Hi, Rishabh:
Do you maybe have some time to help Wendy out with the examples for the content property?
From: Wen M <wendymoltrup@gmail.com<mailto:wendymoltrup@gmail.com>>
Date: Monday, August 5, 2013 9:47 PM
To: WebPlatform Public List <public-webplatform@w3.org<mailto:public-webplatform@w3.org>>
Subject: CSS Content Property Page
Resent-From: WebPlatform Public List <public-webplatform@w3.org<mailto:public-webplatform@w3.org>>
Resent-Date: Monday, August 5, 2013 9:48 PM
I am adding to the CSS content property page. I found a some useful examples online, but if anyone has an example to share, that would be helpful.
Also, if anyone on the mailing list lives in the Los Angeles area, I am the Education Coordinator of a new Meetup group in Burbank. We are just getting started, but working together on webplatform pages will be (hopefully) one of our projects.
Just e-mail me at wjinca@gmail.com<mailto:wjinca@gmail.com> if you are interested in joining us.