Re: Semantics for LDOM

This would be a yet-to-be-defined subset of LDOM - the extension 
mechanisms (complex queries) are missing. We are back to a hard-coded 


On 2/19/15 12:17 PM, Peter F. Patel-Schneider wrote:
> Hash: SHA1
> Here is what is needed to fix the meaning of LDOM.  The syntax is taken from
> with problematic constructs
> removed and some slight modifications made.  This syntax does not include
> many of the atomic shapes that have been proposed (like checking that an IRI
> belongs to a namespace); adding these is simple but tedious.
>   Semantics for LDOM
> An RDF graph is a set of triples.
> An LDOM document D is a partial mapping from IRIs to shapes.
> Shapes are constructed using the following grammar:
> Shape ::= arc Property Value <Min,Max>
>          | and(Shape,Shape)
>  | or(Shape,Shape)
> Min ::= 0 | 1 | 2 | ...
> Max ::= 0 | 1 | 2 | ... | unbounded
> Property ::= ( IRI | inverse IRI )
> Value ::= shape Label | type IRI | kind (iri|literal|blank) | { V, ..., V }
> V ::= IRI | Literal | Blank
> Given an RDF graph G and an LDOM document D an interpretation of D over G is
> a partial mapping I from IRIs to IRIs union blank nodes union data values.
> Given an interpretation I of D over G, I is extended to shapes as follows
> - - I(shape L) = I(L) if I(L) is defined, undefined otherwise
> - - I(type D) = the value space of D, for D a datatype
> - - I(type C) = { x | x rdf:type C in G }, for C not a datatype
> - - I(kind iri) = { x | x an IRI }
> - - I(kind literal) = { x | x a blank node }
> - - I(kind blank) = { x | x a literal }
> - - I({V1,...,Vn}) = {V1',...,Vn'}
>     where Vn' is the value of Vn for Vn a literal,
>                  Vn otherwise
> - - I(arc P V <Min,Max>) = { x | Min<=card(F)<=Max and F <= I(V) }
>  where F = { y | y p x in G } for P of the form inverse p
>        F = { y | x P y in G } otherwise
> - - I(and(S1,S2)) = I(S1) intersection I(S2)
> - - I(or(S1,S2)) = I(S1) union I(S2)
> An interpretation I of D over G is a pre-model of D over G if
> - - I(L) = I(D(L)) if D(L) is defined
> - - I(L) is undefined otherwise
> A pre-model M of D over G is the model of D over G if there is no other
> pre-model M' of D over G such that M(L)<=M'(L) for all L where M(L) is
> defined.
> Problematic Constructs
> Anything that is related to negation causes problems with recursive shape
> recognition.   Anything that is related to coverage needs an intuition
> behind it before a semantics can be produced.
> Version: GnuPG v1
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Received on Thursday, 19 February 2015 02:28:26 UTC