SVG12: title, desc, and metadata

Dear Scalable Vector Graphics Working Group,

  From it seems
(though it is difficult to tell considering the many problems with the
schema) that SVG 1.2 continues to have weird content models for several
elements. In particular, there does not seem a pattern as to where the
desc, title and metadata elements may be used, for example, the pattern
element allows them anywhere while the clipPath element requires them to
be the first elements. My best guess at a pattern would be that whenever
svg is part of the content model they may appear anywhere but switch is
inconsistent with that as is the tref element. Given this inconsistency,
that it is not defined what happens if they are used where they may not,
and that it requirement does not play nicely with progressive rendering,
I suggest it be dropped.

Björn Höhrmann · ·
Weinh. Str. 22 · Telefon: +49(0)621/4309674 ·
68309 Mannheim · PGP Pub. KeyID: 0xA4357E78 · 

Received on Sunday, 10 April 2005 22:16:46 UTC