Re: new semantics initiative drafts


> I don't think there should be any impact on the test cases.

that's what I thought too, at least after having read

> I would like your feedback however on how something like
> lbase could impact and interact with Euler

I believe what's written

   Model theory is usually most relevant to implementation
   via the notion of entailment, described later, and by
   making it possible to define valid inference rules.

and in that sense MT is good news and we try to
obey MT (maybe also because those are the initials
of my wife ;-)

I've been thinking a lot recently about function terms
i.e. the thing we called "functionial terms" in

I think I'm not completely understanding the last part of

   Further, we believe that a melange of model theories
   will adversely impact developers building agents that
   implement proof systems for these layers, since the
   proof systems will likely be different for each layer.

but anyhow, this gives us also a strong motivation/challenge

-- .

Received on Tuesday, 11 June 2002 18:42:49 UTC