Diva mp3 and 2.4.19+ usb-storage: kernel: hub.c: connect-debounce failed
HowTo set up content-negotiation for resources out of local server on Apache
security info for dummies [was: Re: from the other side?]
in defense of CSS
testing jasc webdraw (foaf scribble)
Re: The emperor's new datatypes
Dan's proposal for "datatyping"
Re: Understanding RDF
RDF concepts - references
XSD in RDF (1)
More on XHTML as text/html
RDF parser for Ruby
Sample HTML document with broken images
Sample HTML document
Sample image
Re: Question about including assertion identifiers directly in SOAP 1.2 spec
Question about including assertion identifiers directly in SOAP 1.2 spec
FW: SOAP Implementers Report - Nov 14
Re: Markup Challenge: aaronsw.com
table/form handling in HTML Tidy
Concall number now working
A draft of concepts
unspoken URI axioms
WSDesc Editors Telcon
- RE: WSDesc Editors Telcon
- RE: WSDesc Editors Telcon
- RE: WSDesc Editors Telcon
- RE: WSDesc Editors Telcon
- Re: WSDesc Editors Telcon
- RE: WSDesc Editors Telcon
- RE: WSDesc Editors Telcon
Why your XHTML article is wrong
Qualified Dublin Core XML Schema for you to do with as you please (fwd)
max's notes on rdf/soap
Meeting today
glen's web service slides (features, properties, modules)
[MTF] Presentation given at W3C F2F by MTF on MTF progress
Web Services Architecture, choreography architecture
[WSAWG] Presented text about security properties for the architecture document
Semantics presentation 11/15/02
Correlation wods from F2F
Pub sub
long run txns (reformat again)
long run text updated
pub-sub text
W3C Extended Architecture features 3.txt
W3C Extended Architecture features 2.txt
[WSAWG] Text regarding routing
text for packaging/attachments
Eric's text again
reformat - long running transactions
long running transactions text
anyone can say anything about anything... how about lists?
[Fwd: updated OWL Reference WD]
testing http://www.w3.org/2000/10/rdf-tests/rdfcore/Manifest
Test 3 IRI-Everywhere
Test 2 IRI-Everywhere
Test message IRI-everywhere
Web Services Architecture Proposals for F2F
Management Concerns Draft
Web services State Draft for F2F
RDF Test Cases draft for publication
RDF Test Cases WD for review
rdfs summary (pseudo-nt)
RDF/XML Syntax WD draft #4
RDF MT for review
Marc Hadley's e-mail address
Re: Artifacts in Requesters -- Simple Conventions for Diagrams
RDF/XML Syntax Doc draft 2002-11-06 #3
RDF/XML Syntax Doc draft 2002-11-06 #2
RDF/XML Syntax Specification (Revised) draft WD 2002-11-06
Re: bookmarks as RDF? (fwd)
Re: Question on the naming of "Web Method Specification Feature" in part 2 section 6.4
Editorial proposal for issue 250
- Re: Editorial proposal for issue 250
- RE: Editorial proposal for issue 250
- RE: Editorial proposal for issue 250
- RE: Editorial proposal for issue 250