Question about including assertion identifiers directly in SOAP 1.2 spec

At today's SOAP 1.2 implementer's telcon, the question was brought up as
to whether it would be possible to mark the various assertions in the
SOAP 1.2 spec explicitly so that they are easier to refer to.

Currently the link between the test collection [1] and the spec is at
the section level. This means that although the "SOAP Version 1.2
Specification Assertions and Test Collection" document provides
assertions numbers, these numbers are not reflected in the SOAP 1.2

As a result, it is hard to use these numbers as they are not
"authoritatively provided" by the SOAP 1.2 spec, especially as the
numbers in [1] have changed over time (as it happens the assertion
numbers were assigned by the XSL and not hard coded).

As I don't know how easy or complicated moving these assertion
identifiers into the spec, I promised to take the question to y'all to
hear what you think. I guess the question is whether such assertion
identifiers would be useful to have part of the spec or not.


Henrik Frystyk Nielsen


Received on Monday, 25 November 2002 14:54:30 UTC