security info for dummies [was: Re: from the other side?]

At 02:38 AM 2002-11-27, Jonathan Chetwynd wrote:

>anyone preferably from a security business checked whether there are cross 
>OS viruses?
>is there a guidelines committee?
>any great tips to pick up?

Good consumer information is maintained on the Web by some of the companies 
sell security software.  Symantec and F-Secure are examples that come to mind.
Just Google for "email virus" or something like that and you will be started

For the full technical detail one reads the publications of the CERT, but
it's probably best to start with the consumerized version from the merchant


  CERT Coordination Center

PS:  Irony of the day:

Junk mail practitioners, including spammers, understand that they have to
work to get you to open the mail they send.  So they do a better job writing
'Subject:' lines than do my do-good friends.

So one way to get a corpus of practice from which to teach good email
communication would be to gather the spam that arrives in your inbox and
teach subject lines from the examples contained therein.


Received on Thursday, 28 November 2002 11:08:20 UTC