[heycam/webidl] Add [Exposed=*] to expose on all globals (#526)
[heycam/webidl] DOMTimeStamp confusion (#2)
[heycam/webidl] No "Localizable" type (#1025)
- Marcos Cáceres (Tuesday, 5 October)
- Harald Alvestrand (Monday, 4 October)
- dir (Monday, 4 October)
- Anne van Kesteren (Monday, 4 October)
- Addison Phillips (Friday, 1 October)
- Addison Phillips (Friday, 1 October)
- Domenic Denicola (Friday, 1 October)
- Addison Phillips (Friday, 1 October)
- Domenic Denicola (Friday, 1 October)
- Anne van Kesteren (Friday, 1 October)
- Addison Phillips (Friday, 1 October)
[heycam/webidl] ObservableArray without assignment (#1027)
[w3c/clipboard-apis] Add clipboard IDL description. (#158)
- snianu (Thursday, 28 October)
- snianu (Thursday, 28 October)
- snianu (Thursday, 28 October)
- snianu (Thursday, 28 October)
- Anne van Kesteren (Wednesday, 27 October)
- Anne van Kesteren (Wednesday, 27 October)
- mbrodesser (Tuesday, 19 October)
- mbrodesser (Tuesday, 19 October)
- mbrodesser (Tuesday, 19 October)
- mbrodesser (Tuesday, 19 October)
- snianu (Friday, 15 October)
- snianu (Friday, 15 October)
- snianu (Friday, 15 October)
- snianu (Friday, 15 October)
- snianu (Friday, 15 October)
- snianu (Friday, 15 October)
- snianu (Friday, 15 October)
- snianu (Friday, 15 October)
- snianu (Friday, 15 October)
- mbrodesser (Thursday, 14 October)
- snianu (Thursday, 14 October)
- snianu (Thursday, 14 October)
- snianu (Wednesday, 13 October)
- snianu (Wednesday, 13 October)
- snianu (Wednesday, 13 October)
- snianu (Wednesday, 13 October)
- snianu (Tuesday, 12 October)
- snianu (Tuesday, 12 October)
- snianu (Friday, 8 October)
- mbrodesser (Thursday, 7 October)
- mbrodesser (Thursday, 7 October)
- Anne van Kesteren (Thursday, 7 October)
- snianu (Wednesday, 6 October)
- snianu (Wednesday, 6 October)
- snianu (Wednesday, 6 October)
- snianu (Wednesday, 6 October)
- snianu (Wednesday, 6 October)
- snianu (Wednesday, 6 October)
- Anne van Kesteren (Tuesday, 5 October)
- snianu (Tuesday, 5 October)
- snianu (Tuesday, 5 October)
[w3c/clipboard-apis] Add mandatory and optional data types list. (#155)
[w3c/clipboard-apis] Remove MIME types from mandatory data list that are not supported by all browsers. (#155)
[w3c/clipboard-apis] Should we remove `lastModified`, `ClipboardItemDelayedCallback`, `createDelayed` and `delayed`? (#160)
[w3c/clipboard-apis] Update README.md (#157)
[w3c/clipboard-apis] What happens if promises to Blobs are not resolved within a reasonable amount of time? (Issue #161)
[w3c/clipboard-apis] What is PresentationStyle? (#159)
[w3c/editing] Add badges for existing agenda+ issues (#349)
[w3c/editing] Add oct 15 meeting minutes (PR #356)
[w3c/editing] Add Oct. 29 minutes (PR #358)
[w3c/editing] Add special Oct 15th meeting to schedule (#353)
[w3c/editing] Automating IME Input (Issue #357)
[w3c/editing] EditContext: Do IME see the plaintext in `EditContext`? (#342)
[w3c/editing] Explicitly define supported MIME types in Async Clipboard Spec (#305)
[w3c/editing] Explore if there are better meeting times for the Web Editing WG (Issue #359)
[w3c/editing] Expose keyboard language? (#351)
[w3c/editing] Fix variable name typo (#354)
[w3c/editing] JS API to invoke native desktop emoji picker (#350)
- Christian Schaefer (Saturday, 30 October)
- Alan Stearns (Friday, 29 October)
- Bo Cupp (Friday, 29 October)
- CSS Meeting Bot (Friday, 29 October)
- Wenson Hsieh (Thursday, 7 October)
- snianu (Thursday, 7 October)
- Johannes Wilm (Wednesday, 6 October)
- snianu (Wednesday, 6 October)
- Johannes Wilm (Wednesday, 6 October)
- Alan Stearns (Wednesday, 6 October)
- Johannes Wilm (Wednesday, 6 October)
- Emilio Cobos Álvarez (Wednesday, 6 October)
- snianu (Wednesday, 6 October)
- Alan Stearns (Wednesday, 6 October)
[w3c/editing] Restructure the Meetings section (#348)
[w3c/editing] Security Review (#315)
[w3c/editing] Seeking feedback on Clipboard Pickling APIs. (#334)
[w3c/editing] Update README.md (#352)
[w3c/editing] Update spec draft, explainer, examples (PR #355)
[w3c/editing] Update spec draft, explainer, examples for EditContext (PR #355)
- Travis Leithead (Tuesday, 26 October)
- Travis Leithead (Tuesday, 26 October)
- Fuqiao Xue (Tuesday, 26 October)
- Alex Keng (Tuesday, 26 October)
- Alex Keng (Monday, 25 October)
- Alex Keng (Monday, 25 October)
- Alex Keng (Monday, 25 October)
- Alex Keng (Monday, 25 October)
- Alex Keng (Monday, 25 October)
- Alex Keng (Monday, 25 October)
- Travis Leithead (Monday, 25 October)
- Travis Leithead (Monday, 25 October)
[w3c/editing] Web developers cant get phonetic runs that are sent from some East Asian IMEs (#299)
[w3c/FileAPI] Blob URL store partitioning (#153)
[w3c/gamepad] Make permissions policy allow list "all" (Issue #155)
[w3c/gamepad] Status report and planning for TPAC 2021 (#154)
[w3c/gamepad] Vibrate feature for Gamepad (#19)
[w3c/IndexedDB] `getAll()` with both key and value (or index key and primary key) (#206)
[w3c/IndexedDB] Add an Observer API (#51)
[w3c/IndexedDB] Add descending order for getAll() and getAllKeys() (#130)
[w3c/IndexedDB] EricaGwin@louisiana.edu (#365)
[w3c/IndexedDB] IDL interface for the intersection of IDBObjectStore and IDBIndex? (#367)
[w3c/IndexedDB] Projection Support (#366)
[w3c/IndexedDB] Status report and planning for TPAC 2021 (#364)
[w3c/IndexedDB] Track ES BigInt work (#230)
[w3c/manifest] Add a manifest option for the declaration of the web application running pattern (Issue #1019)
