Re: Capture API question

Hi Arun,

On Jun 11, 2010, at 20:29 , Arun Ranganathan wrote:
> 1. The Capture API as currently written provides methods that we are not interested in implementing (at least for now), notably details about *how* images and video are captured.  It doesn't seem to build on existing mechanisms for dealing with form-selected data.  Also:
> 2. The Capture API doesn't address integration with existing HTML elements.  It introduces an "unharnessed" API space, which I find troubling and cannot reconcile with how the web works.

Well, the thing is that we've already decided to work in layers where we would have basic form-based integration to start with, and then going upwards additional details. However as we were thinking of how to best capture these changes we had a very good discussion with Mozilla during which it surfaced that you had interest in providing input on how you'd like the result to look like, so we decided to wait on that so as to avoid doing the work twice. That was two months ago.

Now we can, should, and will move forward in refining this API with or without said input but I must say in full candour that I find it quite galling that you would come here brandying "trouble" and "unreconcilable" after we tried to engage with you and blocked waiting for your input.

Robin Berjon
  robineko — hired gun, higher standards

Received on Wednesday, 16 June 2010 10:06:35 UTC