Re: a new wave of disturbing possibilities?

If this trend moves to one standard platform where the notion of individual PC's and individual platforms (operating systems etc.) disappears, this could be the solution not the problem.
Besides, the issue is not a web-OS versus a PC Os.  The question is, regardless of which is used, are accessibility features built in.  Neither case has inherently better conditions for accessibility as far as I can see.  What is a potential problem is the "dynamic document" metaphor - this would really make things difficult for *current* screen readers.  Then again, it's not a question of dynamic vs. static either.  It's a deeper question again.  If dynamic documents do become the dominant metaphor, this just means accessibility standards for this model need  to be created.  
If there really is one standard, seamless web-os, it should be easier to write such accessibility guidelines and easier to create assistive technologies.  There is no guarantee of this happenning of course.  
The potential for taking advantage of something can always be ignored...
It is never as simple as "Is format/tool/technology accessible or not".  That question is much too simplistic. 

Steven McCaffrey
Information Technology Services

Received on Friday, 24 September 1999 11:37:59 UTC