[w3c/manifest] Add a unique identifier for a PWA (#586)
[w3c/manifest] Add a way to query whether there is a UA-provided back button (#693)
[w3c/manifest] Add id member to manifest (#988)
[w3c/manifest] Add optional `translations` member (#676)
[w3c/manifest] Add support for defining a theme color for both light & dark modes (prefers color scheme) (#975)
[w3c/manifest] Adding file_handlers and launch consumer (#1005)
[w3c/manifest] Describe manifest update behavior (#1011)
[w3c/manifest] editorial: Adding a URL parsing algorithm (PR #1017)
[w3c/manifest] editorial: Making URL processing DRY (PR #1018)
[w3c/manifest] First pass as adding a Client Hint for Display Mode (#977)
[w3c/manifest] help (Issue #1016)
[w3c/manifest] Status report and planning for TPAC 2021 (#999)
[w3c/manifest] Tidied up document using tidy-html5 (#1012)
[w3c/manifest] use url equivalence excluding fragments for id comparison (#1013)
[w3c/manifest] what is this (Issue #1015)
[w3c/manifest] why do i have this on my phone (Issue #1014)
[w3c/permissions] "accelerometer", (#296)
[w3c/permissions] "midi", (#294)
[w3c/permissions] "notifications", (#291)
[w3c/permissions] "push", (#293)
[w3c/permissions] `MidiPermissionDescriptor` in example 1 is confusing (#197)
[w3c/permissions] Add + export definition of express permission (PR #301)
[w3c/permissions] Add UX considerations section (#49)
[w3c/permissions] chore(tidy): tidy up document (PR #300)
[w3c/permissions] chore: Export [=create a PermissionStatus=] (PR #298)
[w3c/permissions] Chore: Link issue #278 using magical ReSpec issue feature (PR #299)
[w3c/permissions] Discuss how query() makes abuse harder to detect. (#166)
[w3c/permissions] Editorial: clarify how aspects are specified (#282)
[w3c/permissions] Editorial: Discuss how query() makes abuse harder to detect. (PR #306)
[w3c/permissions] Editorial: Get rid of "dot" notation in algorithms (PR #303)
[w3c/permissions] Editorial: update Notifications integration (#292)
[w3c/permissions] Ensure "background-fetch" permission is integrated in Background Sync spec (#295)
[w3c/permissions] Ensure "midi" permission is integrated in Web Midi API spec (#294)
[w3c/permissions] Ensure "notifications" permission is properly integrated into parent spec (#291)
[w3c/permissions] Ensure "push" permission is integrated into Push API spec (#293)
[w3c/permissions] Export "create a `PermissionStatus`" dfn (Issue #297)
[w3c/permissions] Fix "dot" notation in algorithms (Issue #302)
[w3c/permissions] Move permissions out to each spec (#263)
[w3c/permissions] Remove MidiPermissionDescriptor, now in MIDI spec (PR #304)
[w3c/permissions] Remove PushPermissionDescriptor, moved to Push API (PR #305)
[w3c/permissions] Rename PermissionName enum to PowerfulFeatureName (#286)
[w3c/permissions] Semantic Permission Bundles (#191)
[w3c/pointerlock] Don't monkey patch HTML's list of activation triggering input event (#70)
[w3c/pointerlock] Option needed to disable OS-level adjustment for mouse acceleration (#36)
[w3c/pointerlock] pointerlockchange event will be sent every time mouse click event triggered (#32)
[w3c/pointerlock] Status report and planning for TPAC 2021 (#75)
[w3c/push-api] Add accessibility section (#324)
[w3c/push-api] Add accessibility section (PR #342)
[w3c/push-api] Clarify purpose expirationTime (#340)
[w3c/push-api] Consider using DOMHighResTimestamp instead of DOMTimeStamp (#337)
[w3c/push-api] Duplicate definition of PushPermissionDescriptor (Issue #343)
[w3c/push-api] Integrate with Permission spec (#341)
- Marcos Cáceres (Thursday, 28 October)
- Mike Taylor (Tuesday, 26 October)
- Marcos Cáceres (Tuesday, 26 October)
- Marcos Cáceres (Tuesday, 26 October)
- Peter Beverloo (Monday, 25 October)
- Marcos Cáceres (Thursday, 21 October)
- Martin Thomson (Thursday, 21 October)
- Marcos Cáceres (Thursday, 21 October)
- Marcos Cáceres (Wednesday, 13 October)
- Marcos Cáceres (Wednesday, 13 October)
- Marcos Cáceres (Wednesday, 13 October)
- Marcos Cáceres (Wednesday, 13 October)
- Marcos Cáceres (Wednesday, 13 October)
[w3c/push-api] Issue: Change Source of Push Service and Privacy Issues (#258)
[w3c/push-api] Make automatic failing normative (#322)
[w3c/push-api] Make PushSubscription.expirationTime mandatory (#302)
[w3c/push-api] Mention or enforce userVisibleOnly check in PushManager.subscribe? (#339)
[w3c/push-api] Progressing spec to CR (#334)
[w3c/push-api] Propose enabling background sync from `pushsubscriptionchange` events (#240)
[w3c/push-api] Push subscription endpoint autodiscovery in HTML page: rel="alternate" type="urn:ietf:params:push" (#299)
[w3c/push-api] PushPermissionState and PermissionState are the same (#333)
[w3c/push-api] pushsubscriptionchange event doesn't have oldSubscription in it. (#325)
[w3c/push-api] Should PushManager.subscribe() return the existing subscription or a new one? (#305)
[w3c/push-api] Should there be a UTF-8 health warning? (#335)
[w3c/push-api] Status report and planning for TPAC 2021 (#336)
[w3c/push-api] Switch to EpochTimeStamp (#338)
- Marcos Cáceres (Wednesday, 20 October)
- Marcos Cáceres (Wednesday, 20 October)
- Marcos Cáceres (Wednesday, 20 October)
- Peter Beverloo (Monday, 11 October)
- Peter Beverloo (Monday, 11 October)
- Marcos Cáceres (Monday, 11 October)
- Marcos Cáceres (Monday, 11 October)
- Marcos Cáceres (Monday, 11 October)
- Marcos Cáceres (Monday, 11 October)
- Martin Thomson (Monday, 11 October)
[w3c/push-api] Switch to LegacyTimeStamp (#338)
[w3c/screen-orientation] Add accessibility section (#196)
