Re: new semantics initiative

At 12:38 AM 6/12/02 -0400, Dan Brickley wrote:
>I have to think about the dark triples stuff some more in the light of
>these proposal. Sometimes it all sounds like quasi-mystical voodoo, other
>times (like today) it seems like a re-characterisation of stuff from
>M+S'99, ie:
> [[
>When an RDF processor encounters an XML element or attribute name that
>is declared to be from a namespace whose name begins with the string
>"" and the processor does not recognize
>the semantics of that name then the processor is required to skip (i.e.,
>generate no tuples for) the entire XML element, including its content,
>whose name is unrecognized or that has an attribute whose name is

Not quote, I think.  The above wording means that certain statements don't 
make it into the graph.  My understanding of Pat/Guha's proposal is that 
they make it into the graph but don't affect its truth denotation.


Graham Klyne

Received on Wednesday, 12 June 2002 05:23:12 UTC