Re: How to describe Flowcharts, Schematics, etc

At 08:24 AM 8/29/99 +0100, jonathan chetwynd wrote:
>an example of a useful graphical site is
>online street maps for the world, well my street anyway.
>If you can read a map this is very useful. 
>How could this service be of benefit in audio?

Walking directions for how to get from here to there.

The problem is that for walking you need a sidewalks database, not just a
roads database.

There are commercial services (services offered for free with advertising)
which extract point to point directions for driving a car.  They lack the
level of detail required for going on foot.

My own pipe dream has to do with assembly instructions for those "some
assembly needed" consumer products.  The algorithms for inferring the order
of assembly steps from the topology of the finished product are pretty much
there in the computer aided manufacture industry.  An interactive
hyperdocument with both animated exploded views and fully-sufficient verbal
instructions is in principle a small matter of programming.


>a www for those learning to read.
>Please send us links to your favourite websites. 
>Our site is a drive thru.
>When you see a link of interest, click on it.
>Move the mouse to slow down.
>It is a graphical aid to browsing the www.
>We value your comments.

Received on Sunday, 29 August 1999 10:05:25 UTC