[w3c/screen-orientation] BREAKING CHANGE: unlock() returns a pormise (#183)
[w3c/screen-orientation] Heads up: refs to `pagevisibility` (external now visibile) about to be removed (#205)
[w3c/screen-orientation] Status report and planning for TPAC 2021 (#204)
[w3c/screen-orientation] TPAC planning and specification status report (#199)
[w3c/selection-api] Having a matching `selectend` event? (#146)
[w3c/selection-api] when i use selection-api ,how can i ban double click (Issue #147)
[w3c/ServiceWorker] Cache API Vary header processing should be clarified (Issue #1609)
[w3c/ServiceWorker] Clarify what needs to be stored from Requests in the cache (#1608)
[w3c/ServiceWorker] consider dropping unnecessary request information when storing in Cache API (#1607)
[w3c/ServiceWorker] How does ServiceWorker interact with non-"fully active" documents? (#1594)
[w3c/ServiceWorker] NavigationPreloadManager.setHeader spec should verify valid HTTP header values (#1474)
[w3c/ServiceWorker] refactor ServiceWorker spec to use the Storage spec (#1606)
[w3c/ServiceWorker] should Cache API Vary matching use combined header values? (#991)
[w3c/ServiceWorker] TPAC F2F: CSRF issues (#1604)
[w3c/ServiceWorker] Update CONTRIBUTING.md to guide not to change and submit the html file (882a5f4)
[w3c/ServiceWorker] Value of the Service-Worker request header (#1605)
[w3c/touch-events] Update to constructor operations (#106)
[w3c/uievents-code] Need an implementation report (#20)
[w3c/uievents-code] Status report and planning for TPAC 2021 (#31)
[w3c/uievents-code] TPAC planning and specification status report (#28)
[w3c/uievents-key] Broken link to ANSI-CTA-2014-B (#43)
[w3c/uievents-key] Implementation report (#45)
[w3c/uievents-key] Status report and planning for TPAC 2021 (#54)
[w3c/uievents-key] TPAC planning and specification status report (#53)
[w3c/uievents] Add a definition of `contextmenu` event. (#316)
[w3c/uievents] Added a new event to communicate context menu dismissal. (PR #320)
[w3c/uievents] Added a new event to communicate context menu dismissal. (PR #322)
[w3c/uievents] Auxiliary files in repo not being pushed to w3c.github.io (#317)
[w3c/uievents] Introduce contextmenuclose or similar event. (#309)
[w3c/uievents] Revert "Added a new event to communicate context menu dismissal." (PR #321)
[w3c/uievents] Update event-interfaces section to match event-types section (PR #318)
[w3c/uievents] Update event-interfaces section to match event-types section (PR #319)
[w3c/uievents] We don't have a definition for "contextmenu" event (#279)
[w3c/WebPlatformWG] Update index.html (PR #130)
[w3ctag/design-reviews] Auto-expanding details elements (#677)
[w3ctag/design-reviews] Capability Delegation (#655)
[w3ctag/design-reviews] CSS: contain-intrinsic-size: auto, and converting to a shorthand property (#624)
[w3ctag/design-reviews] Distributed Tracing WG: Baggage specification (#650)
[w3ctag/design-reviews] Early design review of light-DOM CSS Scope proposal (#593)
[w3ctag/design-reviews] Early TAG design review for captureTab (#609)
[w3ctag/design-reviews] EPUB 3.3 (Issue #684)
[w3ctag/design-reviews] Feature policy for Keyboard API (Issue #685)
[w3ctag/design-reviews] First-Party Sets (#342)
[w3ctag/design-reviews] HTMLPopupElement - <popup> (#680)
[w3ctag/design-reviews] making the "total" field optional in PaymentRequest API (#512)
[w3ctag/design-reviews] Media Source Extensions for WebCodecs (#576)
[w3ctag/design-reviews] Navigation to Unsigned Web Bundles (Web Packaging) (#509)
[w3ctag/design-reviews] Pre-CR review of CSS Cascading and Inheritance Level 5 (#678)
[w3ctag/design-reviews] renderPriority element attribute (#676)
[w3ctag/design-reviews] Review Request for preserve-parent-color value of forced-color-adjust CSS property (Issue #681)
[w3ctag/design-reviews] review request, CSS Masking and Clipping (#665)
[w3ctag/design-reviews] Scroll-linked Animations (#521)
[w3ctag/design-reviews] State extension for JS Self-Profiling API. (Issue #682)
- cnpsc (Saturday, 23 October)
[w3ctag/design-reviews] Trust Token API (#414)
[w3ctag/design-reviews] Web App Launch Hander (Issue #683)
[w3ctag/design-reviews] Web Neural Network API (#570)
[whatwg/dom] Add abort reason to AbortSignal (PR #1027)
- Anne van Kesteren (Saturday, 30 October)
- Domenic Denicola (Friday, 29 October)
- James M Snell (Friday, 29 October)
- Nidhi Jaju (Friday, 29 October)
- Anne van Kesteren (Friday, 29 October)
- Anne van Kesteren (Friday, 29 October)
- Nidhi Jaju (Friday, 29 October)
- Nidhi Jaju (Friday, 29 October)
- Nidhi Jaju (Friday, 29 October)
- Nidhi Jaju (Friday, 29 October)
- Yutaka Hirano (Thursday, 28 October)
- Nidhi Jaju (Thursday, 28 October)
- Nidhi Jaju (Thursday, 28 October)
- Nidhi Jaju (Thursday, 28 October)
- Anne van Kesteren (Thursday, 28 October)
- Nidhi Jaju (Thursday, 28 October)
- Nidhi Jaju (Thursday, 28 October)
- Anne van Kesteren (Wednesday, 27 October)
- Yutaka Hirano (Wednesday, 27 October)
- Nidhi Jaju (Tuesday, 26 October)
- Nidhi Jaju (Tuesday, 26 October)
- Nidhi Jaju (Tuesday, 26 October)
- Anne van Kesteren (Tuesday, 26 October)
- Nidhi Jaju (Tuesday, 26 October)
- Nidhi Jaju (Tuesday, 26 October)
- Nidhi Jaju (Tuesday, 26 October)
- Anne van Kesteren (Thursday, 21 October)
- Domenic Denicola (Thursday, 21 October)
- Domenic Denicola (Thursday, 21 October)
- Anne van Kesteren (Thursday, 21 October)
- Anne van Kesteren (Thursday, 21 October)
- Yutaka Hirano (Thursday, 21 October)
