www-svg@w3.org from April 2005 by subject

[SVG] event-free specification

[SVGMobile12] Chapter 7

[SVGMobile12] Conformance criteria

[SVGMobile12] Editable text with child elements

[SVGMobile12] Editorial: Single HTML or PDF file

[SVGMobile12] prefetch element

[SVGMobile12] viewport-fill example

[SVGMobile12] Well formedness errors in examples

[SVGT12 Comment] Comments from Andrew Girow

[sXBL] Attachment using definition clarification

[sXBL] XPath or CSS selectors in includes attribute

check-mark on SVG context menu

Comments on textArea vs flowText

coordinate example not well-formed [was: GRDDL in non-HTML XML - how, exactly?]

Errors in the testsuite

Freeware Animation

Fwd: Re: [SVGT12 Comment] Comments from Andrew Girow

Fwd: Two questions on flowed text in 1.2

Implementing DOM 3 event dispatching

interpretation of rotate= attribute

ISSUE with SVGLength

ISSUE: getDocumentElement() --> documentElement

Last Call: SVG Tiny 1.2

navigation between objects

newline handling with xml:space="default"

Possible Fix For Positioning?

question about XBL 2.0

Single document version of SVGT 1.2 LC draft?

Sketsa (SVG Graphics Editor) 3.1 released

SVG Tiny 1.2 should be returned for further work

SVG12: "Animation event names"

SVG12: "animations execute"

SVG12: "DTD" and "W3C XML Schema"

SVG12: "event attributes"

SVG12: "Latest SVG Mobile Recommendation"

SVG12: "object tag"

SVG12: "outermost" svg element

SVG12: "prop."?

SVG12: "timer facilities" in ECMAScript

SVG12: "WQ Framework"

SVG12: #text traits

SVG12: 'display' trait

SVG12: 'focusable' property

SVG12: 'font' and 'font-stretch'

SVG12: 'font-face-URI'

SVG12: 'g' id

SVG12: 10.4 grammar

SVG12: 11.14.1 example

SVG12: 11.7 sample rendering

SVG12: 14.1.1 should be table

SVG12: 16.2.10 example

SVG12: 19.4 example

SVG12: 5.1.2 "referenced document"

SVG12: 5.7 example

SVG12: 6.3 example

SVG12: 6.4 example

SVG12: 7.13 example

SVG12: 7.2 example

SVG12: 7.8 example

SVG12: <absoluteIRI> etc

SVG12: <color> elements

SVG12: <float>

SVG12: <handler>, etc. vs <handler>, etc.

SVG12: <iri>

SVG12: <paint> elements

SVG12: A.2.8 addEventListener

SVG12: A.7.15 id attribute

SVG12: A.7.18 style

SVG12: animatable prefetch attributes

SVG12: animating xml vs css

SVG12: Animation vs Appendix C

SVG12: animationMotion

SVG12: app/ecmascript content

SVG12: Appendix C 1-4

SVG12: applicability of timelineBegin

SVG12: attributeType auto

SVG12: attributeType vs namespaces

SVG12: Cancel events?

SVG12: cascading order vs animation

SVG12: Charmod norm reference

SVG12: charmod note

SVG12: clamping of filter results

SVG12: color orange

SVG12: contentScriptType default

SVG12: convertToSpecifiedUnits

SVG12: data: default type

SVG12: desc content model

SVG12: desc/title "text-only"

SVG12: discard begin

SVG12: discard not mandatory?

