w3c-rdfcore-wg@w3.org from June 2002 by subject

<s,l,x>-literals considered harmless

[w3c-rdfcore-wg] <none>

Agenda for RDFCore Telecon 2002-06-14

Agenda for RDFCore WG Telecon 2002-06-07

Agenda for telecon 2002-06-28

apologies for 6/28 teleconference

aside notes re rdfms-assertion

belated regrets

burned at the stake (was Re: datatyping unstaked)

Cannes entailment, a question:

Comments on datatyping draft

Comments on new semantics initiative documents

Dark triples, current closure / entailment rules, can someone clarify?

Datatypes at F2F

datatypes message - draft 2

datatyping revised draft

datatyping unstaked

Draft datatypes message

f2f agenda

f2f suggestions

from Patrick

from patrick: inquiry.txt

Fwd: Actions/Decisions from RDFCore WG Telecon 2002-05-31

Fwd: XML Protocol WG's Last Call for Review of SOAP 1.2

grahams rdfms-assertion text

help wanted: RDF issue rdfms-assertion

Issue faq-html-compliance

Issue list

Issue list status

literals, again.

literals, language, xml

Making progress

Minutes of F2F Meeting 17/18 June 2002

MT RDFS closure rule bug?

namespaces as punctuation, was: new semantics initiative

New RDF document

new semantics initiative

new semantics initiative drafts

no rdfcore teleconference scheduled for today 2002-06-21

Outline for new RDF document

Outline of the RDFCore documents

Pre-F2F bar chat

procedure for determining reserved vocab

Proposal for closure of rdfs-xml-schema-datatypes

RDF Core F2F Registration

RDF Core F2F Registration (regrets)

rdf:Description & test cases

RDFCore WG minutes for the Telecon 2002-06-07


rdfs schema / namespace update

refining closure text for rdfs-isDefinedBy-semantics

Regarding my recent post: inquiry.txt


Regrets - and item 9 graph, Re: Agenda for RDFCore WG Telecon 2002-06-07

Relationships between terms, statements and schemas and proper application behavior

Role of N-Triples (was Re: datatyping revised draft)

session 8 changed

Summary and some analysis: New Semantics Initiative

Syntax: id symbol expansion

TEST: literals

the idea of a 'reserved' vocabulary

thoughts on new document

Update of new RDF document

WebOnt WG response to RDF Schema Working Draft (fwd)

weekly call for agenda items

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Last message date: Friday, 28 June 2002 12:50:47 UTC