- Nidhi Jaju (Thursday, 21 October)
- Nidhi Jaju (Thursday, 21 October)
- Anne van Kesteren (Thursday, 21 October)
- Nidhi Jaju (Thursday, 21 October)
- Nidhi Jaju (Thursday, 21 October)
- Yutaka Hirano (Thursday, 21 October)
- Nidhi Jaju (Thursday, 21 October)
- Nidhi Jaju (Thursday, 21 October)
- James M Snell (Thursday, 21 October)
- Yutaka Hirano (Thursday, 21 October)
- Nidhi Jaju (Thursday, 21 October)
- Nidhi Jaju (Thursday, 21 October)
- Nidhi Jaju (Thursday, 21 October)
- James M Snell (Thursday, 21 October)
- James M Snell (Thursday, 21 October)
- Domenic Denicola (Wednesday, 20 October)
- Nidhi Jaju (Wednesday, 20 October)
- Nidhi Jaju (Wednesday, 20 October)
- Domenic Denicola (Tuesday, 19 October)
- Nidhi Jaju (Tuesday, 19 October)
- Nidhi Jaju (Tuesday, 19 October)
- Nidhi Jaju (Tuesday, 19 October)
- Domenic Denicola (Monday, 18 October)
- Domenic Denicola (Monday, 18 October)
- Yutaka Hirano (Monday, 18 October)
- Nidhi Jaju (Monday, 18 October)
[whatwg/dom] Add caniuse info boxes like the HTML spec (#69)
[whatwg/dom] Correct code point values and formatting (PR #1028)
[whatwg/dom] DOM Comments don't align with HTML comments (#1023)
[whatwg/dom] Editorial: simplify some language (#1025)
[whatwg/dom] Encourage use of AbortError for cancellation? (#927)
[whatwg/dom] Error in unicode code for character ":" (U+003E) when it should be (U+003A) (Issue #1026)
[whatwg/dom] Expose events/aborts everywhere (#1024)
[whatwg/dom] Fml (Issue #1029)
[whatwg/dom] Make element and attribute names behave like the HTML parser (#449)
[whatwg/encoding] Expose everywhere (PR #274)
[whatwg/encoding] Shift_JIS decoder (#270)
[whatwg/fetch] "Set internalResponse’s CSP list" never sets it on the non-internal response? (#1002)
[whatwg/fetch] [](https://github.com/regro/autotick-bot/actions/workflows/bot.yml) (Issue #1344)
[whatwg/fetch] Access-Control fields should be registered with IANA (#1052)
[whatwg/fetch] Access-Control-Request-Method error handling (#1317)
[whatwg/fetch] Acknowledge interaction with draft-ietf-dnsop-svcb-https scheme redirect (#1315)
[whatwg/fetch] Acknowledge interaction with draft-ietf-dnsop-svcb-https scheme redirect (#1325)
- Anne van Kesteren (Thursday, 21 October)
- David Benjamin (Thursday, 21 October)
- Anne van Kesteren (Thursday, 21 October)
- Anne van Kesteren (Thursday, 21 October)
- David Benjamin (Thursday, 21 October)
- Anne van Kesteren (Thursday, 21 October)
- David Benjamin (Thursday, 14 October)
- Anne van Kesteren (Tuesday, 12 October)
- ericorth (Monday, 11 October)
- ericorth (Monday, 11 October)
- Mike West (Monday, 11 October)
- ericorth (Thursday, 7 October)
[whatwg/fetch] Add `range` to CORS-safelisted request-headers (#1310)
[whatwg/fetch] Add abort reason to abort fetch (PR #1343)
[whatwg/fetch] Add colorprofile destination (#1331)
[whatwg/fetch] Add special handling of `set-cookie` to Headers (PR #1346)
[whatwg/fetch] Allow range header without preflight (#1312)
[whatwg/fetch] Attach timing info and URL to network errors, and report for fetch API (#1311)
- Noam Rosenthal (Thursday, 28 October)
- Noam Rosenthal (Wednesday, 27 October)
- npm1 (Wednesday, 27 October)
- Yutaka Hirano (Wednesday, 27 October)
- Yutaka Hirano (Wednesday, 27 October)
- Noam Rosenthal (Wednesday, 27 October)
- Noam Rosenthal (Wednesday, 27 October)
- Anne van Kesteren (Wednesday, 27 October)
- Noam Rosenthal (Tuesday, 26 October)
- Noam Rosenthal (Tuesday, 26 October)
- Noam Rosenthal (Monday, 18 October)
- Noam Rosenthal (Friday, 15 October)
- Anne van Kesteren (Friday, 15 October)
- Noam Rosenthal (Friday, 15 October)
- Noam Rosenthal (Friday, 15 October)
- Anne van Kesteren (Friday, 15 October)
- Noam Rosenthal (Friday, 15 October)
- Noam Rosenthal (Friday, 15 October)
- Noam Rosenthal (Friday, 15 October)
- Anne van Kesteren (Friday, 15 October)
- Anne van Kesteren (Friday, 15 October)
- Noam Rosenthal (Wednesday, 13 October)
- Noam Rosenthal (Wednesday, 13 October)
- Noam Rosenthal (Wednesday, 13 October)
- Anne van Kesteren (Wednesday, 13 October)
- Noam Rosenthal (Wednesday, 13 October)
- Noam Rosenthal (Wednesday, 13 October)
- Noam Rosenthal (Wednesday, 13 October)
- Noam Rosenthal (Wednesday, 13 October)
- Noam Rosenthal (Wednesday, 13 October)
- Noam Rosenthal (Tuesday, 12 October)
- Noam Rosenthal (Tuesday, 12 October)
- Noam Rosenthal (Tuesday, 12 October)
- Anne van Kesteren (Tuesday, 12 October)
- Noam Rosenthal (Tuesday, 12 October)
- Anne van Kesteren (Tuesday, 12 October)
- Noam Rosenthal (Sunday, 10 October)
- Noam Rosenthal (Sunday, 10 October)
- Noam Rosenthal (Sunday, 10 October)
- Anne van Kesteren (Friday, 8 October)
- Anne van Kesteren (Friday, 8 October)
- Noam Rosenthal (Wednesday, 6 October)
- Noam Rosenthal (Wednesday, 6 October)
- Noam Rosenthal (Wednesday, 6 October)
- Noam Rosenthal (Wednesday, 6 October)
- Noam Rosenthal (Wednesday, 6 October)
- Anne van Kesteren (Wednesday, 6 October)
- Noam Rosenthal (Wednesday, 6 October)
- Anne van Kesteren (Wednesday, 6 October)
- Noam Rosenthal (Wednesday, 6 October)
- Anne van Kesteren (Wednesday, 6 October)
- Noam Rosenthal (Sunday, 3 October)
- Noam Rosenthal (Sunday, 3 October)
- Noam Rosenthal (Sunday, 3 October)
- Noam Rosenthal (Sunday, 3 October)
- Noam Rosenthal (Sunday, 3 October)
[whatwg/fetch] Attempt to reuse preloaded responses. (PR #1342)
[whatwg/fetch] consider exposing a Request.site getter (#1322)
[whatwg/fetch] Consider renaming processRequestBody (#1320)
