Re: Column examples

Thanks Shali!!!

Great work here. Let me first reply in-line to some of your points...

On Tue, Aug 20, 2013 at 5:38 PM, Shali Nguyen <> wrote:

> Hi there!
> I was going through the docs today and became immediately
> interested. I've been wanting to find a way to help contribute to the
> community and would love to lend a hand!
> I plan on hopping in on tomorrow morning's meeting but wanted to try and
> get started to see if I could be of help. Upon reviewing "columns" article
> from the Aug 14th week, it looks like you guys are missing some examples
> and have some that exist that aren't formatted cross browser w/vendor
> prefixes.
> Here are my suggested improvements on live examples for Multi-column
> sections:
> *
> *Currently has no live example.
>    - Existing example: None
>    - New example:
> *
> *Existing live example doesn't show column-count. I've created a simpler
> example for only the column-count property.
>    - Existing example:
>    - New example:
> *
> *Currently has no live example.
>    - Existing example: None
>    - New example:
> *
> *Currently has no live example.
>    - Existing example: None
>    - Propose to use this existing example:
> (same column-rule above)
> *
> *Uses jsfiddle example instead of codelet.
>    - Existing example:
>    - Propose to use this existing example:
> (same column-rule above)
> *
> *Uses an example only visible in firefox.
>    - Existing example:
>    - Propose to use this existing example:
> (same column-rule above)
> It looks like *column-fill *and *column-gap* examples are fine unless we
> want to make sure vendor prefixes are also included. If that's the case,
> here is the updated example (forked from existing example):
> --
> Shali Nguyen
> follow me @shalinguyen
> AIM: shalinguyen

Received on Thursday, 22 August 2013 19:25:22 UTC