Re: datatyping unstaked

On Thu, 2002-06-13 at 22:04, patrick hayes wrote: 
> Still, there is no free lunch, and it does require 
> making some changes to the current RDF docs, particularly the MT, and 
> maybe some of the test cases.

That made me nervous...

And indeed,

> For example, the above graph does NOT entail
> <ex:Jenny> <ex:age> _:x .
> _:f <dc:title> _:x .
> _:f <rdf:type> <ex:movie> .

That kills it, for me.

That's the characteristic
I actually need about literals. It's no fun
saying they denote themselves if you can't
existentially generalize them.

i.e. this is just another form of untidy literals.

Dan Connolly, W3C

Received on Friday, 14 June 2002 09:05:57 UTC