[whatwg/fetch] considering adding a proxying concept for service workers (#1323)
[whatwg/fetch] CORB++: CSS (#964)
[whatwg/fetch] CORS: more information for server developers (#1330)
- Anne van Kesteren (Friday, 22 October)
- Michael[tm] Smith (Friday, 22 October)
- Anne van Kesteren (Wednesday, 13 October)
- Anne van Kesteren (Wednesday, 13 October)
- Michael[tm] Smith (Wednesday, 13 October)
- Michael[tm] Smith (Wednesday, 13 October)
- Anne van Kesteren (Wednesday, 13 October)
- Anne van Kesteren (Wednesday, 13 October)
- Anne van Kesteren (Wednesday, 13 October)
- Anne van Kesteren (Wednesday, 13 October)
- Michael[tm] Smith (Wednesday, 13 October)
- Michael[tm] Smith (Wednesday, 13 October)
- Anne van Kesteren (Wednesday, 13 October)
- Michael[tm] Smith (Wednesday, 13 October)
- Michael[tm] Smith (Wednesday, 13 October)
- Anne van Kesteren (Tuesday, 12 October)
- Ross A. Baker (Tuesday, 12 October)
- Anne van Kesteren (Tuesday, 12 October)
[whatwg/fetch] Define the "Preload Cache" (#590)
[whatwg/fetch] Do we need any logic for QUIC connection migration? (#1326)
[whatwg/fetch] Editorial: align with URL's cannot-be-base-URL removal (PR #1337)
[whatwg/fetch] Editorial: find a new home for "fetch params" and friends (Issue #1340)
[whatwg/fetch] Fix typo (PR #1347)
[whatwg/fetch] Give header concepts proper types (PR #1339)
[whatwg/fetch] HTTP/2 headers (#1316)
[whatwg/fetch] Make "Content-Type: application/json" a CORS safe header (#1333)
[whatwg/fetch] Meta: export header value (PR #1341)
[whatwg/fetch] Missing (#1324)
[whatwg/fetch] Missing = in range header note (PR #1336)
[whatwg/fetch] Missing destination types for some style initiated resources (#1324)
[whatwg/fetch] No documentation on how a server must response to a wrong CORS-headers-request. (#1102)
[whatwg/fetch] Pass site-for-cookies through Fetch (#693)
[whatwg/fetch] Propagate origin through the request constructor. (Fixes #1321) (PR #1345)
[whatwg/fetch] propagate request tainted origin flag and/or URL list through service workers (#1335)
[whatwg/fetch] propagate request URL list through service workers (#1335)
[whatwg/fetch] Rename processRequestBody (#1334)
- Chirag (Monday, 18 October)
- Anne van Kesteren (Monday, 18 October)
- Anne van Kesteren (Monday, 18 October)
- Anne van Kesteren (Monday, 18 October)
- Anne van Kesteren (Monday, 18 October)
- Chirag (Saturday, 16 October)
- Chirag (Saturday, 16 October)
- Chirag (Saturday, 16 October)
- Anne van Kesteren (Friday, 15 October)
- Chirag (Friday, 15 October)
- Chirag (Friday, 15 October)
[whatwg/fetch] Request constructor should propagate origin internal field (#1321)
[whatwg/fetch] Request needs to propagate concept of "main frame navigation" (#1327)
[whatwg/fetch] Return a "controller" instance from fetch (#1329)
- Jake Archibald (Friday, 29 October)
- Noam Rosenthal (Friday, 29 October)
- Jake Archibald (Thursday, 28 October)
- Noam Rosenthal (Thursday, 28 October)
- Jake Archibald (Thursday, 28 October)
- Noam Rosenthal (Wednesday, 27 October)
- Noam Rosenthal (Wednesday, 27 October)
- Noam Rosenthal (Wednesday, 27 October)
- Noam Rosenthal (Wednesday, 27 October)
- Noam Rosenthal (Wednesday, 27 October)
- Noam Rosenthal (Wednesday, 27 October)
- Noam Rosenthal (Wednesday, 27 October)
- Noam Rosenthal (Wednesday, 27 October)
- Anne van Kesteren (Wednesday, 27 October)
- Anne van Kesteren (Wednesday, 27 October)
- Anne van Kesteren (Wednesday, 27 October)
- Anne van Kesteren (Wednesday, 27 October)
- Noam Rosenthal (Wednesday, 27 October)
- Noam Rosenthal (Wednesday, 27 October)
- Jake Archibald (Wednesday, 27 October)
- Noam Rosenthal (Friday, 22 October)
- Noam Rosenthal (Friday, 22 October)
- Noam Rosenthal (Friday, 22 October)
- Noam Rosenthal (Friday, 22 October)
- Noam Rosenthal (Friday, 22 October)
- Anne van Kesteren (Friday, 22 October)
- Noam Rosenthal (Thursday, 21 October)
- Noam Rosenthal (Thursday, 21 October)
- Noam Rosenthal (Thursday, 21 October)
- Noam Rosenthal (Thursday, 21 October)
- Noam Rosenthal (Thursday, 21 October)
- Anne van Kesteren (Thursday, 21 October)
- Noam Rosenthal (Tuesday, 19 October)
- Noam Rosenthal (Thursday, 14 October)
- Noam Rosenthal (Thursday, 14 October)
- Noam Rosenthal (Wednesday, 13 October)
- Anne van Kesteren (Wednesday, 13 October)
- Noam Rosenthal (Tuesday, 12 October)
- Noam Rosenthal (Tuesday, 12 October)
- Noam Rosenthal (Tuesday, 12 October)
[whatwg/fetch] Should `Content-Disposition: attachment` implicitly opt into CORB and/or CORP? (#875)
[whatwg/fetch] Should file path <-> file URL handling be standardized? (#1338)
- Karl (Wednesday, 20 October)
[whatwg/fetch] Standardize Priority Hints (#1319)
[whatwg/fetch] Streams based uploading with Content-Length (not chunked encoding) (#95)
[whatwg/fetch] TAO check and child frame navigations (#1221)
[whatwg/fetch] track "site for cookies" on requests and propagate in passthrough service workers (#1332)
[whatwg/fetch] Use case for Headers getAll (#973)
[whatwg/fetch] Using fetch in other standards (#1314)
[whatwg/fetch] What's the difference/intended usage of the response* algorithms in fetch? (#1306)
[whatwg/fetch] When response comes from a worker, some of the timing-info should pass through (#1208)
[whatwg/fullscreen] Boosting brightness on fullscreen (#198)
[whatwg/storage] add top-level site to the storage key (#127)
[whatwg/storage] Session storage and changing browsing contexts (#119)
[whatwg/streams] Add a flag to determine wether a ReadableStream is disturbed or cancelled (#1025)
