from August 2013 by subject


<position> data type

A podcast has been published in the Geek scene in Montreal

A way around the default table?

Analytics meeting moved to Mondays

Animation & masking properties need some help

Border Styles

Cancel general meeting today?

Column examples

Conference in Paris

Couldn't find an issue for requesting change to template

Created and added live examples for the z-index CSS property page

Created live examples for top, bottom, left and right CSS properties

CSS Content Property Page

CSS Properties checklist

CSS values and units

Device APIs

Disabled stats

Do up some grid track sizing examples?

Documented current infrastructure usage

EU Doc Sprint in a Box Meeting Notes 2013-08-20

Extracted flags out of static mockup from Lea

Fwd: Disabled stats

Google Calendar

Help contribute or coordinate this week?

How to preview a blog post draft

I rebooted after updates deployment: Big mistake

In need of stewards for Amsterdam Doc Sprint

Little Help here??

Message "Do not check this box without first reviewing with the community on the e-mail list."

More CSS properties on WPW past reports pages

Need anything to get started on

Need help with 'clip-path' example

No meeting today - please update action items

Organizing Doc Sprints Meeting Friday, August 16, 11:00 AM ((GMT-07:00) Pacific Time)

Organizing docsprints - we need a meeting

Plan: How to work with the infrastructure

Please help coordinate this week

Please review WPW draft blog post

Please review: word-break property

Please update action items - you know who you are! ;-)

Poorly implemented redirects may be causing the 503s

Posting the news on WPD blog

Rescheduling infrastructure meeting

review on text-emphasis properties

Should we do a general meeting in 40 minutes?

Should we doc these properties?

Talk about social media channels at Friday's meeting?

Up for writing a blog post for next WPW?

upload avatar problem & 'Save' on

US Doc Sprint in a Box Meeting Notes 2013-08-16

Visibility property for review

Volunteering on the UX front

We need YOUR help: WPDS Aug 28 Zurich

We'll be having infrastructure meetings

WebPlatform Facebook Page? birthday? meeting Friday meeting in 45 minutes

WPW Blog Post 7-August

WPW calling in tonight

Yahoo Style Guide No Longer Available

Last message date: Friday, 30 August 2013 21:48:00 UTC