w3c-wai-ig@w3.org from July to September 1999 by subject

"Accessibility Features of SMIL" available as W3C Note

"clockwork orange"? was: How to describe Flowcharts, Schematics, etc

"usability label" like "nutrional label" for software

(SDF proposal)

19 clicks to anywhere on the web

50 States Quarters

[Fwd: [jobline] CWEB open positions]

[Fwd: [webwatch] An Example Where Alt Tags Help]

[Fwd: [webwatch] Announcement: The WYFIWYG Web Site]

[Fwd: [webwatch] Interested in making your sites accessible to more?]

[Fwd: ACCESSIBILITY VIDEO - The Royal National Institute for the Blind]

[Fwd: Accessible Videos via the web . . .]

[Fwd: Advice needed for designer of government web site]

[Fwd: Comprehensive List of Web Browsers]

[Fwd: Desktop Software Via the Web]

[Fwd: File announcement Opera web browser]

[Fwd: From Access-USA -> Braille & More!]

[Fwd: Fwd: Another Approach to Blind Web Access]

[Fwd: Guidelines for making web notes accessible]

[Fwd: I will not buy and why?]

[Fwd: java empowers blind developers]

[Fwd: NEW: AACP - American Association of Computer Programmers]

[Fwd: NEW: Authoring XHTML]

[Fwd: NEW: html]

[Fwd: NEW: sols-webware]

[Fwd: Re: Adobe article on accessibility]

[Fwd: RE: From Access-USA -> Braille & More!]

[Fwd: Re: I will not buy and why?]

[Fwd: WAI Report on http://www.radiospirits.com]

[Fwd: web peeves]

[Fwd: WEB: accessible www.electrichoice.com]

[Fwd: XML is coming]

[w3c-wai-ig] <none>

a bit of html help

a new article about an exciting piece of reborne technology

A New Screen Reader? (fwd)

a new wave of disturbing possibilities?

A site to watch.

AAA WCAG Conformance

About Priority 1.1

About Priority 2.1 and 2.2

Accessibility of ATW

ACCESSIBILITY VIDEO - The Royal National Institute for the Blind

Accessible Media

Accessible web authoring is expensive and difficult ?

acronyms and character entity set codes

Adoption of Accessible Long Distance Learning Guidelines

ALDICT - Access of Persons with Learning Disabilities to Information and Communication Technologies

an interesting parser

appropriate reference card for blind web page designers?

ASP is not accessible?

ATENCAO - Pretty Park - Virus !!

Bank Technology News International Article on Accessibility

Braille formatter for XML-tagged data

Braillesurf [was Can't see selection highlights

Builder.Com Article on Accessibility

CA Higher ED Requires Compliance with W3C Guidelines

Can end users turn off CSS?

Can't see selection highlights

Checkpoint 1.1

Checkpoint 3.3

Checkpoint 3.6: Big Hurdle for Double-AA/Triple-AAA Compliance

Citation of URLs

Closing 3.3 discussion on IG list, it continues on GL list

CNN Chat Yesterday with Guido Corona

Color Blindness

color orange

Column: John Williams at Businessweek

Comprehensive list of "graphical representations of text" formats/tools?

comprehensive list of authoring tools?

Creating web pages

critical? size of check boxes

CSS and e-commerce

CSS2 Accessibility Improvements

Current issue of DesignShops.com highlights accessibility

Discharging my promise to reveal:

discouraging news from ToolBook and MIT

Do style sheets have any effect on screen readers?

EASI course on web design

examples of accessible e-commerce sites

Exemplary Site?

for those looking for embedable speech

Free Internet Stock Newsletter

Fwd: NetMechanic Results on www.hwg.org

Fwd: Re: I will not buy and why?

Fwd: Web Design Accessibility is Cool

fyi - article in computer world

General Comment re Guidelines/Discussion

Gov. Davis of CA Signs bill requiring publishers to provide elect ronic texts

Guidelines vs Standards (was Checkpoint 3.3)

Hack this site, win a cool grand

Heads up: Last Call for Authoring Accessibility

Heads up: Last Call for Authoring Tool Accessibility Guidelines



How to describe Flowcharts, Schematics, etc

I have found the mother lode! (previously this thread was called "How to describe Flowcharts, Schematics, etc" on the wai-IG list)

I submit it to you? [Fwd: Re: Help with a Website]


imagemap alt question responses

IMPORTANT: Need techniques for User Agent Accessibility Guidelines

Insight from Web Experts?

Internet Taxation?

ISdAC forum list

JavaOne trip report: Accessibility goes mainstream

Keyboard Command Wish List [was Can't see selection highlights]

kiosks again?


literacy @the www.

Lutris' server divides duties (http://www.zdnet.com/pcweek/stories/news/0,4153

Lynx and log files

lynx-dev User Agent

make Macromedia Flash Accessible

MARKUP LANGUAGES: THEORY AND PRACTICE is a new peer-reviewed technical journal of text markup for computer processing

Media: Accessibility Article on evolt

Meta Tags

Mozilla and Longdesc: Feedback Wanted

Need advice on disseminating force feedback technology

Netomat Browser

Netomat URL

New Internet Directory! Try it! You'll Love it!!

New Scientist article on software to lip-read

NewsWatch: TechWeb article (WAI, jbrewer, Jakob Nielsen)

North Carolina Announces Web Access Task Force


Off Topic: Accessibility consultant in Northern California

Ordering a copy of the "Tape Recording Manual" (previously "I have found the mother lode")

Orientation information (request) (fwd)

PATAGONIA COSMETICA: la solución natural

Petition for the Accessibility of the Portuguese Internet

Portuguese Policy Related to Web Accessibility

Portuguese web accessibility legislation

press Release - Able Channel . . .

Press Release: Petition crowned of success

Problem of Physical vs. Logical Order [was RE: How can we make Microsoft Publisher Accessible on the Web

Problems with author names being dropped


QUESTION: image map alt tags

R: Creating web pages

Radio transcripts

Radio transcripts -CNN

Rate your web site

read please voicing text on the web and...

Refurbished Headway Website (fwd)

Reminder about registering for the Sophia WAI meetings

research on moving images

Review request

search engines

Search forms for text-oriented/request for advice

size of check boxes answers

Statistics on Blind & Visually Impaired Web Users

Statistics on Blind &amp; Visually Impaired Web Users

SYSTRANS On-the-Fly Translation Form [was Re: Braillesurf]

Temporally re moved from mailing list????

To the listserv administrator

Towards a universally designed web page

towards a vocabulary and grammar of abstract graphic

transparent Graphics

Tree model integrity (fwd)

Try out this reporting tool for accessibility problems

Two UK Accessibility Articles

UK Digital Economy Report

UK Digital Economy Report & Web Accessibility



Visible, simple, accessible sites

Waddell Web Access Article Cited by Australian Commission


WAI/ADA in the U.S. Department of Energy

wall st. journal "brace of new federal requirements could help out disabled web users

way to go kim![Fwd: The Salt Lake Tribune: Screen-Reader Technology Makes InternetAccessible to Blind]

Web Accessibility Education

Web Mobility

What will they think of next!

What will they think of next! not the BOOK, but the SCROLL !!

Which form item is more accessible?

WORM ALERT: C:\CoolProgs\Pretty Park.exe

x-disability comms, was How to describe Flowcharts, Schematics, etc

Last message date: Thursday, 30 September 1999 18:27:54 UTC