Re: Preparing editor's drafts -- Q's for the team contacts

On May 25, 2011, at 10:51 , Dan Brickley wrote:

> I've been through the basic process with the POI WG and yeah, there's
> not a lot to it - as above. We just pick a name (yes, 'rdf' is fine),
> and then someone from team sends a request for a new repo to Sysreq,
> ideally copying the other team and chairs so everyone's in the loop. I
> suggest you just do that rather than have a consensus process for
> deciding our repo name :)

It can wait until this afternoon:-)

>> I guess the obvious answer to the last question is to allow for only our group to edit. Our DBWG id is 46168
> Sounds about right
>>> 2. I assume we will do public editor's drafts. What will the IRI of the RDF Concepts draft be?
> I think we can get the basic specs into public Mercurial without
> finalising all of this.
> We also need to think about managing / evolving the (currently
> CVS-archived) namespace documents for RDF and RDFS.

I would expect those to stay in CVS space and we will just update those. Eric, Sandro or I can update them at any time if needed.

'If needed' is the key here: unless we add new terms (eg, a new datatype...) then those files should be o.k., though I would probably produce a turtle version for both


> cheers,
> Dan

Ivan Herman, W3C Semantic Web Activity Lead
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Received on Wednesday, 25 May 2011 09:03:28 UTC