[whatwg/streams] Align reference implementation of "wait for all" with latest Web IDL spec (PR #1180)
[whatwg/streams] Assert no pending reads on release (#1168)
[whatwg/streams] Assert there are no pending reads when releasing lock (#1168)
[whatwg/streams] BYOB with "fill at least" semantics (#1175)
[whatwg/streams] Discard auto-allocated BYOB request on enqueue (#1171)
- Domenic Denicola (Tuesday, 12 October)
- Domenic Denicola (Tuesday, 12 October)
- Mattias Buelens (Tuesday, 12 October)
- Mattias Buelens (Tuesday, 12 October)
- Domenic Denicola (Tuesday, 12 October)
- Adam Rice (Friday, 8 October)
- Mattias Buelens (Thursday, 7 October)
- Mattias Buelens (Thursday, 7 October)
- Mattias Buelens (Thursday, 7 October)
- Adam Rice (Thursday, 7 October)
- Adam Rice (Thursday, 7 October)
- Adam Rice (Thursday, 7 October)
- Mattias Buelens (Tuesday, 5 October)
[whatwg/streams] Editorial: fix byte stream examples to respond(0) after close() (#1173)
[whatwg/streams] Editorial: move informative pointers to a note (PR #1179)
[whatwg/streams] Expose everywhere (#1176)
[whatwg/streams] Fix assertion failure in RespondInternal after transferring array buffer in RespondWithNewView (#1174)
[whatwg/streams] Fix tee() incorrectly closing before enqueuing to the second branch (#1172)
- Domenic Denicola (Wednesday, 13 October)
- Mattias Buelens (Tuesday, 12 October)
- Mattias Buelens (Tuesday, 12 October)
- Domenic Denicola (Tuesday, 12 October)
- Mattias Buelens (Tuesday, 12 October)
- Domenic Denicola (Tuesday, 12 October)
- Mattias Buelens (Monday, 11 October)
- Mattias Buelens (Monday, 11 October)
- Mattias Buelens (Monday, 11 October)
- Adam Rice (Monday, 11 October)
- Mattias Buelens (Friday, 8 October)
- Mattias Buelens (Friday, 8 October)
- Adam Rice (Friday, 8 October)
- Mattias Buelens (Thursday, 7 October)
[whatwg/streams] Fix typo in FAQ.md (PR #1183)
[whatwg/streams] Make read requests abortable (#1103)
[whatwg/streams] Permitting transferable stream optimisation (#1124)
[whatwg/streams] Possible spec bug with concurrent byob reads (#1170)
- Mattias Buelens (Tuesday, 19 October)
- Mattias Buelens (Tuesday, 19 October)
- James M Snell (Monday, 4 October)
- Mattias Buelens (Monday, 4 October)
- Mattias Buelens (Monday, 4 October)
- James M Snell (Monday, 4 October)
- Mattias Buelens (Monday, 4 October)
- James M Snell (Monday, 4 October)
- Mattias Buelens (Monday, 4 October)
- James M Snell (Monday, 4 October)
- James M Snell (Monday, 4 October)
- James M Snell (Monday, 4 October)
- Mattias Buelens (Monday, 4 October)
- Domenic Denicola (Monday, 4 October)
- Mattias Buelens (Monday, 4 October)
- James M Snell (Monday, 4 October)
- James M Snell (Monday, 4 October)
[whatwg/streams] ReadableStream.from(asyncIterable) (#1083)
[whatwg/streams] ReadableStreamBYOBReader.prototype.readFully(view) (#1143)
[whatwg/streams] Remove abortReason property from WritableStream spec (PR #1177)
- Nidhi Jaju (Monday, 25 October)
- Domenic Denicola (Monday, 25 October)
- Domenic Denicola (Monday, 25 October)
- Domenic Denicola (Monday, 25 October)
- Domenic Denicola (Monday, 25 October)
- Nidhi Jaju (Thursday, 21 October)
- Nidhi Jaju (Wednesday, 20 October)
- Domenic Denicola (Tuesday, 19 October)
- Mattias Buelens (Tuesday, 19 October)
- Mattias Buelens (Tuesday, 19 October)
- Nidhi Jaju (Tuesday, 19 October)
- Nidhi Jaju (Tuesday, 19 October)
- Nidhi Jaju (Tuesday, 19 October)
- Nidhi Jaju (Tuesday, 19 October)
- Nidhi Jaju (Tuesday, 19 October)
- Nidhi Jaju (Tuesday, 19 October)
- Nidhi Jaju (Monday, 18 October)
- Mattias Buelens (Monday, 18 October)
- Yutaka Hirano (Monday, 18 October)
- Nidhi Jaju (Monday, 18 October)
[whatwg/streams] Replace IRC link with Matrix (PR #1181)
[whatwg/streams] Resolving promises with byte sequences results in UB (Issue #1178)
- Mattias Buelens (Wednesday, 20 October)
- Matthew Gaudet (Wednesday, 20 October)
- Mattias Buelens (Wednesday, 20 October)
- Matthew Gaudet (Wednesday, 20 October)
- Domenic Denicola (Wednesday, 20 October)
- Matthew Gaudet (Wednesday, 20 October)
- Domenic Denicola (Wednesday, 20 October)
- Matthew Gaudet (Wednesday, 20 October)
- Adam Rice (Wednesday, 20 October)
- Anne van Kesteren (Wednesday, 20 October)
- Mattias Buelens (Wednesday, 20 October)
- Anne van Kesteren (Wednesday, 20 October)
[whatwg/streams] Transferable streams: the double transfer problem (#1063)
[whatwg/streams] Use abort reason in ReadableStreamPipeTo (PR #1182)
- Nidhi Jaju (Thursday, 28 October)
- Nidhi Jaju (Thursday, 28 October)
- Anne van Kesteren (Wednesday, 27 October)
- Nidhi Jaju (Wednesday, 27 October)
- Anne van Kesteren (Wednesday, 27 October)
- Nidhi Jaju (Wednesday, 27 October)
- Anne van Kesteren (Wednesday, 27 October)
- Yutaka Hirano (Wednesday, 27 October)
- Nidhi Jaju (Wednesday, 27 October)
- Nidhi Jaju (Wednesday, 27 October)
- Mattias Buelens (Wednesday, 27 October)
- Mattias Buelens (Wednesday, 27 October)
- Nidhi Jaju (Wednesday, 27 October)
- Mattias Buelens (Wednesday, 27 October)
- Anne van Kesteren (Wednesday, 27 October)
- Nidhi Jaju (Wednesday, 27 October)
[whatwg/streams] WritableStreamDefaultController.abortReason (#1165)
[whatwg/url] "and the first two code points are either "0x" o..." (#654)
[whatwg/url] "the substring from pointer in input" (#349)
[whatwg/url] [Editorial] Remove a redundant condition in "cannot have a username/password/port" (PR #667)
[whatwg/url] [Editorial] Replace the term 'cannot-be-a-base' with hierarchical/non-hierarchical (#634)
