Fwd: Web Design Accessibility is Cool

 From the HWG-Business list.  A direct url to the story cited below
seems to be:


>X-Sender: rhartman@mail.io.com
>X-Mailer: QUALCOMM Windows Eudora Pro Version 4.1 
>Date: Mon, 27 Sep 1999 20:48:05 -0500
>To: "Majordomo@mail.hwg.org" <hwg-business@hwg.org>
>From: Rachel Hartman <rhartman@io.com>
>Subject: Fwd: Web Design Accessibility is Cool
>Sender: owner-hwg-business@hwg.org
>Speaking of accessibility, I thought I'd pass on the URL to an article I
>was told about on another list:
>The article is written with the web designer in mind, and has examples of
>good looking sites that are also accessible.  There's a link to the BOBBY
>site, which (if you don't know) is a great way to check your site
>automagically for accessibility issues.
>Rachel Hartman
>Rachel R. Hartman, Co-Owner
>Hartman WebWrights - http://www.hww.com (512) 989-7844
>Affordable, hand-crafted web pages for your company's needs

Kynn Bartlett                                    mailto:kynn@hwg.org
President, HTML Writers Guild                    http://www.hwg.org/
AWARE Center Director                          http://aware.hwg.org/

Received on Monday, 27 September 1999 22:48:19 UTC