Pub sub

Some proposed text for pub/sub:

Publish and subscribe (pub-sub) is a style that  involves one or more
sending (publishing)  messages to one or more receivers (subscribers),
where each subscriber has
stated interest in receiving such messages. 

There are a number of mechanisms that can be used to support the
distribution of messages. 
In a simple case, a publisher may only support one subscriber (e.g. a
network device 
that signals alarms to a manager), in which case simple one-way or sync
may be used. When multiple publishers and subscribers are allowed,
message distribution may occur at 
the protocol level (e.g. udp), or though an intermediary distribution
service (e.g. a web service) that takes on
the responsibility of distributing the messages to interested parties.

Implicit in the pub/sub model is the act of subscribing, which is a
mechanism that each 
subscriber uses to express interest in particular messages. This act may
involve listening 
on a certain transport channel (e.g. a udp multicast port), registering
with a publisher, or registering with an intermediate distribution

There are a variety of ways of declaring interest in a message which
expressing interest in messages from certain publishers, messages with 
certain content (content based filtering), 
and messages communicated on certain "channels" or bindings.


Martin Chapman                                 500 Oracle Parkway
Consulting Member of Technical Staff           Ms 1op641
Oracle                                         Redwood Shores,
P: +1 650 506 6941                             CA 94065
e:                   USA

Received on Thursday, 14 November 2002 17:30:13 UTC