[whatwg/url] [Editorial] Simplify the ends-in-a-number checker (#633)
- Karl (Monday, 25 October)
- Anne van Kesteren (Thursday, 21 October)
- Anne van Kesteren (Thursday, 21 October)
- Anne van Kesteren (Thursday, 21 October)
- Domenic Denicola (Wednesday, 20 October)
- Anne van Kesteren (Wednesday, 20 October)
- Domenic Denicola (Tuesday, 19 October)
- Anne van Kesteren (Tuesday, 19 October)
- Anne van Kesteren (Tuesday, 19 October)
- Anne van Kesteren (Tuesday, 19 October)
[whatwg/url] Add host parser examples (PR #661)
[whatwg/url] Add some sort of URI template API? (#192)
[whatwg/url] Addressing HTTP servers over Unix domain sockets (#577)
[whatwg/url] Align with Infra (#282)
[whatwg/url] Allow `//` when base exists (#553)
[whatwg/url] Allow queries in relative references when the baseURL has an opaque path (Issue #668)
[whatwg/url] Cleanup language around special scheme and default port (PR #660)
[whatwg/url] Consider adding an "exclude credentials" flag to the URL serializer. (#476)
[whatwg/url] Consider defining schemes and ports independently from URLs (#510)
[whatwg/url] Correct IPv4 number parser (PR #663)
[whatwg/url] Correct valid IPv4-address string (PR #662)
[whatwg/url] Editorial: clarify URL validity (PR #666)
[whatwg/url] Editorial: fold cannot-be-base-URL into path (#655)
- Karl (Monday, 25 October)
- Anne van Kesteren (Tuesday, 19 October)
- Anne van Kesteren (Tuesday, 19 October)
- Anne van Kesteren (Tuesday, 19 October)
- Anne van Kesteren (Tuesday, 19 October)
- Alwin Blok (Monday, 18 October)
- Domenic Denicola (Monday, 18 October)
- Anne van Kesteren (Monday, 18 October)
- Anne van Kesteren (Monday, 18 October)
- Anne van Kesteren (Monday, 18 October)
- Timothy Gu (Friday, 8 October)
- Timothy Gu (Friday, 8 October)
- Alwin Blok (Friday, 8 October)
- Anne van Kesteren (Friday, 8 October)
- Alwin Blok (Friday, 8 October)
- Anne van Kesteren (Friday, 8 October)
- Anne van Kesteren (Friday, 8 October)
- Anne van Kesteren (Friday, 8 October)
- Anne van Kesteren (Friday, 8 October)
- Anne van Kesteren (Friday, 8 October)
- Alwin Blok (Thursday, 7 October)
- Timothy Gu (Thursday, 7 October)
- Timothy Gu (Thursday, 7 October)
- Anne van Kesteren (Thursday, 7 October)
- Ben Kelly (Thursday, 7 October)
- Anne van Kesteren (Thursday, 7 October)
- Anne van Kesteren (Thursday, 7 October)
[whatwg/url] Editorial: ground URL in an Infra concept (PR #665)
[whatwg/url] Editorial: modernize URL's origin language (PR #664)
[whatwg/url] Expose URL/URLSearchParams everywhere (#657)
[whatwg/url] Feature proposal: eTLD+1 web API (#528)
[whatwg/url] Forbidden host code points should include all C0 controls & U+007F (#627)
[whatwg/url] How should parser handle percent-encoded characters like `%66` U+0066 (f) in path segments? (#565)
[whatwg/url] IPv4 number parser: "If input is the empty string, then return 0. " (#561)
[whatwg/url] Make it easier to talk about parts of the URL from outside the URL spec (#554)
[whatwg/url] Make URL's origin getter return null for file URLs (#506)
[whatwg/url] Meta: export basic URL parser states (PR #659)
[whatwg/url] Non-special schema URL behaviors differently... (#526)
[whatwg/url] Preserve "localhost" in file URLs? (#618)
[whatwg/url] Problema con dominio (Issue #669)
[whatwg/url] Proposal: file: URL separator deduplication (#552)
- Timothy Gu (Tuesday, 12 October)
- Guy Bedford (Tuesday, 12 October)
- Guy Bedford (Sunday, 10 October)
- Rimas Misevičius (Sunday, 10 October)
- Guy Bedford (Sunday, 10 October)
- Alwin Blok (Sunday, 10 October)
- Rimas Misevičius (Saturday, 9 October)
- Alwin Blok (Saturday, 9 October)
- Anne van Kesteren (Friday, 8 October)
- Guy Bedford (Friday, 8 October)
- Alwin Blok (Friday, 8 October)
- Guy Bedford (Friday, 8 October)
- Alwin Blok (Friday, 8 October)
- Anne van Kesteren (Friday, 8 October)
[whatwg/url] searchParams.set("param", undefined) should not stringify as param=undefined (#427)
[whatwg/url] Setters can cause failure to roundtrip (#651)
[whatwg/url] Should file path <-> file URL handling be standardized? (#621)
[whatwg/url] Should we unescape characters in path? (#606)
[whatwg/url] the urlencoded spec did not described tuples of which the name includes square brackets (#556)
[whatwg/url] URL standard ignores section 7.3 of RFC 3986 (#658)
[whatwg/url] Valid IPv4 address string (#583)
[whatwg/webidl] "Introduction" section is too historical (#1035)
[whatwg/webidl] [meta] WHATWG CSS makes the spec much less usable (#1031)
[whatwg/webidl] Add [Exposed=*] to expose on all globals (#526)
[whatwg/webidl] Broken CSS on webidl.spec.whatwg.org (#1034)
[whatwg/webidl] Can this be moved into the w3c github account (#760)
[whatwg/webidl] Create Hamed Alrasheedi (#1014)
[whatwg/webidl] DOMTimeStamp confusion (#2)
[whatwg/webidl] Editorial: Fix typo in `bigint` column in distinguishability table (#1043)
[whatwg/webidl] Editorial: rename advisement class to warning (#1037)
[whatwg/webidl] Editorial: Update ECMA‑262 links (#1033)
[whatwg/webidl] Editorial: Web IDL is with a space (#1028)
[whatwg/webidl] Fix missing return value for ObservableArray "set the length" (PR #1051)
[whatwg/webidl] fix: Remove raw percentage character from ID (#955)
[whatwg/webidl] Fix `indent_size` in `.editorconfig` for `*.bs` files (#1040)
[whatwg/webidl] Improve the named property visibility algorithm for Window. (#626)
[whatwg/webidl] Intent to use Constants (#1044)
