Bank Technology News International Article on Accessibility

Yesterday I received an unsolicited copy of Bank Technology News International - it's a glossy
tabloid-style bimonthly publication aimed at international bankers (which I'm not!).

The front page featured an article entitled "Web Banking for the Visually Impaired".  It described
how a blind computer programmer in Brazil is working on developing an Internet-banking program for
the blind at the Nanco Bradesco.  The article continued inside (for a full page) with details of the
technologies available (mainly PC-based).  The article contained a sidebar which described W3C's Web
Content Accessibility Guidelines, and had a quote from Tim Berners-Lee.

The newspaper's website is available at:
although I couldn't find the article.  As Kynn pointed out for the article, this web
site is not accessible :-(


Brian Kelly, UK Web Focus
UKOLN, University of Bath, BATH, England, BA2 7AY
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Phone:  01225 323943            FAX:   01225 826838

Received on Thursday, 22 July 1999 04:07:37 UTC