RE: [Fwd: Re: Adobe article on accessibility]


i've used the Adobe Access Plugin for the Adobe Acrobat Reader 4.0 to convert
the PDF document dave cited into plain text, using Acrobat 4.0 and the access
plug in...  you can view the rather uneven results at the following URL:

NOTE: the access plugin apparently has some difficulty with the font used in
the original PDF document, as it was unable to process double effs (that is,
words that contain the letter f twice consecutively) or an f followed by an

for example, the word "effect" is converted to "e ects" (that is, e space e c t
s), while the word "benefit" was converted to "bene t" (that is, b e n e space

overall, the conversion produced something comprehensible--i just wouldn't want
to use it to obtain any information (such as tax forms, etc.) in which clarity
and accuracy were of the essence


He that lives on Hope, dies farting
     -- Benjamin Franklin, Poor Richard's Almanack, 1763
Gregory J. Rosmaita <>
   President, WebMaster, & Minister of Propaganda, 
        VICUG NYC <>

Received on Tuesday, 10 August 1999 17:57:03 UTC