[whatwg/webidl] Intent to use Constants (Issue #1052)
[whatwg/webidl] Introduce the observable array type (proxy-based) (#840)
[whatwg/webidl] Link Japanese translation (#1036)
[whatwg/webidl] Loving safety (#1038)
[whatwg/webidl] Meta: remove Complain About: accidental-2119 no (#1029)
[whatwg/webidl] Move to WHATWG (#1016)
[whatwg/webidl] No "Localizable" type (#1025)
- Marcos Cáceres (Thursday, 7 October)
- Anne van Kesteren (Thursday, 7 October)
- r12a (Thursday, 7 October)
- Anne van Kesteren (Thursday, 7 October)
- r12a (Thursday, 7 October)
- Anne van Kesteren (Thursday, 7 October)
- Harald Alvestrand (Thursday, 7 October)
- Anne van Kesteren (Thursday, 7 October)
- Fuqiao Xue (Thursday, 7 October)
- Fuqiao Xue (Thursday, 7 October)
- Anne van Kesteren (Wednesday, 6 October)
- Harald Alvestrand (Wednesday, 6 October)
- Anne van Kesteren (Wednesday, 6 October)
- r12a (Wednesday, 6 October)
- Marcos Cáceres (Wednesday, 6 October)
- Harald Alvestrand (Tuesday, 5 October)
- Anne van Kesteren (Tuesday, 5 October)
- Marcos Cáceres (Tuesday, 5 October)
[whatwg/webidl] Normative source of truth for extended attribute applicability and constraints (#1045)
[whatwg/webidl] Normative: Match ECMA‑262 function property enumeration order (#914)
[whatwg/webidl] Normative: Rename integer types to match ECMAScript typed arrays (#1030)
[whatwg/webidl] ObservableArray is in DistinguishableType production but is not in distinguishable table (#999)
[whatwg/webidl] ObservableArray without assignment (#1027)
- Travis Leithead (Monday, 11 October)
- Travis Leithead (Monday, 11 October)
- Mason Freed (Wednesday, 6 October)
- Rob Eisenberg (Wednesday, 6 October)
- Travis Leithead (Wednesday, 6 October)
- Anne van Kesteren (Tuesday, 5 October)
- Rob Eisenberg (Tuesday, 5 October)
- Domenic Denicola (Tuesday, 5 October)
- Rob Eisenberg (Tuesday, 5 October)
- Domenic Denicola (Tuesday, 5 October)
- Travis Leithead (Tuesday, 5 October)
[whatwg/webidl] ObservableArray's "set the length" algorithm is missing a return (Issue #1050)
[whatwg/webidl] ObservableArray's "set the length"'s behavior with empty backing lists (Issue #1049)
[whatwg/webidl] Plays (Issue #1047)
[whatwg/webidl] Proposed solution to make grammar changes less disruptive (#477)
[whatwg/webidl] Remove DOMTimeStamp (#1021)
- Marcos Cáceres (Thursday, 21 October)
- Marcos Cáceres (Thursday, 21 October)
- Domenic Denicola (Wednesday, 20 October)
- Dominique Hazael-Massieux (Wednesday, 20 October)
- Domenic Denicola (Tuesday, 19 October)
- Domenic Denicola (Tuesday, 19 October)
- Marcos Cáceres (Wednesday, 13 October)
- Marcos Cáceres (Wednesday, 13 October)
- Marcos Cáceres (Monday, 11 October)
- Marcos Cáceres (Saturday, 9 October)
[whatwg/webidl] Shorten abstract and remove historical discussions (#1046)
[whatwg/webidl] Specify that dictionaries can't be the type of attr/constant (#940)
- Anne van Kesteren (Friday, 15 October)
- Darien Maillet Valentine (Friday, 15 October)
- Kagami Sascha Rosylight (Thursday, 14 October)
- Anne van Kesteren (Thursday, 14 October)
- Darien Maillet Valentine (Thursday, 14 October)
- Kagami Sascha Rosylight (Thursday, 14 October)
- Darien Maillet Valentine (Thursday, 14 October)
- Kagami Sascha Rosylight (Wednesday, 13 October)
- Darien Maillet Valentine (Wednesday, 13 October)
- Kagami Sascha Rosylight (Wednesday, 13 October)
- Darien Maillet Valentine (Wednesday, 13 October)
- Kagami Sascha Rosylight (Wednesday, 13 October)
- Kagami Sascha Rosylight (Wednesday, 13 October)
- Anne van Kesteren (Wednesday, 13 October)
- Kagami Sascha Rosylight (Wednesday, 13 October)
- Anne van Kesteren (Friday, 8 October)
[whatwg/webidl] The Jackie - Bas & J. Cole Feat. Lil Tjay (Issue #1048)
[whatwg/webidl] Turn Web IDL into a Living Standard (#1018)
[whatwg/webidl] Update issue templates (#1011)
[whatwg/webidl] you (Issue #1053)
[whatwg/webidl] ❤️ (#1039)
[whatwg/webidl] 啥面板 (Issue #1054)
[whatwg/webidl] 說 (Issue #1055)
[whatwg/xhr] Editorial: align with Fetch's change to tuples (PR #334)
[whatwg/xhr] Editorial: Rename processRequestBody (#333)
[whatwg/xhr] Meta: remove class=no-backref (PR #335)
[whatwg/xhr] Resource Timing integration (#319)
[WICG/webcomponents] "open-stylable" Shadow Roots (#909)
[WICG/webcomponents] Allowing CSS combinators postfixed to the ::slotted() or :host selectors (#889)
[WICG/webcomponents] Cleaning up (undefining) custom elements? (#754)
[WICG/webcomponents] Scoped Custom Element Registries (#716)
[WICG/webcomponents] Scoping CSS custom properties inheritance (#945)
[WICG/webcomponents] Selection APIs for Shadow DOM (#79)
- Mason Freed (Tuesday, 19 October)
- Serhii Kulykov (Tuesday, 19 October)
- Boaz (Tuesday, 19 October)
- Anne van Kesteren (Tuesday, 19 October)
- Ryosuke Niwa (Tuesday, 19 October)
- Mason Freed (Monday, 18 October)
- Mason Freed (Monday, 18 October)
- Ryosuke Niwa (Monday, 18 October)
- Mason Freed (Monday, 18 October)
- sspi (Thursday, 14 October)
- Serhii Kulykov (Thursday, 14 October)
- Ryosuke Niwa (Thursday, 14 October)
- Mason Freed (Tuesday, 12 October)
- Serhii Kulykov (Thursday, 7 October)
- Ryosuke Niwa (Thursday, 7 October)
- Mason Freed (Wednesday, 6 October)
- Ryosuke Niwa (Wednesday, 6 October)
- Mason Freed (Wednesday, 6 October)
[WICG/webcomponents] Template/part proposals - Naming for DOM Parts API (#902)
[WICG/webcomponents] TPAC 2021 Web Components Meeting (#944)
[WICG/webcomponents] Updating Element Registration. (#820)
Last message date: Sunday, 31 October 2021 23:58:12 UTC