Introducing Nick (Monday, 23 February)
hosting F2F3 Peter F. Patel-Schneider (Thursday, 19 February)
Semantics for LDOM Peter F. Patel-Schneider (Thursday, 19 February)
Boa Arthur Ryman (Wednesday, 18 February)
- Re: Boa Michel Dumontier (Wednesday, 18 February)
- Re: Boa Arthur Ryman (Wednesday, 18 February)
- Re: Boa Michel Dumontier (Thursday, 19 February)
UC&R UC1 Peter F. Patel-Schneider (Tuesday, 17 February)
shapes-ACTION-12: Merge 17 and 18 RDF Data Shapes Working Group Issue Tracker (Tuesday, 17 February)
Two Standards ? Holger Knublauch (Friday, 13 February)
fundamental issues Peter F. Patel-Schneider (Thursday, 12 February)
F2F draft agenda Arnaud Le Hors (Wednesday, 11 February)
Shape Selectors Holger Knublauch (Tuesday, 10 February)
- Re: "shape" as a relationship, not a class Eric Prud'hommeaux (Sunday, 8 February)
- Re: "shape" as a relationship, not a class Karen Coyle (Sunday, 8 February)
- Re: "shape" as a relationship, not a class Holger Knublauch (Sunday, 8 February)
- Re: "shape" as a relationship, not a class Karen Coyle (Monday, 9 February)
- Re: "shape" as a relationship, not a class Holger Knublauch (Monday, 9 February)
- Re: "shape" as a relationship, not a class Karen Coyle (Monday, 9 February)
- Re: "shape" as a relationship, not a class Holger Knublauch (Monday, 9 February)
- RE: "shape" as a relationship, not a class (Monday, 9 February)
- Re: "shape" as a relationship, not a class Holger Knublauch (Monday, 9 February)
- Re: "shape" as a relationship, not a class Karen Coyle (Monday, 9 February)
- RE: "shape" as a relationship, not a class (Monday, 9 February)
- Re: "shape" as a relationship, not a class Peter F. Patel-Schneider (Monday, 9 February)
- Introduction Iovka Boneva (Tuesday, 10 February)
- Re: "shape" as a relationship, not a class Karen Coyle (Monday, 9 February)
- Re: "shape" as a relationship, not a class Irene Polikoff (Monday, 9 February)
- Re: "shape" as a relationship, not a class Holger Knublauch (Monday, 9 February)
- Re: "shape" as a relationship, not a class Irene Polikoff (Monday, 9 February)
- Re: "shape" as a relationship, not a class Irene Polikoff (Monday, 9 February)
- Re: "shape" as a relationship, not a class Michel Dumontier (Monday, 9 February)
- Re: "shape" as a relationship, not a class Arthur Ryman (Friday, 20 February)
- Re: "shape" as a relationship, not a class Irene Polikoff (Friday, 20 February)
- Re: shapes distinct from classes docs Holger Knublauch (Thursday, 5 February)
- Re: shapes distinct from classes docs Holger Knublauch (Thursday, 5 February)
- Re: shapes distinct from classes docs Holger Knublauch (Thursday, 5 February)
- another pass at shapes distinct from classes docs Eric Prud'hommeaux (Friday, 6 February)
- Re: another pass at shapes distinct from classes docs Simon Steyskal (Friday, 6 February)
- Re: another pass at shapes distinct from classes docs Peter F. Patel-Schneider (Friday, 6 February)
- Re: another pass at shapes distinct from classes docs Eric Prud'hommeaux (Friday, 6 February)
- Re: another pass at shapes distinct from classes docs Peter F. Patel-Schneider (Friday, 6 February)
- Re: another pass at shapes distinct from classes docs Holger Knublauch (Saturday, 7 February)
- Re: another pass at shapes distinct from classes docs Eric Prud'hommeaux (Saturday, 7 February)
- using classes to control constraints Peter F. Patel-Schneider (Saturday, 7 February)
- Re: using classes to control constraints Eric Prud'hommeaux (Saturday, 7 February)
- Re: using classes to control constraints Peter F. Patel-Schneider (Saturday, 7 February)
- Re: using classes to control constraints Eric Prud'hommeaux (Tuesday, 10 February)
- Re: using classes to control constraints Peter F. Patel-Schneider (Tuesday, 10 February)
- Re: using classes to control constraints Peter F. Patel-Schneider (Tuesday, 10 February)
- Re: using classes to control constraints Eric Prud'hommeaux (Tuesday, 10 February)
- Re: using classes to control constraints Peter F. Patel-Schneider (Tuesday, 10 February)
- Re: using classes to control constraints Eric Prud'hommeaux (Tuesday, 10 February)
- Re: using classes to control constraints Irene Polikoff (Saturday, 7 February)
- Re: using classes to control constraints Irene Polikoff (Saturday, 7 February)
- Re: using classes to control constraints Holger Knublauch (Sunday, 8 February)
- Re: using classes to control constraints Holger Knublauch (Saturday, 7 February)
- Re: using classes to control constraints Peter F. Patel-Schneider (Saturday, 7 February)
- Re: using classes to control constraints Holger Knublauch (Tuesday, 10 February)
- Re: using classes to control constraints Peter F. Patel-Schneider (Wednesday, 11 February)
- Re: using classes to control constraints Irene Polikoff (Wednesday, 11 February)
- Re: using classes to control constraints Peter F. Patel-Schneider (Wednesday, 11 February)
- Re: using classes to control constraints Irene Polikoff (Wednesday, 11 February)
- Re: using classes to control constraints Peter F. Patel-Schneider (Wednesday, 11 February)
- Re: using classes to control constraints Irene Polikoff (Wednesday, 11 February)
- Re: using classes to control constraints Peter F. Patel-Schneider (Wednesday, 11 February)
- Re: using classes to control constraints Irene Polikoff (Wednesday, 11 February)
- Re: using classes to control constraints Peter F. Patel-Schneider (Wednesday, 11 February)
- Re: using classes to control constraints Holger Knublauch (Wednesday, 11 February)
- Re: using classes to control constraints Irene Polikoff (Thursday, 12 February)
- Re: using classes to control constraints Peter F. Patel-Schneider (Thursday, 12 February)
- Re: using classes to control constraints Irene Polikoff (Thursday, 12 February)
- Re: using classes to control constraints Michel Dumontier (Thursday, 12 February)
- Re: using classes to control constraints Holger Knublauch (Thursday, 12 February)
- Re: using classes to control constraints Irene Polikoff (Thursday, 12 February)
- Re: using classes to control constraints Michel Dumontier (Thursday, 12 February)
- Re: using classes to control constraints Peter F. Patel-Schneider (Thursday, 12 February)
- Re: Re: using classes to control constraints Irene Polikoff (Thursday, 12 February)
- Re: Re: using classes to control constraints Simon Steyskal (Thursday, 12 February)
Introduction Richard Cyganiak (Tuesday, 3 February)
Last message date: Saturday, 28 February 2015 09:52:10 UTC