Re: color orange

Members interested in exploring the nature of additive color could try the
following experiment.

First obtain a set of colored gels, sweet wrappers, or professional lighting
or theatrical ones, and a stanmdard small greetings card with a fold

Cut Three slits across the shorter side, each about 1.5" long and about
3/32" wide
separated by 1/16".
paste one gel over each slit

With a bright sky, but not direct sunlight, open the card and holding the
slits vertically look at the other side
find a vertical post, lamp, window separator, 6-40' away depending on size.
At a pinch, a pencil can be held vertically and in front and moved closer
and further to achieve the desired result
(This provides two diffuse sources)

The three lights will add together and transmit light onto the other side of
the card, providing 6 diamond shaped colors and white.

Almost any selection will work, however Orange/Red, Green and Blue/Purple
will provide the greatest gamut or breadth of colors.

It is important that the three gels transmit ~equal amounts of light, for
best results.

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Received on Friday, 27 August 1999 03:25:53 UTC