Re: Implementing DOM 3 event dispatching

On Tuesday, April 19, 2005, 6:18:55 AM, Cameron wrote:

CM> Hi WG.

CM> A couple of months ago I posted to www-dom about some problem I think
CM> exists with event dispatching in DOM 3 Events:


CM> (The second question in that mail, though still not answered, isn't too
CM> much of a problem.)  Basically, dispatching custom events cannot be done
CM> properly.  I wonder if maybe someone could follow this up with the DOM
CM> people, since I didn't get an answer.  It's not a show stopper, but it'd
CM> be good if SVG's normative dependency of DOM 3 Events doesn't have this
CM> problem.

Part of the reason you didn't get a response may be because there is
currently no DOM WG. Thanks for the pointer.

I agree it would be better if it didn't have this problem.

CM> BTW, why is DOM 3 Events only a Note and not a Recommendation like DOM 3
CM> Core?

Because they felt that they would not get enough implementation
experience to take it through Candidate Recommendation and to Rec before
their WG charter expired.

So its been through last call already, and is 'parked' as a Note until
such time as another WG can take it through CR. SVG WG is chartered to
do so.

 Chris Lilley          
 Chair, W3C SVG Working Group
 W3C Graphics Activity Lead

Received on Tuesday, 19 April 2005 19:40:07 UTC