RE: Can't see selection highlights

-----Original Message-----
From:  Bruce Bailey
Sent: Thursday, July 22, 1999 12:33 PM
3)	It would be nice if scrolling (Page Up/Down) had some logical effect on
where the Tab key picked up from.

this is a browser implementation issue. Lynx implements this well. paging
down always move the link cursor to the first available link on screen
unless there is no link on the screen.  In a windows browser, the focus
(controlled by the tab key) functions much like a cursor in a word
processor. you can use the mouse to scroll down the page but when you type
the characters are entered at the cursor location not where you are looking
in the document. Although in a word processor hitting page down typically
moves the cursor to the top of the next screen.

Jim Allan

Received on Thursday, 22 July 1999 16:08:09 UTC