Fwd: NetMechanic Results on www.hwg.org

I ran a test on http://www.hwg.org/ at http://www.netmechanic.com/

They told me that I'd "misspelled" a lot of words, like XML and
XHTML, plus they kindly informed me that <!DOCTYPE> is not a valid
HTML tag.

The thing that scares the heck out of the accessibility instructor
within me is rating of our "browser compatability".  The things it
identifies as "incompatible" all fall into one of the two 

(a) Style sheet support, such as SPAN elements or CLASS/ID
     attributes, which specifically degrade gracefully when CSS
     is not present, and
(b) Attributes/elements added for accessibility's sake, such

Now, I don't mind being identified as "incompatible" with old
versions of browsers, but the PROBLEM here is their "advice" to
web designers:

"Try to avoid using a tag or attribute if it is incompatible with
more than 10% of your audience."


Here's what they say for LONGDESC:

Tag:                IMG
Attribute:          LONGDESC
Lines:              78
Visitors Affected:  99.00%
   3:                N
   4:                N
   5:                N
   2:                N
   3:                N
   4:                N

In other words, since 99% of browsers out there don't use the
information, you shouldn't include LONGDESC.

In short:

      Their advice is actively ANTI-ACCESSIBLE.

Would someone care to join me in writing to these people about the
inherent problems in advising against the use of proper HTML code
as they are doing here?  It might mean more if we all got together.

This could also be an issue for the evaluation/repairs tools to
look at, but I don't know what exactly you'd want to do.

PS:  The url below expires in 2 days.


>Date: Thu, 2 Sep 1999 22:59:18 -0400
>To: kynn@kynn.com
>Subject: NetMechanic Results
>From: webmaster@netmechanic.com
>[ad snipped]
>NetMechanic has completed the tests you requested for:
>Job Configuration: One Page, Local Links, Remote Links, Images, HTML Standard: HTML Version 4.0 Standard
>You can find your results at:
>Reports will be stored at this URL for the next 2 days.

Kynn Bartlett  <kynn@idyllmtn.com>                   http://www.kynn.com/
Chief Technologist, Idyll Mountain Internet      http://www.idyllmtn.com/
Catch the Web Accessibility Meme!                   http://aware.hwg.org/

Received on Friday, 3 September 1999 00:07:59 UTC