SVG12: DOM references

SVG12: DOM representation of 'cursor'

SVG12: DOM-based animation

SVG12: duplicates in fragment identifiers

SVG12: editable definition

SVG12: editable design

SVG12: editable vs scripting

SVG12: end-of-line handling

SVG12: eRR for invisible content

SVG12: eRR vs timelineBegin

SVG12: Escaping fragment identifiers

SVG12: ev:event vs namespaces

SVG12: ev:listener

SVG12: event name casing

SVG12: event namspaceURI

SVG12: externalResourcesRequired and SVGLoad

SVG12: feImage coordinate system

SVG12: focus* defaults

SVG12: form feed

SVG12: formal vs prose

SVG12: get/setAttribute

SVG12: getCTM()

SVG12: getIntersectionList and getEnclosureList

SVG12: getPresentation* naming

SVG12: gzip transfer encoding

SVG12: height/width defaults

SVG12: IDL namespaces

SVG12: Ill-formed example in 1.3

SVG12: inconsistent/undefined data types

SVG12: Informative recommendations

SVG12: Interpolating different units

SVG12: IRIs in RFC 2396

SVG12: language of examples

SVG12: line stroke-width handling

SVG12: links to attribute, etc. tables

SVG12: listen to custom events

SVG12: Markers and angle bisectors

SVG12: mediaCharacterEncoding and mediaContentEncodings

SVG12: mediaContentEncodings

SVG12: microsyntaces

SVG12: missing properties

SVG12: Modularization

SVG12: namespace'd events vs animation

SVG12: namespace-illformed fragments

SVG12: Namespaced traits

SVG12: nav-* properties

SVG12: Navigation behavior

SVG12: non-sRGB colors

SVG12: normative DOM definitions

SVG12: onpreload, etc attributes

SVG12: overflow initial value

SVG12: overflow:inherit

SVG12: overlay stacking

SVG12: path markers

SVG12: playbackOrder design

SVG12: playbackOrder has no "true" value

SVG12: prefetch attribute defaults

SVG12: prefetch relationship to SMIL 2.0

SVG12: prefetch02.svg

SVG12: ProgressEvent::progress

SVG12: ProgressEvent::typeArg

SVG12: Progressive rendering not mandatory?

SVG12: RDF Primer reference

SVG12: references mess

SVG12: rendering accuracy

SVG12: rendering-color-space

SVG12: RFC 3066 reference

SVG12: seeking requirements


SVG12: SMIL references

SVG12: snapshotTime optional

SVG12: solid-color:currentColor

SVG12: standalone declarations

SVG12: standard language bindings

SVG12: stylesheets not applied

SVG12: support for Tiny 1.1

SVG12: svg in foreignObject

SVG12: SVG namespace declaration

SVG12: svg:transform attributes

SVG12: SVGAnimatedLength user units

SVG12: SVGMatrix.rotateFromVector

SVG12: SVGPaint.colorType

SVG12: SVGPathElement interface

SVG12: svgudom style

SVG12: symbolic links

SVG12: sync* trait access

SVG12: syncTolerance* schema

SVG12: system colors

SVG12: target, observer, event, ...

SVG12: tBreak sequences

SVG12: textArea a text content element?

SVG12: textArea schema

SVG12: textArea text-rendering

SVG12: textArea vs xml:space

SVG12: title, desc, and metadata

SVG12: trait access on illegal names

SVG12: trait table

SVG12: traitDef valueType

SVG12: traits in the svg namespace

SVG12: traits versus CSS units

SVG12: Transfer-Encoding

SVG12: TransformedVideo feature string

SVG12: typos in A.2.6

SVG12: UAAG reference

SVG12: Undefined feature strings

SVG12: Vendor-specific presentation attributes

SVG12: version attribute

SVG12: version="1.2"

SVG12: what is "bandwidth"?

SVG12: What is "SAX"?

SVG12: what may prefetch refer to?

SVG12: when document begins

SVG12: when vs why discard

SVG12: White-space processing

SVG12: width and height in 5.1.2 example

SVG12: XML 1.0 vs XML 1.1

SVG12: xml:id in core module

SVG12: xml:lang definition

SVG12: xml:space description

SVGTerm - networked SVG

sXBL issue

Text metrics

The 'a' element

Two questions on flowed text in 1.2

WD-SVGMobile12-20050413: Comments on examples

Last message date: Saturday, 30 April 2005 18:32:05 UTC