procedure for determining reserved vocab

Hi All,

    If memory serves me right, I was assigned the homework of writing 
the procedure for determining whether a uri corresponding to a node is 
from a reserved vocabulary.

The procedure needs to be able to determine whether the uri is reserved 
with respect to a layer. So, a vocab. item may be reserved wrt RDF but 
not OWL. It was also felt that it would be good if this procedure would 
work not just with W3C recos, but also languages from other such bodies.

   The procedure takes 2 arguments: (a) the uri (b) a layer name (or uri)

    We need to identify two things in the first argument.
(i) whether it is in the reserved vocab.
(ii) which reserved vocab. it is part of.

This can be done in one of three ways:
(1) We invent a new uri prefix (such as log: so that a reserved vocab.
item such as implies will have a uri such as The second part of the uri is the uri for
the layer defining the term.
(2) We use normal http uris and embed this somewhere in the middle of
the uri. eg., or This violates
the principle that uris should be opaque.
(3) We use an appropriate encoding convention for the reserved vocab.
item's Qname. e.g., instead of "implies", we use Log_CWM_implies. While
this violates its own set of principles, it does have the advantage of
not requiring a new namespace.

Once we decide which of these three roads to take, the procedure is
quite trivial.


Received on Sunday, 23 June 2002 13:56:01 UTC