- From: Steven McCaffrey <smccaffr@MAIL.NYSED.GOV>
- Date: Thu, 19 Aug 1999 14:18:41 -0400
- To: CHRIS.KREUSSLING@ny.frb.org, dave.pawson@virgin.net
- Cc: w3c-wai-ig@w3.org
Hi Dave, Karl, Len, Charles etal: "...(say) a hyperlinked HTML version for the VI members of the group,..." What is this version like? If a blind person tabbed from link to link, what would be spoken by a screen reader (i.e. what is the linked text?) A static HTML version would be o.k. for input to a more interactive program but not sufficient for output for blind users to gain equivalent access to the underlying information structure. A good exercise is to try to comprehend a chart/diagram you have not seen before by having it described to you (i.e read aloud) by a friend/colleague, without, of course, looking at it yourself. The words (labels of nodes) and relational information (e.g. (abstract tree data structure terminology)"is a child of or (more concretely) for an organizational chart "works for") goes past your ears. Visual information allows the viewer to refresh his/her memory simply by focusing her/his eyes on any deisired portion of the picture. To gain the same flexibility, you would have to ask your friend/colleague, or computer, to read something of interest, at the desired level of detail, again. Thus the need for interactivity. -Steve ------ Steven McCaffrey Information Technology Services NYSED (518)-473-3453 >>> "Dave Pawson" <dave.pawson@virgin.net> 08/18 2:16 PM >>> > The Object Management Group <www.omg.org> has done a lot of work in this area. In particular, I think their Meta-Object Facility (MOF) and XML Metadata Interchange (XMI) may be applicable. > > MOF is a Meta-Meta-Modelling Language: a syntax and semantics for describing other meta-models: org charts, schematics, computer systems, whatever. XMI is an XML format for exporting and importing arbitrary meta-models to and from MOF. Through XMI, any meta-modeling language could be converted into any other meta-modeling language. > > *In theory* any model could be converted into XMI for storage on a server and transmission over the Web, e-mail, whatever. A User Agent can parse the XMI to read the model and present it to the user. To present a different class or set of models, you develop a meta-model, XML DTD, and XMI transforms. Optionally, you develop stylesheets for different presentation media. Now we are talking! <grin/> I knew there would be other uses for XMI. I had said if I could draw the flowchart, I can model it in XML. Why invent my own DTD when omg have done it for me. Love the idea. Love to see a simple implementation so that when my colleagues say can I have a copy, I use the XSL transforms to convert from the XMI to the graphical form for sighted colleagues, and to (say) a hyperlinked HTML version for the VI members of the group, just as I do with the rest of the presentation which is text based! Yippee. Love the ideas, now how to select from the crap set of graphical symbols in the UML guide graphical set <yuk/> to use them for QFD charts, QPD diagrams, system symbolic diagrams ......... regards, and tks for a great idea, DaveP
Received on Thursday, 19 August 1999 14:22:30 UTC