Re: SVG12: color orange

On Monday, April 18, 2005, 12:59:08 AM, Bjoern wrote:

BH> Dear Scalable Vector Graphics Working Group,

BH>   From

BH> [...]
BH>   <color> is the explicit color (in the sRGB [SRGB] color space) to be
BH>   used to paint the current object. SVG supports all of the syntax
BH>   alternatives for <color> defined in [CSS2-color-types] including the
BH>   list of recognized color keywords names.
BH> [...]

BH> I assume that this reference to CSS 2.0 rather than CSS 2.1 is an
BH> error and CSS 2.1 is meant to be referenced.

No, CSS 2.0 is referenced.

BH>  If that's the case the statement
BH> is incorrect as CSS 2.1 support the color keyword "orange" but not SVG
BH> Tiny 1.2 apparently does not. Please change the draft to refer to CSS
BH> 2.1 and either require support for the "orange" keyword or fix this then
BH> incorrect statement.

Or, indeed, leave it as CSS 2.0 which does not have orange and neither
does SVG Tiny 1.2. So its already consistent.

You seem to be asking for a change which would make it inconsistent, and
then complaining about the inconsistency this would cause.

 Chris Lilley          
 Chair, W3C SVG Working Group
 W3C Graphics Activity Lead

Received on Monday, 18 April 2005 20:56:22 UTC