from June 2010 by subject

[ACTION-152] [Policy Framework] Draft updated

[Contacts] Contact format issue

[contacts] Removal of serviceId from API

[File API] Recent Updates To Specification + Co-Editor

[Powerbox] New draft based on further collaboration and prototyping

[SysInfo API] : Comments on the terminology used

[SysInfo API] Proposing an alternative to the SystemDevice interface

[whatwg] Do we really need a <device> element?

Agenda - Distributed Meeting 2010-06-02

Agenda - Distributed Meeting 2010-06-16

Agenda - Distributed Meeting 2010-06-23

Agenda - Distributed Meeting 2010-06-30

API patterns and requirements

approved minutes 2010-06-09

approved minutes 26 May 2010

Capture API question

CfC: Access Control Requirements FPWD

CfC: Policy Examples FPWD

CfC: Policy Framework FPWD

CfC: Policy Profile: XACML FPWD

CfC: Privacy Requirements FPWD

changes to sysinfo (was Fwd: Agenda - Distributed Meeting 2010-06-23)

Contact API HTML input element integration (was: Re: API patterns and requirements)

Contacts API updates

Contacts API: planned intermediate draft on June 29

Contacts updates

Correction: XACML IPR is RAND

Discussion regarding policy framework choices

Draft minutes 2010-06-02 teleconference

Draft minutes 2010-06-09

Draft minutes 2010-06-23 teleconference

Draft minutes from 2010-06-30

Feedback on Contacts API, informed by some Firefox Contacts prototyping

Feedback on Device API Policy Examples

File* specs: Please use public-webapps (exclusively) for all technical discussions

Fwd: changes to sysinfo (was Fwd: Agenda - Distributed Meeting 2010-06-23)

Fwd: Deadline Extended to 7 June for Privacy Workshop Position Papers

HTML5 File

ISSUE-85 (codecs): No provisions for audio/x-speex, video/x-webm, audio/ogg, or video/ogg [Capture API]

JavaScript Permissions interface in WebApps

Last Call Working Drafts transition announcement of the API and Ontology for Media Resource 1.0

Minutes 2010-06-16

Modal prompts vs notifications (was: Agenda - Distributed Meeting 2010-06-02)

OMTP BONDI 1.11 errata release

Policy - capability definition question

Policy requirements question (was Re: RE: [Powerbox] New draft based on further collaboration and prototyping)

Powerbox, revocation, modeless singular(?) dialogs, ACTION-188 (was Re: [Powerbox] New draft ...)

Privacy requirements editors?

proposed revision to policy requirements

Question on text search

re-publication of Contacts API

Reference errors in policy framework draft


Regrets (was Re: Agenda - Distributed Meeting 2010-06-16)

Regrets (was Re: Agenda - Distributed Meeting 2010-06-30)

Regrets (was: Agenda - Distributed Meeting 2010-06-02)

Regrets (was: Agenda - Distributed Meeting 2010-06-30)

Regrets for today (was: Agenda - Distributed Meeting 2010-06-16)

relation of “XACML Profile” to XACML 2.0 (was: CfC: Policy Profile: XACML FPWD)

Reminder: Deadline for Position Papers for Privacy Workshop is this Monday, 7 June

Schema for “XACML Profile” (was: CfC: Policy Profile: XACML FPWD)

Serializing Asynchronous API calls (was: API patterns and requirements)

service quality aspects concerning activation (was Re: Draft minutes from 2010-06-30)

speex and vp8 [LC Comment API] and [LC Comment ONT] (was Re: Last Call Working Drafts transition announcement of the API and Ontology for Media Resource 1.0)

SV: Agenda - Distributed Meeting 2010-06-02

Sys Info network attributes

Sysinfo and access requests (was: API patterns and requirements)

SysInfo buckets

system information draft status

Transferring File* to WebApps (was Re: HTML5 File)

Transferring File* to WebApps - Proposed path forward

Transferring File* to WebApps - redux

Transferring File* to WebApps — Proposed path forward

Transferring File* to WebApps — redux

updated minutes, 2010-06-30 (v2)

updated Policy Profile

Updated SysInfo

Updates to File API

Updates to File API and blob url schemes

updates to Policy Framework and Profile

Using XACML profile to describe two current browser policies

WARP and DAP Policy

where did input type=file end up?


XACML IPR and profiling

Last message date: Wednesday, 30 June 2010 21:26:43 UTC