Revisit "Suggestion that Qnames should be allowed as values for attributes such as rdf:about" [Cleanup tasks]

RDF-ISSUE-44 (rdfms-qnames-can't-represent-all-uris): Revisit "The RDF XML syntax cannot represent all possible Property URI's" [Cleanup tasks]

RDF-ISSUE-45 (revisit-rdfms-quoting): Revisit "The syntax needs a more convenient way to express the reification of a statement" [Cleanup tasks]

RDF-ISSUE-46 (revisit-rdfms-quoting): Revisit "Should RDF have a mechanism for declaring two uri's to be equivalent?" [Cleanup tasks]

RDF-ISSUE-47 (revisit-rdfms-quoting): Revisit "RDF embedded in XHTML and other XML documents is hard to validate" [Cleanup tasks]

RDF-ISSUE-48 (revisit-rdfms-quoting): Revisit "The design of the RDF Model collection classes exhibit various awkward features. Might these be augmented with a 'better' design?" [Cleanup tasks]

RDF-ISSUE-49 (revisit-rdfms-quoting): Revisit "Should the subjects of RDF statements be allowed to be literals" [Cleanup tasks]

RDF-ISSUE-50 (revisit-rdfms-quoting): Revisit "Request to allow b-nodes as property labels" [Cleanup tasks]

RDF-ISSUE-51 (revisit-rdfms-quoting): Revisit "Suggestion that the concept of context is missing from RDF" [Cleanup tasks]

RDF-ISSUE-52 (revisit-rdfms-quoting): Revisit "How to indicate whether RDF embedded in another document is asserted" [Cleanup tasks]

RDF-ISSUE-53 (revisit-rdfms-quoting): Revisit "RDF is not just a data model; an RDF statement is an assertion" [Cleanup tasks]

RDF-ISSUE-54 (revisit-rdfms-quoting): Revisit "RDF collection syntax should allow literals" [Cleanup tasks]

RDF-ISSUE-55 (revisit-rdfms-quoting): Revisit "Request for a richer vocabulary for languages" [Cleanup tasks]

RDF-ISSUE-56 (revisit-rdfs-fyi): Revisit "A request for a semantics free predicate for comments" [Cleanup tasks]

RDF-ISSUE-57 (revisit-rdfs-layered-subset): Revisit "A request to define subset of RDFS with a more conventional layered architecture" [Cleanup tasks]

RDF-ISSUE-58 (revisit-rdf-mapping-lists-and-containers): Revisit "A request to define a formal semantic relationship between lists and containers" [Cleanup tasks]

RDF-ISSUE-59 (revisit-rdfms-syntax-incomplete): Revisit "The RDF/XML syntax can't represent an an arbritary graph structure" [Cleanup tasks]

RDF-ISSUE-60 (revisit-rdf-fragids-in-embedded-rdf): Revisit "Defining the interpretation of fragment identifiers in RDF embedded in other document formats" [Cleanup tasks]

RDF-ISSUE-61 (revisit-rdf-plain-and-xml-literals): Revisit "An XML literal without markup, e.g. "foo" should denote the same thing as the plain literal "foo"" [Cleanup tasks]

RDF-ISSUE-62 (revisit-test-manifest-semantics): Revisit "The test cases manifest format has a semantic error" [Cleanup tasks]

RDF-ISSUE-63 (html5-datatype): Introduce an HTML5 datatype [RDF General]

RDF-ISSUE-64 (langtag-rfc): RFC 3066 or RFC 5646 for language tags? [RDF General]


Regrets for next 3 telecons

regrets for telecon

Regrets for the May 18 teleconference

Regrets for today's teleconference

REGRETS for tomorrow (traveling)

Regrets for tomorrow's telecon

Regrets for Wed, 11 May Telecon

Reorganizing the RDF Semantics

Rethinking ISSUE-12 with lang datatypes

short notice regrets

Simplified proposal for string literals

subtypes of xsd:string

Talis Editor for RDF JSON

text/turtle and text/n3

The RDF 1.1 Literal Quiz

Turtle and CURIES

Last message date: Tuesday, 31 May 2011 17:52:31 UTC